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medical detox for addiction

Detoxification treatment for drugs or alcohol involves the process of removing the substance and its physical dependence from the user’s body. The process of detox in California should be conducted in a medical facility to ensure it can be done safely to help the patient manage withdrawal symptoms effectively and comfortably. This medically supervised process involves closely monitoring patients who are given medications and intravenous fluids to ensure they remain comfortable. Once detox is finished, patients can move to the next phase of addiction recovery, which is inpatient treatment and therapy to address the mental side of addiction.

medical detox for addiction
medical detox for drug addiction


The three types of drug or alcohol detox are medical, cold turkey, and holistic. The method of detox will depend on numerous factors, such as the substance being detoxed from, the person’s physical wellness, and the length and severity of addiction. Someone with a mild addiction to pain pills may first opt for the cold turkey approach for detox, while someone with a severe meth addiction will likely need medical detox.

While not recommended, cold turkey involves forgoing medications that ease withdrawal symptoms after stopping substance use. Medical detox in California is the safest method for substances with dangerous withdrawal effects like alcohol and heroin. This detox process in specialized inpatient drug detox centers will be supervised by medical professionals who use medications to manage withdrawal symptoms. It can include a tapering-off approach so the patient can slowly and safely remove the physical dependence of the substance from the body. The third detox option involves a holistic approach that focuses on non-pharmaceutical methods. Instead, it may feature nutrition, exercise, herbal supplements, and mindfulness practices like meditation. It can be combined with medically supervised detox, but it may take longer than other methods.

medical detox for drug addiction


Alcohol is a highly addictive substance. Although alcohol is legal and socially acceptable, excessive alcohol use / abuse can pave the way to addiction. Alcohol addiction causes powerful physical, mental, and behavioral dependence. Without medical detox and other treatments designed to address these dependencies, addiction recovery is unlikely.

Informally known as benzos, benzodiazepines are drugs that are prescribed to treat health conditions such as anxiety and unremitting seizures. The effects they have on the body mimic the effects of alcohol. Benzos like Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Klonopin are also highly addictive. A person dependent on benzos requires medical detox in order to manage their addiction.

Opioids are drugs derived from the opium poppy or synthesized from drugs derived from this plant. A person may become addicted to an opioid like heroin after a mere couple uses. Heroin addiction is powerful and is unlikely to be managed successfully without rehab treatment that includes clinically supervised detox. 

Prescription drug addiction can be every bit as powerful as an addiction to illicit drugs. Someone addicted to prescription painkillers, sleeping pills, or other medications requires treatment in order to overcome their addiction. Medical detox is the first step in the recovery process. Once a person is no longer physically dependent, they can focus on their psychological dependence.

Stimulants are drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines. These illicit drugs are highly addictive and associated with high relapse rates. A person is unlikely to manage these addictions without professional help at an addiction treatment center. Medical detox is, invariably, the first step in the recovery process for stimulant addiction.

Synthetic drugs are made with man-made chemicals as opposed to natural ingredients. Synthetic drugs such as ecstasy may be extremely addictive. When combined with other drugs or alcohol, synthetics can be even more dangerous. Once a person becomes addicted to them, they can only overcome the physical dependence with detox.


Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.


Medical detox in a clinical setting can take as long as the patient needs to safely overcome the withdrawal symptoms. However, the average length of detox will depend on the type of drug and the severity of the patient’s addiction. For alcohol, patients generally need about three to seven days to overcome the withdrawal symptoms. For opioids, the average is five to 10 days for detox. Detox for benzodiazepines typically takes the longest, lasting two to four weeks or longer. Stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine usually last for three to five days. While physical and medical detox may take days to weeks, a complete recovery from addiction often requires longer-term treatment and support. The main variables that affect this time frame, include:

medical detox for alcohol addiction

Type of Substance Used

Some substances are more addictive than others, which is why they’re associated with very high relapse rates. A person addicted to substances like heroin, methamphetamine, or alcohol may require a longer period of time to complete detox. It’s essential for a person to complete this process in order to overcome their physical dependence on the substance in question.

Duration and Frequency of Use

A person who has been addicted for a long period of time and has abused alcohol or drugs frequently may also take longer to complete the detox process. A person who has been addicted for years is apt to require more than a week to complete detox than a person who has been addicted less than a year, but other factors can influence the time frame.

Quantity of Substance Used

Excessive use of drugs or alcohol will also affect the medical detox time frame. Addiction is characterized by periods of substance tolerance. To achieve the same effects, the person must increase their dose. In time, they may again become tolerant to that dose and, so, will increase it again. In this regard, a person used to excessive doses requires more time in detox.

Individual Factors

Each person’s chemistry is unique, and that chemistry can affect the detox time frame. Their chemistry can also impact the intensity of their withdrawal symptoms. Some people may complete detox in under a week. Others require longer. An individual’s health can impact the detox process, which is why clinically supervised detox is the safest course to follow.


Like any treatment, there is no 100% cure involving drug or alcohol detox in California. However, a treatment facility offering long-term detox programs can ensure the best results. While results from different studies varied, the mean completion rate for detoxication across multiple studies was 74.9%, according to the National Library of Medicine. Success rates can also differ based on the substance and the type of detox, with medical detox under the supervision of professional treatment providers offering the highest rate of success.

Find Detox California Residents Can Access at Resurgence Behavioral Health

California detox is typically the first step in the addiction recovery process. While it can be effective, detox alone is often not the complete solution to overcoming addiction. An effective addiction recovery process needs to tackle the physical side of addiction through detox and the mental side of dependence through therapy programs. Resurgence Behavioral Health offers medical detox treatment facilities ideally designed to help patients safely manage the withdrawal process. Our comprehensive treatment plan includes detox, inpatient services, therapy programs, and aftercare support to ensure our patients are supported every step of the way. Please give Resurgence Behavioral Health a call at 855-458-0050 to get help with a personalized, effective detox program and start on the road to recovery from addiction today.

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