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10 Myths About Addiction Treatment Debunked

Addiction David Rofofsky | September 10, 2024

Myths About Addiction Treatment

When starting the process of researching alcohol and drug rehab programs, it’s important to be aware of an unfortunate reality: Myths about addiction treatment are much too common. This kind of misinformation can dissuade someone from getting professional help. The stigma of addiction is already bad enough, which is why it’s worth taking the time to debunk the myths about addiction treatment. Let’s explore the 10 misconceptions and mistruths about this important source of help for people suffering from addiction.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

1. People Taking Drugs Have the Strength to Stop Whenever They Want

People think that after using drugs for the first time, they can stop using them whenever they want. This isn’t necessarily true because if someone already has an addiction to the substance, they will get withdrawal symptoms from not using the drug. 

2. Detoxing Is the Same as Getting Rehab

Medical detox is often a crucial starting point for addiction treatment, but it’s definitely not the only thing that happens during a rehab program. In addition to detox treatment in rehab, patients also go through therapy, comprehensive addiction treatment programs, and medically assisted treatment. Rehab also includes a focus on relapse prevention and aftercare services to offer support and encouragement after treatment is completed.

3. Addiction Treatment at a Rehab Cures Addiction

There’s technically no cure for addiction — and while the disease doesn’t go away, it can be treated and managed to avoid future relapse or dependency on a substance. That’s why people who haven’t had the drug or alcohol in a long time are considered to be in recovery. Therapy appointments, support group meetings, and other forms of aftercare are essential parts of maintaining this recovery after rehab.

4. A Person Should Only Go to Rehab Once

There’s no limit to how many times someone should attend rehab. If they relapse after getting treatment, it’s important to go back again and again until they achieve recovery once again. They don’t need to attend the same rehab or do the same treatment programs — but professional addiction treatment is their best chance of overcoming the renewed problems of their relapse into addiction.

5. Medication for Treatment Is Just Replacing One Addiction With Another

When undergoing drug or alcohol detox, someone might be prescribed medicine for the process. These prescribed medications help with detox symptoms and allow the person to withdraw from substances safely. However, it’s not just replacing one addiction with another. In this case, the medication serves an important purpose for this temporary phase — and medical experts closely monitor patients. It’s not the same thing.

6. Treatment Can Only Start After Hitting Rock Bottom

When suffering from addiction, a person doesn’t need to hit rock bottom before they get help at a treatment center like Resurgence Behavioral Health. It can be very dangerous to wait until this supposed lowest point because each person’s rock bottom can look different — and getting to that point can be hazardous or even life-threatening. When someone is struggling with addiction, they should seek help as soon as they’re able and willing to receive it.

7. Treatment Only Works for People Who Want to Go Through with It

While it does help if a person is motivated to receive addiction treatment, it’s not required to get started. Even if family members and friends had to stage an intervention, patients could get a lot out of professional addiction treatment while learning new coping skills and motivations to maintain their newfound recovery.

8. If You Relapse, It Means You’re a Failure

Unfortunately, relapsing is sometimes part of the journey of recovery. With that being said, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure if you relapsed. Living in recovery can be difficult, especially once you’re out in the real world and not in a sober environment like a rehab center or sober living community. However, relapses don’t have to be permanent; instead, they could represent a chance to learn what didn’t work previously and adjust your strategy to maintain your recovery the next time.

9. Addiction Treatment Is One-Size-Fits-All

Depending on the rehab, addiction treatment is actually made up of many different types of programs and treatment options. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, patients receive a customized and personally tailored addiction treatment plan. If they later relapse and return to Resurgence Behavioral Health, our addiction treatment specialists will help them get the right treatment to achieve lasting recovery.

10. A Person Isn’t Addicted If They Can Hold Down a Job

When looking at the myths about addiction treatment, this one is very common — but that doesn’t make it true. People might want to believe that someone couldn’t possibly have a substance use disorder if they are functioning at work or holding steady employment. What they might not realize is the person who is addicted to alcohol or drugs may seem to function just fine at work, but they might be drinking on the job and disguising it or suffering from the effects of drug use during their free time. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

How to Overcome the Myths About Addiction Treatment

While the myths about addiction treatment float around, whether by word of mouth or online misinformation, it’s possible to figure out the truth of the matter by consulting a professional on the topic. Your best bet is to call or talk to an addiction treatment specialist. You could speak with someone at a rehab, for example, to learn more about your own needs and if addiction treatment makes sense for you or your loved one. Get all your addiction treatment questions answered from a trustworthy rehab like Resurgence Behavioral Health. We can guide you through the whole process from start to finish of what will happen here to help you or someone in your life overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery.

Resurgence Behavioral Health offers many treatment options, including:

  • Detox: The detox process is always supervised by staff at Resurgence Behavioral Health to ensure safety and comfort, and medications are adjusted as needed.
  • Inpatient Rehab: This type of residential addiction treatment happens in the facility 24/7 during the course of treatment, with the patient living in the facility for an extended period of time.
  • Outpatient Rehab: During this kind of treatment, patients come to a facility for regular appointments, but they remain at home and can still go to work and keep up with other daily responsibilities.
  • Sober Living: Part of life after rehab is getting continuous support for relapse prevention, and that might include staying in a sober living community.

Discover Tips From Mayo Clinic On How to Help a Loved One Overcome Addiction

Resurgence Behavioral Health Can Help Debunk the Myths About Addiction Treatment

When someone is looking into getting help, many myths about addiction treatment can surface. To get the most up-to-date and accurate information, it’s important to rely on experts in the field — just like the team at Resurgence Behavioral Health. Our addiction specialists can answer your questions about rehab treatment and how it can help you or a loved one get past the shackles of addiction once and for all. Call us today at 855-458-0050 or contact us online to put the myths about addiction treatment behind you and get to the better, brighter future you deserve.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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