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7 Early Warning Signs of Alcoholism

Resurgence Behavioral Health Seven Early Warning Signs of Alcoholism

Early Warning Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

The legal status and widespread societal acceptance of alcohol can make detecting the earliest signs of use extremely difficult. Alcohol may be a dangerous and highly addictive drug, but it is also part of time-honored traditions, used as a social lubricant at parties and other gatherings, enjoyed with dinner, and even plays a role in sacred religious ceremonies. Given the difficulties of detecting early signs of alcohol use disorder and alcohol abuse, it is more important than ever for family members to be vigilant. If you are concerned that someone in your life may be drinking to excess, it is important to trust your gut. If something does not seem right, there is probably a reason why.

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What is Alcoholism?

The dictionary defines alcoholism as an addiction to the consumption of alcohol, as well as the mental illness that causes individuals to seek out and consume the drug. But no matter what the definition, alcoholism and alcohol use disorder are serious, and potentially deadly diseases.

If you are concerned someone in your life may be struggling with alcoholism, you should not wait for the problem to get worse. Reaching out for help is essential, and at Resurgence we are always here to provide the guidance and assistance you need.

7 Early Warning Signs of Alcoholism


7 Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

Any time you are concerned about someone else’s drinking, you should trust your instincts. It is easy for the early warning signs of alcoholism to fly under the radar, but by keeping your eyes and ears open you can reduce the odds that you will miss something important. With that in mind here are seven of the most common early warning signs of alcoholism.

1. An increase in secrecy If the person in your life is suddenly acting secretive or hiding what they are doing, you should ask some questions, as these actions could indicate not only a budding alcoholism but other forms of substance abuse as well.
2. Lying about their drinking Lying about if, and how much, they are drinking is a classic early warning sign, and one you should never ignore. If you have caught your loved one in an alcohol-related lie, it is time to get help.
3. An alcohol related arrest – If your loved one has been arrested for DUI or public drunkenness, you should take that as a wakeup call. Alcohol related arrests should never be minimized or swept under the rug.
4. Drinking in the morning – If the person you care about starts each day with a drink, even a small one, it is very likely an addiction has already set in. This early warning sign should never be ignored.
5. Failed attempts to stop drinking – Many problem drinkers and alcoholics try to get sober on their own, but they rarely succeed without professional help. If your friend or loved one has tried, and failed, to stop drinking on their own, you should be very concerned.
6. Problems at work – Alcoholism often creates problems with employment, from drinking on the job or showing up drunk to getting into fights with supervisors and coworkers. If your loved one has experienced any of these things, you should be very concerned.
7. Your gut instinct – You should never ignore what your gut is telling you, so listen to that little voice in your head. If that voice is telling you that alcoholism is a possibility, you should definitely listen to what it has to say.

How Common is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is fairly uncommon among drinkers, but that does not mean it is not serious, or that there are no other problems with alcohol use. A recent study showed that nearly one in four young people admitted to at least one incident of binge drinking, and this kind of use among young people can raise the risk of alcoholism later in life.

Alcohol Rehab and Detox at Resurgence

Worrying about a friend or family member who may be an alcoholic is never an easy thing to do, but you do not have to do it alone. If you are concerned that someone you care about has been drinking to excess, do not suffer in silence – just pick up the phone and give the staff at Resurgence a call.

When you make the call, we can guide you through the rest of the process, giving you the tools you need to help your loved one. By educating yourself, you will be better able to help them, so why not get started today? (855) 458-0050

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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