Recovery In An Anxious Culture
Living with Chronic Anxiety
The COVID-19 global pandemic is a real concern for many people, not just those with anxiety. Recovering during this time is difficult. There are many new regulations and restrictions in place. Resurgence Behavioral Health understands how these trying times can increase the amount of anxiety that you may experience during treatment.
We recognize the importance of providing you with a safe therapeutic environment that will help you overcome these anxious states. If you suffer from a benzo addiction, you may experience an increased need to take your medication. You can find a treatment that will help you break free from your dependence on benzos.
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What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is your body’s response to stress. It is normal to experience occasional anxiety. Those who have an anxiety disorder frequently suffer from intense, excessive, and presentient worry and fear about everyday situations. Frequently, when you have an anxiety disorder you have repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and terror that peak within a couple of minutes.
These are called anxiety attacks. These frequent episodes infer with daily life. You may find them difficult to control. The fear of having a panic attack can affect how you live your life. You may start avoiding people, places, and things to prevent situations where you will feel anxious. No matter what type you have, treatment can help.
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Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety
There are many common signs and symptoms that you may have experienced. These can include the following:
- Restless, nervous, or tense
- Feeling intense of impending danger, panic or doom
- Increased heart rate
- Rapid breathing or hyperventilating
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Trouble concentrating on anything else other than the present worry
- Difficulty sleeping
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Difficulty controlling worry
Types of Anxiety Disorders
There are several different types of anxiety. The most common forms of disorders are the following.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder – Those with this type of anxiety suffer from constant and excessive worry about everyday routines. The worry is exaggerated and difficult to control. You may experience difficulty controlling how it affects you physically. Depression is often diagnosed along with this disorder.
- Panic disorder – The hallmark symptoms of this disorder is the sudden feeling of If you have several intense anxiety and fear or terror. The feelings peaks within a couple of minutes then begin to subside. Panic attacks involve many physical symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain. Often those who suffer from panic attacks go to great lengths to avoid situations that may cause another attack.
- Social Phobias – Avoidance of situations where you may have to interact or be around people is the main feature of social phobias. They experience a high level of fear and embarrassment by being judged or viewed negatively. People with social phobias will avoid situations where they will be around people.
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, is an anxiety disorder the most often occurs after you have been exposed to a traumatic event. However, even the death of a loved one or extreme stress can also lead to the development of post-traumatic stress. Your own thoughts and feelings can trigger episodes.
- Substance-induced anxiety disorder – This type of anxiety is directly related to substance misuse. Often people experience intense anxiety after using or withdrawing from drugs.
- Obsessive Compulsion Disorder – Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD, is characterized by persistent unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors. Repetitive behaviors or rituals are done to temporarily relieve anxiety. When you are unable to perform the “rituals,” anxiety increases.
Benzo Addictions
The first treatment that most people receive to treat anxiety are benzos or benzodiazepines. All benzodiazepine medications impact a neurotransmitter called gamma-Aminobutyric acid. Gamma-Aminobutyric acid regulates how neurons communicate. This happens by either inhibiting or reducing how often neurons communicate.
Enough gamma-Aminobutyric acid available to the brain the reactions calm down. It is this sedation effect that leads to benzo addictions. Chronic misuse can lead to mental and physical harm.
Benzo Addiction Withdraw
What may have started as a way to help you cope can turn very quickly into an addiction. When you attempt to stop taking benzos, you may experience an array of new symptoms. This may include increased anxiety as your body begins withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms are particularly pronounced when suddenly stopped. These symptoms make it seem like it is impossible to quit taking benzos. The most reported symptoms of withdrawal include,
- Fatigue, insomnia, or other sleep disturbances
- Heightened sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights
- Rapid cycling of mood and/or increased irritability, rage, or angry outbursts
- Suicidal idealization
- Headaches
- Intestinal discomforts
Resurgence Behavioral Health offers medical detox that will help taper off your dose to minimize these symptoms.
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Your Mental Health and Anxiety
When you feel like your anxiety is interfering with your life, relationships, work, and/or activities, it is time to see a professional. Dealing with it when you lack the proper tools to cope will only create more problems. Many people do not have the mechanisms to deal with it alone.
When you have built your defenses around avoiding feeling anxious it takes time to breakdown those barriers. This cannot be done without seeking help. Resurgence Behavioral Health understands how anxiety can lead to benzo addiction.
Benzo Addiction Treatment
Living with untreated anxiety isn’t fun. Learning how to cope is possible. There are many innovative ways to treat both anxiety and benzo addiction. Resurgence Behavioral Health provides you with comprehensive care. This means not only is your addiction treated, but your mind body, and spirit.
At Resurgence, you’re surrounded by an immersive environment providing you with support and comfort. We aim to provide a relaxing environment that can help you recover with the least amount of stress possible; the rest is up to you.
Behavioral Therapy for Benzo Addiction
The most essential aspect of recovery from a benzo addiction is to get to the cause of your anxiety. Understanding the circumstances that cause you anxiety in the first place will help you recover from benzo addiction. Even when you stop using, your anxiety will still be present. Behavioral therapies can help you to learn to work through your anxiety.
Resurgence can treat you with either Cognitive Behavioral or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. At Resurgence Behavioral Health we will help you learn different ways to handle the anxiety and stress in your life that doesn’t require you to turn to drugs.
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Addiction Treatment at Resurgence
There are many ways that you can break free from anxiety. The most important step you can take to seek professional help. Resurgence Behavioral Health offers innovative treatment to help you overcome your anxiety disorder to live a more productive life with less fear. We blend evidence-based programs and holistic care to provide a wide array of treatments to you.
Every client has their own unique treatment plan based on their circumstances. Having an addiction is a lifelong diagnosis, there is no cure. We sincerely believe it is possible to overcome benzo addiction and reach lasting recovery. Resurgence customizes every treatment and provides an education that can help you sustain lasting sobriety.