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Alcohol Detox San Antonio

Alcohol Detox San Antonio Resurgence Behavioral Health

Alcohol Rehab: What to Know

Addiction to alcohol, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a condition that is diagnosed when you have a pattern of alcohol abuse that becomes problematic in your life, causing significant distress to you and those around you.

You may have an alcohol use disorder if:

  • You find yourself drinking in the morning, alone, or in secret, or feeling guilty about drinking
  • You crave alcohol or have withdrawal symptoms without it
  • You have uncontrollable mood swings and irritability
  • You begin prioritizing drinking over your responsibilities, interests, or other people’s needs
  • You continue to drink even when it causes health, family, and money problems
  • You are unable to stop drinking or control how much you drink when you get started

Your addiction can range from mild to severe, and your addiction may cause severe withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit, which is why a medically supervised alcohol detox program is recommended for many people with an AUD.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

What is Alcohol Detox?

Alcohol detox is the first step in a comprehensive addiction treatment program. The first step of any alcohol detox program is an intake exam. This is done so the detox team can assess your level of addiction and determine what types of support you will need as you detox and rehabilitate. These supports may include medical care, mental health treatments, and medications to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Once you have completed intake, you will move into a room in a detox facility where you will live full-time, 24 hours a day, so that you can have full medical support, not only to keep you safe from the most dangerous symptoms of withdrawal but also to ensure you are comfortable and feel secure. You may receive therapy and counseling during this time as well for a whole-patient approach to healing the body, mind, and spirit.

During this time, your body will be working hard to purge the toxins from your system, rebalancing brain chemistry and regaining strength and health every day. It is not an easy process, but with the right help, you can get through this as comfortably and safely as possible.

Medical professionals will care for any issues that come up, and they will also regularly check your temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, if you have a dual diagnosis for a co-occurring mental health issue or underlying trauma, you will begin working on getting that under control at the same time.

Once your detox period has ended and you are feeling strong and stable enough to move on, you will move into an integrated inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation program, so you can continue to work on your sobriety through a variety of therapies, educational programs, treatments, and groups. Rehab is where you gain the tools and skills you will need to remain in long-term recovery.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Shakiness, especially in the hands
  • Insomnia/sleep problems
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Strong cravings for alcohol
  • Hallucinations that can be visual, auditory, or tactile may occur. This is the sensation of hearing or seeing things that are not there or feeling like something is crawling under your skin.

In some people, the withdrawal symptoms may become too difficult to handle, and this is why many people relapse when they try to detox. The issues caused by alcohol may seem like a better choice rather than facing the withdrawal symptoms at that moment. An inpatient detox program can help you through this phase of detoxing, as you will be physically removed from your usual drinking spots, bars, alcohol stashes, and people who may enable your drinking. You will be much more likely to stick through the most difficult few days if you are in a supportive, sober atmosphere with lots of help from a team of professionals.

Another reason to check into a medically assisted detox program is the possibility of developing delirium tremens. Delirium tremens is a dangerous condition that affects those with more severe addictions, and those who have co-occurring health problems. The symptoms of this condition include:

  • Confusion and agitation
  • High fever – when untreated, may result in dehydration and may cause brain damage in severe cases
  • Seizures –seizures happen in approximately 10% to 15% of people who try to detox on their own
  • Death – if left untreated, the DTs have a mortality rate of 5% to 15%.

In some cases, without medical help, withdrawal can put your life at risk, especially if you begin having seizures or move into delirium tremens. These symptoms can escalate quickly and uncontrollably if you are attempting to quit “cold turkey” and detox on your own at home, which is why medical care is always recommended when you try and quit drinking.

Do I Need Alcohol Detox?

Some signs that you will need to enter an alcohol detox program include:

  • Having withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop or cut back on your drinking
  • You notice you have developed an alcohol tolerance and need to drink more to achieve the same level of intoxication
  • You feel you “need” alcohol just to get through the day
  • Feeling obsessed or preoccupied with when you can have your next drink
  • Being unable to stop drinking even when you really want to

These are some of the signs that you may have developed a physical dependence on alcohol and are at risk of developing serious withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking. A professional alcohol detox program with medical supervision is the safest method of quitting drinking.

How Long Will Alcohol Detox Last?

Detox is different for every person, and the timeline may depend on factors such as level of addiction, your health level at the time of detox and your history of drinking.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms usually begin within 6 to 24 hours after your last drink and can even start showing up while you still have alcohol present in your blood. Your symptoms will last a week or more, typically peaking within 24 to 72 hours, after which you will begin to feel a little better every day.

Detox Safely at Resurgence Behavioral Health

Resurgence has a safe and effective alcohol detox San Antonio program that is an integrated program that will not only keep your body safe but will also address any mental health issues, emotional issues, or trauma that may come up during this difficult time. Because we can prescribe medications if needed, you will be as comfortable as possible as your body heals. Each patient in detox will receive:

  • Prescription medications to help with withdrawal symptoms
  • Therapy and counseling
  • Trauma-informed care
  • Dual diagnosis treatments for co-occurring mental health issues

Detox is only the beginning of your road to recovery. After you have completed your detox program at Resurgence, we can move you seamlessly into the next phase of treatment: inpatient alcohol rehab. Inpatient alcohol rehab in San Antonio is beneficial because can move into our sober rehab facility for 30 to 90 days, away from the triggers, temptations, and stress of everyday life.

We also have flexible outpatient programs that can be customized to fit your specific needs, taking your life, budget, and requirements into account. Outpatient rehab is the best choice for many people who cannot leave work or school or other responsibilities they have at home to check in for 30+ days in inpatient rehab. At Resurgence, our team will help you create a treatment plan that will best work within your busy life so you do not have to take sick leave from work or miss important classes. Many people live their lives as normal, coming in for therapy, counseling, groups, and other treatments in the evenings or on weekends. We offer:

PHP – Partial Hospitalization Program is a short-term transitional program leading you from detox into the IOP. You will live outside the treatment center and come back for full days of treatment up to seven days per week. Many people will live in sober housing during this time.

IOP – Intensive Outpatient Program is a flexible and customizable form of outpatient treatment where you live outside the facility and come in for groups, therapy, medical care, counseling, and educational programs. These can be scheduled around your life. Evening and weekend programs are popular.

Aftercare – Once you have finished our IOP treatment program, it is recommended to remain in aftercare, staying connected to our team, peer groups, and medical care for as long as you need.

In our rehabilitation programs, you may receive treatments like:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Experiential Therapy
  • Trauma-Informed Therapy
  • Equine Therapy (Texas Location)
  • 12-Step Groups
  • SMART Recovery Groups
  • One-on-one talk therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Art therapy

Whether it’s inpatient, outpatient, or a combination of both, rehabilitation can provide you with a new outlook on life, coping strategies, a sober community, and relapse prevention strategies that will last you a lifetime. Throughout the continuous spectrum of integrated treatment options we offer at Resurgence, you will be safe, comfortable, and completely taken care of in a supportive, sober environment. Contact us today to find out more about safely detoxing from alcohol, and how our rehabilitation programs will work for you.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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