Opiate Treatment Center

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Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

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What is an opiate treatment center?

Without a doubt, addiction is a disease and opiate treatment centers are medical establishments or rehab centers for the treatment of people undergoing opiate addiction.

These regulated opiate recovery centers exist to offer a comprehensive and well-informed approach of treatment to alleviate symptoms of opiate addiction and withdrawal as well as promote recovery.

What is the Difference between Opioids and Opiates?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) classifies all drugs that act on opiate receptors as Opioids.

Opiates on the other hand are drugs naturally derived from opium alkaloid compounds found in the poppy plant.

This shows that all opiates are opioids but not all opioids are opiates.

Examples of opiates include codeine, morphine and opium while other synthetic opioids include Hydrocodone (Vicodin), Oxycodone (Percocet), and Methadone.

What is the process of rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation or substance abuse treatment is the process of facilitating healing from addiction through active participation in an abstinence-based substance abuse treatment program that is provided in a healthcare in-house residential setting or on an outpatient basis. Rehabilitation programs can be customized to meet an individual’s specific needs based on their substance of abuse and the level of their addiction. This treatment is often administered through health programs that include mostly medical care, therapy, supervision, group support, and education.

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

  • Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
    Inpatient substance abuse treatment requires the individual in question to fully reside at the treatment facility under specialized care for the entire duration of the treatment program. Although more expensive than the outpatient program, it helps to put distance between the patient and potential stressors or environments.
  • Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
    Outpatient substance abuse treatment allows individuals to live at home during treatment, minimizing the impact on school performance, work duties, and other daily responsibilities. It is often used for patient with mild addiction detected very early. It is an ideal choice for individuals who do not require much motivation or incentive to stop substance use. There are three main types- day programs, continuing care and intensive outpatient care.

Opiate Addiction Treatment Methods

People are different and opiate addiction treatment programs ought to be customized to solve the unique problem of the individual in question. This is one of the reasons why treatment methods must be administered by a trained and experienced medical professional. After a thorough evaluation of the level of addiction, the health history and family environment, a befitting treatment method can be recommended. Some of the basic treatment options available for opiate addiction include;

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)

This treatment approach combines both medications and long-term maintenance behavioral therapy. It has proven clinically effective for treating opiate addiction, sustained recovery and reduced opioid overdose. It offers a better chance of recovery and a more holistic person-centered approach for opioid addiction treatment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

In this method, your therapist addresses potential stress factors contributing to opiate addiction and teaches you how to build a sustainable and practical coping mechanism towards a healthier life employing different tools and incentives.

Medical Detox

Opiate withdrawal symptoms can be very severe emotional or physical reactions which occur when opiate use is stopped either gradually or suddenly. The symptoms of withdrawal are a major reason for relapse and further prescription drug abuse. These symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, body aches, insomnia, and anxiety often span one week to several weeks for others. Medical detox monitors patients with withdrawal symptoms until withdrawal is over in order to improve recovery and reduce risk of relapse.

Medication for Opioid Addiction

Staying opioid-free requires not just long-term therapy but also sustained use of certain medications to ease drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Drugs such as Methadone Buprenorphine, Clonidine and Naltrexone all work through various mechanisms to treat opioid dependence if used in the proper dose. They are available in different forms like tablet, shot, skin patch and implants can take it every day, but you have to go to a special clinic to get it.

Opiate Treatment Centers in USA

Free Opiate Recovery Centers

If you would like to undergo a rehabilitation program for opiate addiction treatment but do not have the financial means to you can apply for free treatment at a free drug rehabilitation center. Search with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s Directory of Single State Agencies for Substance Abuse Services to find the local resource to contact in your state that fits your specific requirement. Some of these free recovery center are state-funded and provide from intensive inpatient care to simple outpatient medical maintenance treatment for those without insurance or income. Clients are often screened based on certain criteria and if deemed fit, you get access to free rehabilitation treatment for opiate addiction or any other kind of drug abuse.

Who is eligible for Free Drug Rehab?

A major criterion often considered is lack of financial means for coverage of the rehabilitation bills. Other factors considered include vulnerable groups and social qualifiers like a pregnant woman, veteran or children.

Options and Alternatives for Free Addiction Treatment Centers

If you have insurance coverage, the financial ability to pay at least part of your treatment cost, then you may not qualify for free treatment. You can however apply for scholarships and grants offered by SAMHSA and some state-funded treatment centers. Discuss with your insurance care provider to know the extent of your coverage. Other method of payment to explore include loans, funds from family and friends, accredited faith-based treatment centers and non-religious support groups.

How to Find the Right Treatment Center for you

Seeking treatment for opiate addiction is a commendable step but it is important to seek help from the right people. Here are a few things to consider that can help point you in the right direction when searching for a treatment center;

What are the Accreditations?

It is advisable to go for a treatment center that’s accredited by The Joint Commission or the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and has qualified professionals with a high level of commitment to their patients.


Different treatment centers have different specializations. Go for a center that specializes not only in diagnosis treatment, addiction treatment but also treat co-occurring disorders.

Are the treatment customized?

Evidence-based treatment methods only work when tested in the context of an individual so always go for recovery centers that prioritize custom-made treatment over general treatment philosophies.

All these and more are offered at Resurgence Behavioral Health. We are accredited, dedicated and capable of offering you the best treatment there is to get you started on your journey to recovery from opiate addiction.

Need Help for Opiate Addiction?

Opiate addiction is a chronic disease in need of professional medical attention. Beyond willpower and an awareness of the long-term health conditions that can arise from opioid addiction, you need professional help for sustained recovery. With early treatment intervention, detox, proper medication and therapy you have a very high chance of total recovery. It may be a long-term process but with the right kind of informed help and guide we offer a Resurgence Behavioral Health, you can overcome any form of narcotic addiction. Looking for a place to start? Talk to a caring professional at Resurgence Behavioral Health today.

