Valium Withdrawal and Detox

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What is Diazepam Withdrawal and Detox?

Valium, also known as Diazepam, is a drug that treats anxiety disorders, seizures, muscle spasms, insomnia, and alcohol withdrawal. Valium also provides sedation in clinical settings.

A tranquilizing drug, Valium works by suppressing the neural activity of the brain. Suppression effectively slows the central nervous system, reducing signs of agitation, slowing respiration, and creating a sense of physical and psychological calm.

This powerful effect on the brain makes Valium addictive, as well as what produces its powerful Diazepam withdrawal effects. Valium belongs to the class of drugs called Benzodiazepines, also referred to as the street name “Benzos.”

Benzodiazepines, such as Valium, are among the most commonly prescribed medications. Unfortunately, however, they are also highly addictive. Addiction to Valium can begin in just a couple of weeks. Even when taken as prescribed, some people will still develop an addiction to Valium.

Most individuals will develop a tolerance to Valium quickly. Tolerance increases the temptation to take the medication more frequently to control anxiety or muscle pain. And the problem with Valium addiction and misuse impacts a large population. According to substance abuse data, roughly 5.4 million people aged 12 or older were misusers of benzodiazepines, like Valium, in 2017.

With dependency beginning quickly, and painful Diazepam withdrawal beginning 24 hours after the last dose, it can be difficult to stop without assistance.

Effects of Diazepam Withdrawal and Detox

It is extremely difficult to stop taking Valium, and Diazepam withdrawal effects can be severe. Two stages or phases often characterize Diazepam withdrawal. The first phase of withdrawal often starts within a day of the last dose of the drug. Individuals may experience withdrawal sooner or later, depending on their biology, length of time taking the drug, typical size of their dosage, etc.

These initial withdrawal symptoms can include vomiting, hallucinations, headache, tremors, increased heart rate, anxiety, body pain, confusion, mood swings, and anxiety. Severe symptoms may also be present, such as seizures and severe depression. For this reason, individuals should not attempt Valium detox without medical supervision.

These symptoms, and their risks, may persist for several days, followed by the second stage of Diazepam withdrawal. In the second stage of Diazepam withdrawal, which can last up to two weeks, individuals can experience continued depression and anxiety, headache, and fever. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, chills, flu-like symptoms, and dizziness.

Some individuals report that depression and anxiety can last even longer, however. Any effort to stop taking the drug “cold turkey “ without supervised clinical assistance may result in relapse and fatal overdose. A medical professional will gradually lower the dosage of Valium and eventually switch the individual to another drug to help reduce dependence.

Another reason that medical assistance is required is the potential for self-harm while experiencing the Diazepam withdrawal symptom of depression. This experience can be especially difficult for those who were taking Valium for a mental health need, such as insomnia or anxiety. For these individuals, the depression resulting from withdrawal will overlap with the emergence of their underlying mental health needs.

This combination of anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and potential isolation can lead to suicide attempts or relapse/overdose.

Mental illness and Valium Withdrawal and Detox

Use of Valium is frequently associated with relaxation, drowsiness, and a feeling of wellness, as well as freedom from physical pain. Valium used to treat anxiety, PTSD, or insomnia gives a calming effect that provides the relief needed to cope with a stressor. These stressors can be fear of flying or the traumatic effect of fireworks on a veteran.

But like many drugs that alter the functioning of the brain, Valium can both relieve and create mental health issues. While this is most common for those who misuse the drug, these negative mental health consequences can affect any Valium user. Research indicates that those with chronic mental health conditions may already be predisposed to prescription addiction. They are also one of the target demographics for anti-anxiety drugs.

Exposure to stress, childhood trauma, and mental health issues influences the likelihood that individuals will self-medicate with alcohol or drugs. Since the body develops a tolerance to Valium, over time, it may not provide the relief needed by someone with severe anxiety. Quick tolerance increases the temptation to use more of the substance.

These variables, combined with the fact that Valium can cause mental health issues, it is easy for addiction to begin.  These mental health issues can be depression, suicidal thoughts, fatigue, memory loss, restlessness and lack of libido,

Users take Valium to assist with mental health issues, only to find the issues begin to worsen, or new issues emerge. When attempting to quit the drug results in depression and illness, the user takes more Valium to manage the negative effects. Without help and medically supervised detox, it can be impossible for the Valium user to break this cycle and restore their peace.

Treatment and Valium Withdrawal and Detox

Ideally, Valium prescriptions are not long-term solutions for anxiety, insomnia, and other mental health issues. Prescriptions for these types of drugs that last for several weeks increase the likelihood of addiction. And once addiction has begun, withdrawal can become a source of pain and fear that motivates continued use.

With this in mind, Valium withdrawal and recovery must be faced with supportive help through a professional treatment center.  The first step in this recovery program will be full medical detoxification under the supervision of healthcare professionals. Supervised medical detoxification allows the user to become accustomed to the lack of Valium.

Detox allows medical providers to help decrease the pain and anxiety that come with withdrawal. Since the effects of withdrawal can be traumatic, this clinical assistance reduces the likelihood of a serious complication or self-harm incident. Once the body is free of Valium, the therapist or treatment team will work to resolve underlying issues that caused the addiction.

Immediate Placement in Rehab

For some users, this may involve finding other medications and wellness strategies to manage physical pain. For others in recovery, this may involve facing issues of trauma and developing coping mechanisms to assist with triggers. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is effective in helping with freedom from Valium addiction by revealing how behaviors and environmental factors contribute to addiction.

This therapy shapes a plan for managing those situations in the future. Furthermore, professional drug treatment centers can help offer flexible inpatient and outpatient programs, support groups, mediation, nutrition counseling, and fitness programming. These experiences help those in recovery begin a new life.

Payment Information

Worried about how your insurance will cover your treatment? Do not be. The Resurgence Behavioral Health team will communicate with your insurance provider on your behalf, helping to reduce barriers to your recovery.

Resurgence also offers payment plans that can work within almost any financial situation. We accept most PPO insurance and private forms of payment. Let Resurgence Behavior Health take the stress out of your recovery journey. Call us at 855-458-0050 and experience the Resurgence difference.

How to Get Help

Overcoming Valium addiction is difficult, and we know you are in pain. But Resurgence Behavioral Health is here to help you through. Our locations in Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, and Fullerton Hills have everything needed to minimize distractions and focus on wellness.

And our experienced team and flexible programs will help you find the relief and recovery you deserve. We know that no two addiction experiences are the same. Resurgence offers medical drug detoxification, residential, outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs, counseling, and other customized resources to help make a lasting change.