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Thriving in Recovery: Best Hiking Trails Around Nashville

Thriving in Recovery Best HikingTrails Around Nashville Resurgence Behavioral Health

Why Hiking is Great for People in Addiction Recovery 

Hiking can provide any person with a great way to explore the different sites and sounds of nature that are located in and around the Nashville area. Not only can go on a hike provide you with a unique way to experience the beauty that is around the area but it also gives you the chance to participate in an outdoor activity that you may have not thought you liked before. As you are beginning to transition back into a “normal” life that revolves around remaining focused on your recovery, you may want to consider spending more time outdoors and navigating through one of the numerous hiking trails that are in and around the Nashville area. If you decide to partner with the Resurgence Behavioral Health team, we will encourage you to take advantage of these new experiences so that you can continue to heal and grow in a holistic manner. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors 

During the course of your recovery, you will come to learn more about yourself. Things that you may have forgotten about during the time that you were in active addiction will come to light and you may come to find a new side of yourself that you didn’t think existed. Spending time outdoors may be something that you hadn’t thought of doing as you were consumed with drugs or alcohol. However, being outside can bring with it the following benefits: 

Improved happiness 

Did you know that it’s been scientifically proven that being outside can make you happier? Although the exact reasons why being outside can make you happier, you will undoubtedly notice a shift in your behavior when you begin to spend more time outside. It may be the fresh air, it may be that you have made a conscious effort to change the environment around you, it may be as simple as feeling the air on your skin. Regardless of the reason behind it, when you go outside you will likely feel a decrease in depression and an increase in the positive emotions that you need to maintain your sobriety. 

Boost of energy 

There are some people that mistakenly believe that by being outside or even working out in the outdoors you will expend so much energy and be tired for the rest of your day. The reality is that when you’re outdoors, you will likely feel a sense of renewed energy which can keep you motivated to continue to enjoy whatever you decide to do outside. 

Better night sleep 

While you may enjoy a boost of energy during the time that you’re outside, once the day is over and you settle into bed, you will undoubtedly experience a more restful night of sleep. This is something that many people struggle with, even if they have never struggled with addiction in the past. However, once you enjoy that more restful night of sleep, you will wake up and feel more renewed and energized the following morning. 

Different sites and sounds 

One of the best things about being outdoors is that even if you decide to go to the same location, you will likely see something different about that area every time that you go. Many people that spend time outside bring their cameras with them so that they can capture this beauty and enjoy the memories that they are making.  

Personal time or a family event 

If you decide to plan an outdoor event such as a hike, you can opt to take time to go out exploring on your own or you can turn it into a family event. Hiking is a great way not only to connect with nature but also to redevelop relationships with friends and family members. Unfortunately, addiction tends to have an adverse reaction on these important relationships in your life. However, once you are done with your initial treatment plan and you are ready to work on these relationships, going on different outdoor adventures can help to ease the tension and rekindle these relationships. 

Benefits of Exercise in Recovery 

While exercise can be beneficial for your health in general, it can be particularly advantageous for a person to take the time to work out while they are working their way through recovery. Here are some of the reasons why we strongly recommend that you exercise during your recovery: 

Stress release 

Exercise forces you to get physical and exert a certain amount of energy. Sometimes, when you are stressed, that is exactly what you need to do just to get all of that pent-up anxiety and additional emotion out. By the end of your workout, you may come to find that the situation that you were stressed about isn’t really as bad as you thought that it once was. As a result, you had a better opportunity to handle it with a clear mind. 

Healthy weight maintenance 

It should come as no surprise that drug or alcohol addiction can come with weight fluctuations. There are some drugs that will suppress your appetite which can lead to serious weight loss. Alcohol, on the other hand, can lead to weight gain for some people because of the added calories that are in the substance. When you’re in recovery, it’s important that you keep a healthy balance between your diet and your physical activity so that you can maintain a healthy weight. 

Improvement in physical fitness 

Regular exercise comes with the benefit of not only healthy weight maintenance but also improved physical strength and fitness. As long as you are consistent in your workouts, you will begin to notice an increase in muscle tone which is something to be proud of. 


As you begin to look better, you will start to feel better about yourself. Self-esteem is something that you will work on during the time that you are in treatment. However, seeing the positive changes in your overall appearance can help to boost your self-esteem as well. 

Best Hikes Around Nashville 

Nashville is within close proximity to an abundance of fantastic hiking trails. You will want to be sure to bring your camera with you as you begin to explore some of these incredible locations. If you need recommendations on places that you should visit, why not try one of these options: 

Cummins Falls State Park

Cummins Falls State Park is a popular hiking attraction near Nashville. The central focus of this location, of course, is the Cummin Falls. You can opt to venture into the water and cool off on a hot day or simply sit near the rocks and reflect on your journey. From the parking area to the falls is roughly a three-mile journey so this is something that you will want to keep in mind if you are a novice hiker. Be sure to bring a bottle or two of water as this trail can prove to be challenging at times.

390 Cummins Falls Ln, Cookeville, TN 38501

Welch’s Point

The hike toward Welch’s Point is an excellent option if you are new to the world of hiking. However, the payoff, once you reach the top of the summit, is undeniable. You can sit on the rocks and take in the beauty of the landscape and the trees. Be sure to go on a clear day so that you can truly see as far as the eye can see. It’s important to remember that this location is only open from sun up to sun down so you want to make sure that you plan your excursion appropriately.

Welch’s Point Rd, Sparta, TN 38583

Mossy Ridge Trail

Mossy Ridge Trail is part of the Warner Park Trails. The Mossy Ridge Trail is an example of a hiking trail that is designed for moderate hikers. The entire trail spans almost five miles so you will definitely have the opportunity to enjoy a few hours on this trail. Along the way, you will pass next to a river and have the opportunity to see a lot of wildlife. This trail is accessible regardless of what time of year it is, which is part of what makes it so popular. 

 7311 Highway 100, Nashville, TN 37221

When you make the decision to come to Resurgence Behavioral Health, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be well taken care of during the time that you are with us. Regardless of whether you decide to work through an inpatient program or you feel more comfortable in an outpatient program, you can take comfort in the fact that you will be surrounded by a team of addiction experts who will be able to guide you through the addiction treatment process. If you would like to learn more about our drug rehab or alcohol rehab programs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at (855) 458-0050

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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