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Medical detox in a clinical setting can take as long as the patient needs to safely overcome the withdrawal symptoms. However, the average length of detox will depend on the type of drug and the severity of the patient’s addiction. For alcohol, patients generally need about three to seven days to overcome the withdrawal symptoms. For opioids, the average is five to 10 days for detox. Detox for benzodiazepines typically takes the longest, lasting two to four weeks or longer. Stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine usually last for three to five days. While physical and medical detox may take days to weeks, a complete recovery from addiction often requires longer-term treatment and support. The main variables that affect this time frame, include:
Type of Substance Used
Some substances are more addictive than others, which is why they’re associated with very high relapse rates. A person addicted to substances like heroin, methamphetamine, or alcohol may require a longer period of time to complete detox. It’s essential for a person to complete this process in order to overcome their physical dependence on the substance in question.
Duration and Frequency of Use
A person who has been addicted for a long period of time and has abused alcohol or drugs frequently may also take longer to complete the detox process. A person who has been addicted for years is apt to require more than a week to complete detox than a person who has been addicted less than a year, but other factors can influence the time frame.
Quantity of Substance Used
Excessive use of drugs or alcohol will also affect the medical detox time frame. Addiction is characterized by periods of substance tolerance. To achieve the same effects, the person must increase their dose. In time, they may again become tolerant to that dose and, so, will increase it again. In this regard, a person used to excessive doses requires more time in detox.
Individual Factors
Each person’s chemistry is unique, and that chemistry can affect the detox time frame. Their chemistry can also impact the intensity of their withdrawal symptoms. Some people may complete detox in under a week. Others require longer. An individual’s health can impact the detox process, which is why clinically supervised detox is the safest course to follow.