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Side Effects of Shrooms: The Impact Psilocybin

Magic mushrooms, also known as shrooms, contain the chemical psilocybin, the agent responsible for causing the psychedelic or hallucinogenic experiences; but the side effects of shrooms can be dangerous. Especially popular during the 1960s psychedelic era, magic mushrooms continue to be used recreationally. Although mushrooms grow naturally as do other commonly abused drugs like cannabis, they can cause negative effects for users. It’s important to note that the side effects of shrooms can vary significantly among people and that their use can pose legal or long-term risks for individuals.

Resurgence has helped people who have a magic mushroom abuse issue. While psilocybin mushrooms are not believed to be physically addictive, they can cause psychological dependence. Users may also develop a tolerance to the drugs after repeated use. Recreational mushroom use can be problematic for many reasons. If you are struggling to stop using drugs like shrooms, you can rely on Resurgence for help.

The side effects of shrooms can prove dangerous. Abusing any type of drug can result in long-term effects. At our rehab center, clients can expect individualized support. We help clients identify why they feel compelled to abuse drugs and develop strategies to manage those triggers. With high-quality treatment, clients can put their drug use behind them and achieve a healthy lifestyle. The clinicians at Resurgence Behavioral Health are experts in the field of addiction medicine and have experience treating clients who have substance use disorders. We can help you achieve lasting recovery from drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. 

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Introduction to Psilocybin and Magic Mushrooms

Psilocybin is the name of the chemical in magic mushrooms that causes hallucinations. Users may believe they see or hear things that aren’t really there. They may feel as if they’re being touched. The altered reality is part of the psychedelic experience these mushrooms are known for, but not all users can expect a pleasurable experience, and the high that the mushrooms cause can come with negative side effects. 

Magic mushrooms can be found in powder, dried, and fresh forms. Users can eat, snort, or even inject them. In the United States, psychedelic mushrooms are illegal and classified as a Schedule I drug. The potential for abuse is high. The side effects of shrooms can also prove dangerous. The mushrooms are native to subtropical and tropical regions of the U.S., Mexico, and South America. Sold on the street, shrooms can cause psychological and physiological effects that can be detrimental to users’ health and well-being. 

The Immediate Aftermath: Short-Term Effects of Shrooms

shrooms side effects

People who abuse shrooms may experience psilocybin side effects that result in an altered perception of reality, hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, increased sensory perception, anxiety, and paranoia. Because people may struggle to differentiate between reality and their psychedelic experience, shrooms can be dangerous. Some people might experience balance or coordination issues that can increase the risk of a fall or another type of accident. Others might experience elevated heart rate or mental fatigue. 

The short-term effects of shrooms may wear off after a few hours or less, but the effects may prove longer for some. The effects of magic mushrooms often vary from one user to another. Although some people find that shroom abuse is positive, others have a decidedly negative use experience. 

The Lasting Impression: Long-Term Effects of Psilocybin

The long-term effects of psilocybin are still being studied, so there is a limited amount of information about its long-term effects. What is known is that the chemical psilocybin converts to psilocin in the body when metabolized. Some long-term effects of the chemical can result in changes in personality and mood that may prove longer-lasting than is common for the typical mushroom-induced high. 

Regular consumption of magic mushrooms may impact serotonin production and function in the brain. This means that the chemical psilocybin could alter brain chemistry beyond the typical single use. Serotonin affects emotions, mood, and even cognitive functions, so altering these neurotransmitters can have serious consequences for mushroom users. 

Another long-term effect can be the development of a condition known as hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD). This disorder can last for weeks or even months, causing people to see things that aren’t there or to see halos around objects they’re viewing. The disorder can cause flashbacks and paranoia as well as symptoms of anxiety.

Metabolism and Detection: How Long Does Psilocybin Stay in Your System?

Psilocybin from magic mushrooms can be detected in the system for months, but the high it delivers may only last an hour or so. Generally, the high peaks after about two hours and then dissipates. The chemical psilocybin may only be detected in the blood for a few hours after use. However, it may be detected in a person’s hair for several months. Psilocybin may only be detected in urine for a few days after its last use.

Remember, too, that the disorder caused by some hallucinogens like magic mushrooms, though rare, may cause long-term symptoms that last for several months. Typically, people do not experience magic mushroom short-term symptoms beyond a few hours, but with current drug testing, psilocybin is detectable, at least in a user’s hair, for a couple of months. 

Beyond the Experience: Overall Impact of Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms do not have a high risk of addiction, but they can be dangerous. Moreover, a person may develop a psychological dependence on drugs of this nature. Many users also take other drugs. Mixing drugs can lead to serious mental and physical health effects that could require medical attention. The abuse of illicit drugs can result in legal ramifications too. 

In our experience, many people who take magic mushrooms have also used other drugs. A lifestyle that involves drugs can leave a person at increased risk of developing a substance use disorder. At Resurgence, we help clients get to the root of why they abuse drugs so that they can clearly assess how these substances impact and impede their life. In some cases, clients use drugs to cope with stress or even an undiagnosed mental illness like depression or anxiety. Others may take them because of other environmental factors like peer pressure or a partying lifestyle. 

Magic mushroom hallucinations at a concert may seem harmless for some, but a person doesn’t know how their mind and body will react to the substance or the dose. Moreover, users generally don’t know if the substances they’re taking are actually what they think; many drugs sold illicitly are laced with other drugs, which can result in a dangerous–even lethal–drug cocktail. 

Navigating the World of Shrooms with Caution and Respect

Magic mushrooms are illegal, but even legal drugs can pose health risks. Among many people, shrooms are less dangerous than more addictive substances like heroin; however, that’s not always the case for individuals who may have a serious adverse reaction to the drug or suffer an accident or legal consequence related to their magic mushroom use. 

If you are engaged in abusing drugs like shrooms, it’s time to evaluate your use and possible drug problems. Contact Resurgence so we can evaluate your condition. We offer inpatient and outpatient treatment programs that are customized for each client. With treatment, you can live free from the grasp of drugs and alcohol.

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David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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