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What Happens After Your Medical Detox?


Now What?

Many people ask themselves what happens after medical detox? Medical detox is only a small step in addiction care.

Addiction is a progressive disease.

Ongoing professional treatment is necessary or addiction will always get worse.

There is no cure, your addiction will never magically resolve itself.

Resurgence Behavioral Health highly recommends that clients extend their treatment after medical detox.

What happens after medical assisted treatment in California includes meetings, outpatient care, counseling, and sober living.

These programs are the backbone of recovery.

When treatment gets closer to the end, you will need to plan what happens after medical detox.

These plans should reflect your unique needs.

Choosing continued treatment requires you to identify your weaknesses.

Being aware of your limitations can help you face your problems to prevent relapses.

Immediate Placement in Rehab

Understanding Addiction

Despite the abundance of research, few people genuinely understand what addiction is.

Many falsely believe someone can just stop using.

While at some point it is a choice to use, recovery is not that easy.

If it were there would be no need for rehabilitation services.

Addiction is a progressive and chronic brain disease.

Even after treatment is finished, ongoing care is necessary for life.

You must stay on top of your mental and physical health to prevent relapses.

Like any chronic disease of the body preventative care is vital to remaining in recovery.

Many can assume they can return to their substance here or there.

But soon discover that to truly be free, they must never use it again.

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Medical Detox

Medical detox allows you to heal your body from the consequences of substance misuse. What happens after medical detox is the time to begin healing. Your mind, body, and soul are learning to live without drugs and alcohol. For many people, this is a hard adjustment. Even when stop taking drugs their lasting effects take months to overcome.

This is why continued care is vital to maintaining a sober life. Learning to deal with the lemons that life throws at you take practice. It is not something that will come naturally to you in the beginning. The more effort you put into your care the better equipped you will be to achieve lasting recovery.

Many people find themselves in and out of treatment before they achieve sobriety. Resurgence aims to change these outcomes. We truly can make a difference in addiction care after medical detox. Its starts with your commitment to living a sober life. We provide the caring support and resources to help you reach your goals.

Ongoing Treatment

Now that you have completely detoxed your body the next step you take is the most important part of your recovery. Ongoing care is essential in maintaining sobriety. What happens after alcohol detox is the education you will need to overcome the triggers, stress, and cravings.

There are different levels of care after medical detox. Depending on your needs like the type of substances abused, severity of the addiction, and stage of recovery will determine what happens after medical detox. Resurgence Behavioral Health recommends that the people transfer into a residential treatment center after medical detox.

Options After Medical Detox

Once you finish with detox you will have to choose the next step in your treatment. Starting with medical detox, then to inpatient rehab, concluding with sober living and outpatient treatment. Successful rehabilitation encourages people to remain involved in aftercare for at least 1 year. Ongoing therapeutic intervention is extremely beneficial for everyone. Resurgence Behavioral Health recognizes the importance of a multi-phased curriculum of care as the only way to ensure long-term sobriety.

The Next Step in Addiction Treatment

There are many steps in addiction treatment. Each step allows you to grow and become more comfortable in your new sober life. Sometimes people stay at one stage longer than others. Some can quickly move through the stages. Addiction treatment isn’t one fits all. The best approach allows for adaptations that adjust to one’s particular lifestyle.

If your spiritual, then you would want your recovery to reflect your faith. If you are modern, then holistic care would be a better fit. No matter what, what happens after medical detox should support your recovery. Your voice matters, this is why Resurgence Behavioral Health manages your care after medical detox. We will help you decide the next step on your journey to a sober life.

Immediate Placement in Rehab


Many people opt out to go home immediately after detox. There are many different reasons why people choose to go home after medical detox. However, going home immediately after medical detox is NEVER recommended. Cravings and urges to use are hard enough to control. Living alongside drug and alcohol use can make recovery impossible.

Those that return home without follow-up treatment are at the highest risk for relapse. Often, they go through many different detox programs without much success. For detox to be worth your while, you must follow it up with long-term clinical care.

Inpatient Treatment

Entering into an inpatient treatment program is the best step after medical detox. Regardless of the severity of the substance abuse disorder, inpatient treatment provides individuals with continued ongoing medical care. Day to day life is highly structured. Clients can develop healthy coping and relapse prevention skills. These are the necessary foundations for maintaining long-term recovery. Inpatient treatment can last for anywhere from one to six months.

Outpatient Treatment

What happens after medical detox could include outpatient treatment. Outpatient programs establish a treatment plan with defined, measurable milestones in place to indicate progress. This is also the next logical step after an inpatient program.

Outpatient provides many of the same benefits that inpatient care supported, but allows more freedom to make personal choices. Outpatient care allows you to attend therapies and then return home or to a sober living arrangement. Different programs are helpful after completing a medical detox.

  • Intensive outpatient program
  • Outpatient Partial hospitalization program
  • Day programs

Outpatient care may last for several months. Plans include individual and group therapies and continued medical care. Outpatient day programs have the highest level of care and structure provided. The major difference between these programs is the amount of time a person spends in the program. Most outpatient care consists of meeting 5-7 days per week for multiple hours each day. Partial hospitalizations are necessary after relapses. Clients participate in ongoing therapy, group counseling, and art or music therapy.

Sober Living

Where you live after medical detox is an important part of ongoing care. Many are unable to secure a safe and supportive environment after treatment. Having access to a supportive environment is essential for sobriety. Sober living gives you time to find the resources you need to become independent. As you progress further in your treatment, sober living is the lowest level of clinical care. Sober living is an option for mild substance abuse disorder immediately following detox.

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The Road to Recovery

Resurgence Behavioral Health’s goal is to set you up with the long-term recovery.

Every choice made is about what is best for you.

What happens after medical detox is important, especially if you had a difficult time.

Making the right decisions starts with choosing the right rehabilitation services for your addiction needs.

The best care involves integrated services.

Resurgence Behavioral Health provides all your medical, psychological, and physical needs.

Every treatment plan is carefully tailored around what works for you.

Everyone is different and responds to treatment accordingly.

Make the call today and discover how you can live a sober life.

We accept major insurance carriers and provide an online insurance verification tool to get the process started.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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