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6 Ways Sobriety Improved Personal Relationships

Although alcohol is sometimes associated with outgoing behavior and a party lifestyle, many men and women find that their relationships improve after they choose sobriety.

This is because alcohol use dulls emotional expression and hinders communication, getting in the way of the relationships you want to build.

For those who have used alcohol as a “social lubricant” this may be surprising to hear, and it’s understandable if you’re skeptical that sobriety can help you win friends.

But let’s check out the ways your relationships will improve after you quit drinking to learn a bit more about what you might be missing.

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6 Ways Sobriety Improved Personal Relationships

Less Drama

Feeling irritated, tense, or confrontational?

Most people do at some point during the day.

But without alcohol in our systems, we are generally able to make smart choices about how we handle those feelings.

However, alcohol has been scientifically shown to reduce impulse control.

So individuals who have been drinking are more likely to fight, cry, yell, send strange text messages, or otherwise act out – taking a toll on relationships.

But getting sober can help you cut the drama and improve your communication along the way.

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Improved Memory

Did you forget your anniversary, to finish a project at work, or to call your date?

One of the many ways that alcohol damages the brain is by causing memory lapses, with those who drink heavily often reporting that months, or years, of their lives are “hazy.”

This brain fog can lead you to forget important details of your relationships or force others to cover for you at work or home. Adopting a sober lifestyle can help you get your memory, and relationships, back on track.

Better Boundaries

Those struggling with alcoholism are prone to establishing unhealthy relationships, and studies show that alcohol is also a factor in up to 50% of domestic violence cases.

When you, or your partner, are frequently intoxicated, it can be hard to recognize the relationship you want, communicate your expectations, or ask for help if you are in danger.

When you stop drinking, you will find it easier to understand the relationships in your life, and to set the boundaries you need for your physical and emotional health.

Improved Trust

Friends and loved ones who are struggling with alcohol addiction are frequently unreliable.

Plagued by memory issues, struggling to maintain self-control, and often facing financial instability, those with Substance Use Disorders can be hard to trust.

Soon you may start to tune them out entirely, finding it easier than relying on them to follow through.

This dynamic is terrible for a relationship and will cost you friends and loved ones in the long run. However, once you show them that you can get sober, you can begin to rebuild the trust they once invested in you.

Better Finances

While a better financial picture may not seem to be connected to relationships, it is – and not necessarily in the way you think.

You don’t have to be rich to build positive relationships. But nobody likes a friend, relative, or loved one, who is always asking for money, continually in financial trouble, and who just “can’t seem to get it together.”

And alcohol is an expensive habit. Research suggests that the average American spends over $1,500 a year on alcohol, with heavy drinkers spending far more.

Being in control of your finances, and possibly repaying some of that money you burrowed from loved ones over the years, will do wonders for your relationships.

Improved Work Performance

Speaking of important relationships, what about the one with your coworkers? Often these individuals are friends, and you certainly spend more time with them than many other social connections.

Studies show that individuals with substance use issues miss 50% more work days than their peers.

This type of behavior forces your coworkers to cover for you at work, deal with your unreliability, and possibly put in long hours to make up for your missed productivity.

Getting sober will help you improve your reliability on the job and regain the respect of your coworkers

Effects of Sobriety on Personal Relationships

While alcohol can trigger your body’s release of dopamine, which is a “feel good” chemical, it is ultimately a central nervous system depressant which does long-term damage to physical and mental health.

But, because of the prevalence of alcohol consumption in American culture, empathy for those who struggle with alcoholism can be low, with many feeling that those who are addicted do not want to quit.

This, combined with the erratic behavior often exhibited by alcoholics, can lead to damaged relationships and interpersonal conflict.

However, research from the American Society of Addiction Medicine confirms that alcoholism is a medical disease for which “cold turkey” recovery strategies are not effective, and for which compassionate support is needed.

Without treatment, many alcoholics experience failed attempts to quit alone, resulting in guilt, shame, binge drinking, isolation, distrust, and a cycle that feels impossible to escape.

For those suffering from alcohol abuse, breaking the cycle of pain and addiction cannot be accomplished without the support that an alcohol rehab center can provide.

But once treatment is undertaken, many men and women discover that the physical, emotional, and relationship challenges experienced while drinking begin to subside, and a variety of healthier experiences begin to take their place.

Mental Illness and the Effects of Sobriety on Personal Relationships

While mental illness can be a precursor to alcohol abuse, alcohol can also have mental health consequences.

Excessive alcohol consumption can result in anxiety, mood changes, memory loss, reasoning issues, depression, feelings of hopelessness, loss of motivation, and worsening of mental health issues, such as bipolar disorder and self-harm – all of which can have serious repercussions for personal relationships.

However, alcohol treatment involves much more than detoxification, and in recovery, you will learn new coping skills, improved communication, relationship building strategies, and other techniques that will help you heal your personal connections.

Furthermore, many recovery centers offer extended aftercare programs, helping those with mental health issues learn about their triggers and emotional needs.

This treatment environment will help you learn more about yourself, becoming more aware of your behaviors and needs, all while shaping a new life for yourself.

And while it may take time to re-establish some of the trust shared with those who recall your previous addiction, you will be better equipped to communicate your feelings, and hear the messages being shared – allowing you to experience the positive effects of sobriety on your relationships almost immediately.

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Treatment and the Effects of Sobriety on Personal Relationships

Long-term alcohol treatment is very much about relationships, including the one you will share with your treatment team.

These experienced men and women will help you detoxify your body, while building a more resilient mind. And with their help, you will learn self-love, forgiveness, and confidence.

During alcohol treatment, you will learn to improve your emotional management, as well as strategies to help with forming, and maintaining, positive relationships. And you will be able to practice them with your recovery team, as well as peers in the center.

Additionally, you will work with your team to develop a treatment plan for your recovery.

This plan will consist of meaningful, measurable goals for your recovery, that will help you replace unhealthy thoughts and behaviors with affirming alternatives.

It may also include resources and programs such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, one-to-one counseling, family therapy, peer support, 12-Step programs, and other opportunities to learn and grow.

Quitting alcohol is tough, but you are not alone. Your treatment team is rooting for you, and your friends and loved ones want to see you succeed.

And with professional help, you can live a happy, fulfilling life, filled with healed and healthy relationships.

Financial Options for Treatment

Resurgence Behavioral Health is here for you, and it’s our goal to make recovery accessible to everyone who needs it.

For that reason, we offer payment plans and options that fit almost any budget.

We accept most PPO insurance and private forms of payment, and even communicate with your insurance provider on your behalf.

Just call us at 855-458-0050, and let your recovery begin with Resurgence.

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Resurgence Behavioral Health

At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we will offer you the time and attention you need to achieve health, wellness, and sobriety.

And here you will find supportive relationships to encourage you on the road to recovery.

In our relaxing and serene facilities, you will discover self-empowerment, as well as the tools and techniques to build satisfying relationships that support your alcohol-free life.

From medically assisted detoxification, to counseling, spiritual services, peer support, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we have responsive, evidence-based programs that will help you break the cycle of addiction – empowering you with a new sense of freedom.

Today is the day that you will discover the possibilities that an alcohol-free life can offer, and we are waiting to hear from you.

Call Resurgence today, and let your recovery begin.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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