Chip Brain Opioid Addiction

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When examining the epigenetic mechanisms of opioid addiction, scientists have learned about the possibility of using a chip implant for opiate addiction.

The brain is complex, making it difficult to understand how this technology works.

Despite this, there are many reasons why an individual who is addicted to drugs may want to use this technology.

What is a Chip Implant for Opiate Addiction?

Recent studies have examined the value of including deep brain stimulation or chip implant for opiate addiction.

The results of these studies have been incredibly positive.

The chip implants electrodes on specific brain segments.

Essentially, this regulates impulses that are otherwise problematic.

Individuals undergoing chip implant for opiate addiction treatment have a device that resembles a pacemaker implanted in the skin.

Instead of a wire going to the heart, it goes to the brain.

Sometimes a chip implant for opiate addiction is an actual chip implanted into the brain, rather than a wire coming from a device.

This chip implant for opiate addiction eventually changes the chemicals in the brain, reducing the impact of substances.

Specifically, the nucleus accumbens in the mesolimbic pathway.

The Opioid Epidemic

America’s opioid crisis has had a significant effect on the country, but especially on the families of those affected by opioids. In 2019, there were 130 opioid-related deaths each day. Americans who overdosed from prescription opioids and synthetic opioids often stem from opioids originally being prescribed.
For many years, especially in the 1990s, prescription opioids were heavily prescribed. Although they continue to be prescribed at an alarming level, opioids are incredibly addictive.
When you no longer need your opioid prescription, you may still be addicted to them. Due to prescription opioids being expensive or difficult to obtain on the street, many Americans eventually follow this addiction with an addiction to heroin or fentanyl.

Effects of Opioids

There are many side-effects of opioid use. Some of these are painful, while some are euphoric, which is why opioids are addictive.
The long-term effects of opiate abuse vary tremendously based upon the length of time you use opiates, which opiates are used, and how often you use them. Common effects of opiate abuse include:

  • liver disease
  • abscesses of the skin
  • infection of cardiac valves
  • cardiac dysrhythmias
  • increased respiratory infections
  • anxiety
  • irritability
  • suicidal thoughts and behaviors
  • seizures
  • stroke/heart attack

Opioid Withdrawal

Withdrawal occurs when you are physically dependent on opioids, and you stop using them, whether reduced use or discontinued. Withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and unpleasant. If you are addicted to opiates, then a medically assisted detox is highly recommended. Medical detox often occurs at a rehab facility for five to seven days before you begin treatment. Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • anxiety
  • irritability
  • chills
  • lack of appetite
  • body aches
  • nausea/vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal cramping
  • confusion
  • tremors
  • seizures

Mental Illness and Chip Implants

Many individuals who struggle with addiction to opiate narcotics are also coping with an undertreated or unmanaged mental illness, referred to as a dual diagnosis or co-occurring mental disorder. The most common co-occurring mental illnesses include:

  • depressive disorders
  • anxiety disorders
  • stimulant abuse
  • alcoholism
  • benzodiazepine addiction
  • bipolar disorder
  • schizophrenia

If you have a dual diagnosis, it is crucial to go to an opiate rehab that can tend to both your mental disorder and your opiate use disorder.

Which Disorders Does Chip Implant for Opiate Addiction Also Effect?

The chip implant method for opiate addiction uses technology that helps with symptoms of many other disorders, including Parkinson’s Disease, major depressive disorder, chronic pain, stroke recovery, traumatic brain injuries, dementia, addiction, and multiple sclerosis. The tremors associated with this condition have decreased with the chip implant for opiate addiction.


Chip implant for opiate addiction, known as DBS treatment, is a new treatment method for opiate addiction. It is known as the mesolimbic pathway in the brain, which affects experiencing neuroplastic changes. The interaction of this technology in the brain creates electronic stimulation.

Inpatient Rehab

Also known as residential treatment, inpatient rehab is for people who need to get help immediately from an intense addiction. Inpatient rehab requires you to live at the treatment center and provides you the highest level of care. With individual and group therapy sessions, 12-step meetings, social activities, exercise, healthy meals, and time for rest, inpatient rehab teaches you the skills you need to get healthy.

Outpatient Rehab

An outpatient rehab program offers treatment for opioids, but in a less intense setting than inpatient services. The outpatient rehab schedule is typically three to four days per week, with two to four hours of scheduled sessions.
This form of rehab allows you to continue living at home, but with the requirement to check into treatment at allotted times for counseling and, sometimes, medication. If you have a strong personal will to succeed in recovery, you may benefit from an outpatient treatment program.


Although a treatment program is the first step to complete on your road to recovery, aftercare is essential to maintain sobriety. The 30 to 90 days you will spend in rehab are nothing compared to the rest of your life. Life after rehab is incredibly challenging, which means you will need support. There are many aftercare programs available, the most well-known being the 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

Opioids and Cocaine

Opioids and cocaine have opposing effects. The central nervous system is depressed by opioids but stimulated by cocaine, which is similar to cocaine and alcohol but is incredibly dangerous. You may attempt to counteract negative feelings about the drug with this combination. For example, you might be high and stimulated on cocaine but take opioids to calm yourself down to sleep. Overdose is common because these two substances counteract one another.

Payment Information

Do you want treatment but are worried about how you can pay for it? We have a team of financial professionals who provide free insurance verification. We will work with you to determine how to move forward with the treatment in a way that works for you and your financial situation.

How to Get Help

Are you or someone you love suffering from addiction?

At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we understand how difficult it can be to give up an addiction.

Our dedicated team will help you customize a treatment plan to help you heal from your addiction.

Our goal is for you to leave Resurgence Behavioral Health with mental fortitude and coping skills to maintain lifelong sobriety.

Call Resurgence Behavioral Health at 855-458-0050 to schedule an appointment.

We challenge you to make a fresh start with us today.