Klonopin Addiction Treatment
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Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
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When Would I Need to Go to Klonopin Treatment Centers
Klonopin treatment centers become necessary when you start to have withdrawal symptoms. Typically these occur anywhere from 24-48 hours after your last dose. During this withdrawal, you might go through anxiety, mood swings, depression, and restlessness, but these symptoms can also be dangerous and fatal.
Medically supervised detox is essential for heavy Klonopin users in Klonopin treatment centers. During this detox, your medical provider will help you reduce your doses slowly. This can help to reduce complications caused by withdrawal.
Symptoms of Panic Disorder
Panic disorders are dangerous and can make it so that you do not have the ability to leave your home. You might be scared that your panic is around the next corner, or that you will have a panic attack.
Panic attacks are the main symptom of panic disorder. When a panic attack occurs, you feel these symptoms because there are electrical impulses in the brain moving at high speed. This is why Klonopin is prescribed because it can slow down those electrical impulses.
Klonopin also impacts the brain chemical called GABA. This chemical is important because it causes a reaction that causes the sensation of bliss or euphoria. This causes so much joy that it can become addicting. Hence the need for Klonopin treatment centers.
Effects of Klonopin
Klonopin is a Benzodiazepine medication, and these medications work by changing the electrical activity between the cells in your brain. If you have an anxiety disorder, using Klonopin might help you to stop feeling scared throughout the day, and may promote a feeling of calm. Despite this, side effects might include:
- Birth defects
- Seizures
- Weakened breathing
- Accidental injury
- Confusion
- Hallucinations
- Unusual heartbeat
- Painful or difficult urination
- Bruising easily
- Insomnia
- Drowsiness
- Blurred vision
- Headache
- Slurred speech
- Memory loss
- Lack of feelings
Behavior Changes
Abusing Klonopin to the point that you end up in Klonopin treatment centers can be because of visual hallucinations, paranoia, vivid nightmares, or the inability to control your behavior. It can also be because you are having serious mood swings, feeling nervous, or having unexplained rage and anger.
Because many individuals who originally used Klonopin also have an anxiety disorder, it may feel as though your symptoms are coming back after you stop the use of Klonopin. Klonopin treatment centers can help you to understand those behaviors, and avoid suicidal thoughts, as well as extreme anxiousness, or depression.
Treating Co-Occurring Disorders at Klonopin Treatment Centers
Because Klonopin has been approved for use in treating panic disorders, this has been helpful for many individuals in the United States, with half of all panic disorder cases being severe.
When you suffer from both panic disorder, or another mental health condition, along with a substance use disorder, this is called a dual diagnosis of co-occurring disorders. Although the panic disorder is hard to deal with, coupled along with a substance use disorder can make matters much harder.
Typically when you have panic disorder, it is most often accompanied by feelings of extreme fear, and overwhelming sensations. This is essentially a sense of terror, which can also be accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeat.
Although your doctor may choose to medicate you with a drug such as Klonopin, doing this on your own is very dangerous. Any time that you use a drug, whether it is an illegal substance or without a prescription, this is considered abuse.
Types of Treatment at Klonopin Treatment Centers
Thousands of people check into Klonopin treatment centers each year. Despite this, you need to find a treatment program that fits your personal needs. The best Klonopin treatment centers have physicians and certified mental health counselors available for you whenever you need them.
Before choosing a program at Klonopin treatment centers, you should meet with a trained Addiction Professional. Go through an evaluation and decide which level of care you need, whether that is inpatient, outpatient, medical detox, or merely an aftercare program.
Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehab at Klonopin treatment centers provides a 24/7 environment where you will be surrounded by medical professionals. Inpatient rehab is often referred to as residential treatment because you will live in the treatment facility for the duration of your program. Included in many inpatient rehab programs is also a medical detox. This will ensure that you reduce your dose slowly, and safely.
The length of time that you will spend in Klonopin treatment centers for inpatient rehab programs will depend on how severe your addiction is. You should expect a rehab program to last anywhere from 28, to 60, or 90 days. If you have been using Klonopin for a longer period of time, then you might need to stay longer in treatment to recover. Inpatient rehab can go as long as 6 months when necessary.
Common treatments used in inpatient rehabs include:
- Individual and group therapy
- 12-step programs
- Family therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy, known as CBT
- Experiential therapy
- Dialectical behavioral therapy, known as DPT.
- Art and music therapy
- Yoga
Outpatient Rehab
Outpatient rehab is a different option for addicts who do not suffer from a severe addiction to Klonopin. Outpatient rehab can still offer the option of medical detox, as well as therapy, but you will be able to continue working your day job, and living at home.
In outpatient rehab, you will find that most people have already completed an inpatient program, especially for someone who is addicted to Klonopin. Outpatient rehab also typically lasts for longer than inpatient rehab, starting at around three months.
Relapse Prevention
In order to prevent relapse, it is important to take a few steps. These might include:
Setting Goals
When you set goals, you will be able to have a map of things to accomplish. This might include financial, spiritual, and professional goals. This can also help to distract from temptations to use Klonopin.
Attend Therapy and Group Meetings
Once you have gone to recovery, it is important to continue to attend some form of support group. This might include a 12-step meeting, or somewhere that you can speak with others who have been in your shoes.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to staying sober in recovery. This might include eating healthy, exercising, and getting good sleep each night. These will not only help to reduce stress, but also natural anxiety.
Know Your Triggers
When you are in recovery, you need to be aware of your triggers. This might be a place you used to go and use, or simply a feeling. It is important to know how to handle triggers that come your way.
Finding Your Treatment Program
Admitting that you have a problem with Klonopin is the first step in sobriety. The next step is finding one of the Klonopin treatment centers to help you. At Resurgence Behavioral Health we have your health in mind as number one. We also offer free insurance verification for treatment, so you can focus on your health instead of payment.
Contact us today to learn more about what we can offer you, and how we can help you get started on the road to recovery, and get free from your Klonopin addiction.
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.