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Addiction Specialists Explain the 90 Meetings in 90 Days Challenge

Addiction Specialists Explain the 90 Meetings in 90 Days Challenge Resurgence - A group of individuals is engaging in a group therapy session at a support group meeting as part of the 90 meetings in 90 days challenge.

90 Meetings in 90 Days?

It might sound like a steep mountain to climb for someone who is just leaving detox. However, when you break it down, you will be climbing that hill step-by-step. Or, as the adage says — taking it one day at a time. As addiction and recovery specialists, the team at Resurgence Behavioral Health knows that reaching 90 days in recovery is an enormous milestone.

Our clients feel proud to get that coveted 90 days sober coin. And 90 in 90 AA or NA meetings serve an integral role in that accomplishment. This post will give you a close-up view of why you should attend 90 meetings in 90 days—and hints on how to stay on track.

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Why 90 Meetings in 90 Days?

According to an insightful article published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs: “Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process.”

The report reveals that participants in their study who attended 12-Step meetings or similar support groups received the help they need to beat their addictions—especially early in their recovery. Therefore, 90 meetings in 90 days is a great way to get off on the right foot to maintain your sobriety.

Furthermore, those who participate in the sessions in the earliest days of breaking free of drugs or alcohol increase their odds of staying clean and sober for the long haul. Whether you attend AA or NA meetings, we will explain some common expectations.

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The Benefits of Attending 90 in 90 in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is undoubtedly the best-known addiction treatment support system. Here are some of the best things about 90 meetings in 90 days in AA.

· AA is Privately Funded

Meetings cost you nothing–unless you wish to donate. Often, those in the earliest days of recovering from alcohol abuse have financial burdens. Many have lost their job, have legal fees, and are getting back onto their feet. Fortunately, this group is funded 100% by donations, taking away the excuse of “it’s too expensive.” 90 meetings in 90 days won’t cost you a penny.

· You Can Do 90 in 90 AA Almost Anywhere

If you return to your hometown after spending time away in rehab, you will certainly find an AA meeting near you. All areas in the United States offer AA in venues ranging from church basements in little rural communities to community college campuses. In almost any location, it’s possible to accomplish 90 meetings in 90 days.

AA makes it easy to find a local meeting—click on this link to find a location for completing your 90 in 90 AA challenge.

· You Receive Support from Other Members Who Know Your Struggles

Perhaps the most significant benefit of attending AA for 90 days is the fact that AA members understand your struggle with addiction. The participants you will meet at Alcoholics Anonymous are just like you. They, too, face the many challenges of alcohol use disorder.

They can offer guidance and support as you work through the 12 steps because of their firsthand knowledge. Additionally, they share their stories and serve as a beacon of hope.

With new friends at your side, you can and will be able to be 90 days sober from alcohol.

Benefits of Attending 90 Meetings in 90 Days in Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) stands on the same platform as AA. These gatherings provide great support systems because many attendees are going through the same situations as each other and can offer guidance and encouragement throughout the entire process.

Here are the primary benefits of participating in the 90 in 90 NA meetings:

· NA Meetings Receive Private Funding and Donations

Just as we mentioned in the AA section, NA meetings run off private donations. This funding means that participants may attend sessions for free if they are unable to afford to donate.

They understand the cycle. When you are newly out of detox or rehab, your money is tight. Drug addiction dipped into your bank account and took away everything you had. They want to help you regardless of your ability to pay to participate.

So, you have no reason not to take advantage of the program. You can give back later once you are 90 days sober from drugs or whenever you can sort out your finances.

· You Can Do Your 90 in 90 NA Meetings Anywhere in the Nation

Because of the widespread nature of drug addiction, Narcotics Anonymous has meetings throughout the USA, Canada, and even globally. To find a place to complete your 90 in 90 NA meeting challenge, click this link. There is no reason not to attend when there are so many group locations.

· You’ll Connect With Others Who Know the Struggles of Drug Addiction

NA members are people just like you. They struggle with substance abuse. However, you will connect with people at all different stages of recovery. Some will be newly sober like you; others will have several years tucked under their belts.

This diversity of people in your group will give you keen insights on what to expect during each of the twelve steps. These people are your cheerleaders as you meet your milestone of 90 days sober from drugs.

Keeping a 90 Meetings in 90 Days Tracker

Reaching your 90 days recovery milestone sounds like a daunting task. However, this is an achievable goal. Let’s break this challenge down into simple math.

In one 90-day period, you have 2,160 hours available to you. Each 12-Step meeting lasts approximately one hour, for a total of 90 hours in 90 days. That leaves you with 2,070 hours on hand to work with during that span.

You can do this!

We suggest that you use 90 meetings in 90 days tracker to monitor your progress. Some of our clients prefer to keep it simple and make a checkmark on a planner or calendar. However, you can also add 90 meetings in 90 days tracker to your smartphone—you’ll always have it with you!

The following are three free handy phone apps to aid you in tracking your sobriety during 90 meetings in 90 days:

  • AA 12-step App: As the name implies, this is the AA app. It includes tracking your number of days sober and your steps.
  • Sober Time: This app helps you stay on track. You can enter your progress each day after attending your meeting and share it within their community. It also shows you how much cash you save daily by quitting your addiction.
  • NOMO Sobriety Clocks: Another free app you’ll find is NOMO Sobriety Clocks. You will find that daily tracking will keep you motivated. Plus, you can invite other people in your support network, share on social media, and earn virtual milestone chips.

The physical act of tracking adds a new level of accountability. Goal-setting experts often say the corny phrase: “What gets written down gets done.” Now, neuropsychologists agree that writing in a journal or tracker reinforces good habits.

Before you know it, you will master the climb up that steep hill, just by checking off one day, one meeting, every day. You will be 90 days sober before you know it.

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Final Thoughts on the Reward of a 90 Days Sober Coin

By attending a meeting per day, you’ll make leaps and bounds in your journey to sobriety. Sure, you will experience some ups and downs along your journey, but don’t think of those low points as setbacks. Instead, consider them as re-routing as you try to ascend to the peak of that mountain by doing 90 meetings in 90 days.

90 days in recovery is something to celebrate because it is an enormous accomplishment.

At 90 days sober, you have reaped many rewards:

  • Better general health
  • Restored relationships
  • Improved mindset
  • Renewal of personal goals

Your life will keep getting better from there. The 90 days sober coin you receive is a tangible reminder of all you are accomplishing. The real reward is the pride you feel when you reach the pinnacle of that mountain, and doing 90 meetings in 90 days will help you get there.

Please reach out to us at Resurgence Behavioral Health by phone at 888.700.5053 with any questions or concerns. Our counselors are ready and eager to help you.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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