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What Is Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy?

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) entails a cognitive-behavioral treatment that focuses on identifying and challenging irrational beliefs that contribute to the emotional distress and self-destructive behaviors of the patient. During addiction treatment and substance abuse therapy, the techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy are designed under the premise that substance abuse is often driven by underlying irrational thoughts and beliefs. The therapy aims to help patients recognize how their rigid and negative thinking patterns lead to addictive behaviors like drug abuse.

The treatment process in REBT for addiction involves several key strategies. Addiction specialists work with patients to first identify their irrational beliefs and then systematically challenge and restructure these thoughts using logical analysis and evidence-based reasoning. REBT also teaches emotional regulation skills, helping patients develop better ways of processing negative emotions without turning to substances. The benefits of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy include helping patients take responsibility for their recovery and build more rational approaches to life’s challenges.

What Is an Example of a Rational Emotive Behavior?

An example of Rational Emotive Behavior would be if someone lost a job through no fault of their own but tried blaming the loss on their personal failings. This type of self-loathing and catastrophic thinking can lead to intense anxiety and potentially self-destructive coping mechanisms like turning to drugs or alcohol to cope. Using REBT, the patient will work to replace this irrational belief with a more rational, balanced thought process. The goal does not involve eliminating negative emotions entirely but responding to them in a less destructive manner. By changing underlying thought patterns, patients can better manage emotional distress and avoid harmful reactions that might have previously been their default coping mechanism.


What Is an Example of a Rational Emotive Behavior

What Is the Difference Between REBT and CBT?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are both cognitive-based therapy approaches that share basic similarities but have distinct differences. While both therapies focus on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, REBT places a stronger emphasis on addressing the underlying philosophical beliefs that drive negative emotional issues. Its belief system says that people create significant psychological suffering through absolute thinking patterns. On the other hand, CBT tends to be more problem-focused and symptom-oriented, concentrating on specific cognitive conditions and their immediate behavioral consequences.

The key distinguishing factor between CBT and REBT involves their therapeutic approach and beliefs. REBT teaches patients to develop unconditional self-acceptance, challenging not just specific negative thoughts but fundamental beliefs about human worth and emotional experience. CBT, while also working to change negative thought patterns, typically takes a more pragmatic approach that focuses on identifying and restructuring specific negative thought patterns and developing concrete coping strategies. REBT is more confrontational and directive, while CBT tends to be more collaborative and gradual.

What Are the Three Main Beliefs of REBT?

The three main beliefs of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) are:

  1. Irrational Thinking Creates Emotional Disturbance: People generate their own emotional suffering through irrational beliefs and unrealistic expectations. External events themselves do not cause psychological distress; rather, it is the person’s interpretation and thinking patterns that create emotional pain.
  2. Unconditional Self-Acceptance: People should accept themselves completely and unconditionally, regardless of their behaviors, mistakes, or failures. This belief emphasizes that while specific actions can create problems, a person’s fundamental human worth remains constant and is not determined by performance, achievements, or others’ judgments.
  3. Emotional Suffering is Optional: While emotional challenges are a fact of life, sustained suffering is a choice that can be managed through cognitive restructuring. REBT teaches that humans have the cognitive ability to recognize and change irrational thinking patterns, which reduces unnecessary emotional distress.


What Are the Three Main Beliefs of REBT

Evidence Based Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Our highly trained therapists at Resurgence Behavioral Health take a holistic approach to addiction treatment, considering your physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual needs as an individual suffering from substance use disorder. We also diagnose and treat co-occurring mental health disorders that often are at the root of the disease of addiction.

We utilize REBT to help individuals who may unconsciously harbor negative, harmful beliefs and thoughts that contribute to the ways they react to certain life experiences. Our therapists instruct our clients on the ABC Model way of applying REBT to their daily life.

Groups such as SMART Recovery often recommend the use of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy in order to replace negative thoughts and behaviors with more positive, healthy ways of coping with what life throws at you. By addressing and uncovering the issues and inner thoughts that often lead someone to abuse drugs or alcohol, REBT can address your addictive behaviors and any co-occurring mental health disorders during your rehab treatment.

The clinical team at Resurgence Behavioral Health is made up of medical professionals, credentialed addiction specialists, licensed therapists and addiction counselors. We are highly experienced in the various types of behavioral therapies we offer, including REBT when used in conjunction with our other successful therapeutic modalities.

Our treatment team will design an individualized treatment plan for you, which may or not include REBT, depending on your specific psychological assessment and needs. You can be assured that your custom treatment program will be geared toward your sustained recovery from substance use disorder and any co-occurring mental health conditions you may also need assistance with.

Call us today to get your life back on track. We’re here to help.

Access the Techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy at Resurgence Behavioral Health

When used properly under professional supervision, the techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy can help overcome the mental hurdles impacting their substance abuse. Resurgence Behavioral Health takes a holistic approach to addiction treatment, addressing each patient’s unique physical, emotional, and cognitive needs to overcome substance use disorder. We also identify and treat co-occurring mental health disorders that frequently cause addiction. We utilize REBT to help patients who want to change the negative thought processes leading to their addiction. To learn more about our substance abuse and mental health therapy services in California, please call Resurgence Behavioral Health at 855-458-0050 today. 

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