Success Toward Lasting Sobriety

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Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

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Why Inpatient Rehab is the Most Effective Treatment

According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug addiction is a chronic illness.

You can’t just stop without proper medical intervention.

Scientific research shows that inpatient rehabs make a huge difference in helping people stop abusing drugs.

Inpatient rehabs are effective to help addicts regain control over their life.

When you are admitted to an inpatient rehab there is no other choice but to come clean.

The hardest part of rehab is going through withdrawal.

The good news is that inpatient rehab will monitor and help you through it all.

When withdrawal is managed it leads to successful and lasting recovery.

Inpatient rehab provides a plethora of support 24/7.

Support is a key to success. Getting support from doctors, nurses, staff, and others who are facing similar problems help make inpatient rehabs the best choice for lasting sobriety.

What Is Inpatient Rehab?

If you’re dealing with addiction, inpatient rehab is one of the most effective treatment services available.

The primary goal of inpatient rehab is to change your relationship with addictive substances such as alcohol, heroin, and prescription drugs.

Detox in inpatient rehabilitation is a wonderful beginning for people recovering from addiction and starts on the road to permanent recovery.

Inpatient rehab is a very important step in treatment.

It provides complete focus in a comfortable and supportive environment as they withdrawal from drugs and alcohol.

Education about addiction and the development of strategies to continue in ongoing recovery.

If you feel that you have a problem and have tried several times to get clean and sober without success, you could benefit from inpatient rehab.

Is inpatient Rehab the Right Choice?

Inpatient rehab is probably best for you if you need care for mild to serious addiction.

Inpatient rehab offers an immersive experience with a stay of approximately 30 days.

Some rehabs offer 60- and 90-day programs. Many people are resistant to the idea of inpatient rehab, even though their current relationship with drugs is hurting them. Opposition to inpatient rehab is the most common issue people face. The idea of entering a medical facility that watches your every move can be threatening. Many addicts refuse to commit to rehab.

Drug and alcohol addiction is a chronic disease. It is not something that one can give up for a few days can call themselves cured. Addicts require long-term therapy and rehab to stop using completely and reclaim their lives. For many users, drug addiction no longer a choice when brain chemistry is altered.

Underlying conditions of mental and physical amplify the effects of substances. This creates a cycle of abuse that one cannot simply escape or choose not to use. Once the cycle is established breaking free is often impossible without professional support.

Rise Above the Influence

Inpatient rehab is a smart move if the people in your life contribute to your addiction. When you are surrounded by people who abuse drugs and alcohol getting your life back on track is impossible. The only way to get clean is to enter into an environment that is filled with people who want to stay sober.

Choosing to remove yourself from outside influences ensures that rehab is successful. If want to get sober and don’t know where to go for help, inpatient rehab is the right choice for you. If you are struggling with a substance use disorder inpatient rehab is the answer. Breaking the cycle is the first step towards living a better, fuller life.

What to Expect from Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehabilitation provides a controlled atmosphere that focuses on healing and rehabilitation. Many that are addicted to drugs or alcohol typically begin a detoxification program during a stay in Resurgence Mental Health. This method helps to quickly detoxify the body with 24/7 assistance from drugs and alcohol.

Your treatment team may recommend a medically assisted therapy depending on what drugs you are detoxifying from. Medications make it easier for you to focus on recovery. For many people that dread withdrawal, inpatient rehabs make sure that you detox safely and humanely.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab Centers

There are many differences between inpatient and outpatient rehab centers. Inpatient rehab requires that you live at the rehab center until you complete the program or voluntarily leave. Outpatient rehabs allow you to live outside the treatment center while seeking recovery services.

Inpatient rehab increase levels of success toward lasting sobriety because you are separated from the people, places, and things that contribute to your addiction. Inpatient rehab is the best level of care especially when you suffer from withdrawals or are surrounded by enablers. Inpatient rehab allows you to see what life can be like free from addiction.

Inpatient Rehab vs. Outpatient Rehab
Appropriate for all clients with moderate to severe addiction Appropriate for clients with mild to moderate addictions
Provides clients with comprehensive medical treatment in a secure, safe and exclusive environment Outpatient rehab is long-term, structured support while clients remains at home
Frequent, intense individual and group therapies Less frequent group and personal therapies
Client is separated from regular day-to-day life activities to safeguard sobriety Clients maintain personal responsible for sobriety
24-hour medical supervision and community support Accessible to a recovery support network
30-60- or 90-day programs Lasts longer than inpatient, up to 1 year as needed
24/7 monitoring 3 to 30 hours a week

Choosing Inpatient Rehab Centers

Inpatient care for drug and alcohol addiction is an ideal setting for long term addicts. Here the aim is to reduce your triggers and stress. When choosing an inpatient rehab, it is important to look at how they will work for your situation.

Resurgence Behavioral Health offers many different approaches to your care that increase levels of success toward lasting sobriety. When you have access to multiple levels of care and support you can find lasting peace and recovery. Here is a brief list of the programs we offer to make recovery not only possible but enjoyable!

  • 24/7 medical support
  • Medication management
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Trauma-Informed Care
  • Nutrition
  • Holistic Treatment
  • Life skill Training
  • Aftercare

Make Your Recovery Last with Resurgence

Inpatient rehabs provide the ideal structured environment designed to keep you focused on recovery. Resurgence Behavioral Health will help you get to the root of your addiction and help you heal both mentally and emotionally. When you choose inpatient rehab centers at Resurgence Behavioral Health you will learn everything about addiction through our educational programs.

We will help heal your mind body and soul with innovative holistic therapies that include art and music, exercise, and yoga. We treat many different psychiatric disorders that often accompany or are caused by addiction.

Every aspect of your health including your nutritional needs. Our comprehensive inpatient rehab centers promise to deliver highly multi-leveled care delivered by qualified therapists, case managers, and medical professionals. Each treatment plan is tailored to meet your needs.

Covering Inpatient Rehab

Insurance providers today cover inpatient rehab treatment.

Resurgence Behavioral Health accepts major insurances carriers.

We will help you navigate your policy to ensure that you receive the highest level of care allowed.

To get started use our online insurance verification tool.