Thriving in Recovery: Best Hiking Trails in Irvine

Best Hiking Spots in Irvine
Making the decision to commit to a treatment program that will address your drug or alcohol addiction is something that will undoubtedly change your life for the better. While making this commitment is critical in your overall health and well-being, it’s just as important for you to commit to working through the entire process which includes selecting a treatment program that works best for you. There are different options that you will have when it comes to making this decision such as:
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
Inpatient treatment
An inpatient or a residential treatment plan gives you a unique opportunity to live on the campus of the facility that you select during the first few days and weeks of your sobriety. This gives you the chance to exclusively focus on yourself during this critical stage in your overall recovery process. An inpatient program lasts anywhere between 30 and 90 days. During this time, you will get to experience a home away from home type of environment where you have the comfort of knowing that you will be surrounded by your treatment team who will be available to you any time that you need them.
Outpatient treatment
An outpatient program, on the other hand, offers more flexibility when it comes to a recovery program. Instead of needing to live on the campus of your treatment facility, you will be able to come and go according to your individual recovery plan. One of the choices that you will need to make is whether you are going to commit to a general outpatient program or an intensive outpatient program. The main difference between these two treatment choices is the hourly commitment that you will need to give each week. A general outpatient program requires less of an hourly commitment in comparison to an intensive outpatient program which is important to keep in mind.
Once you begin to get into the swing of living a sober life, you may find that you’re curious to try and experience different sober-friendly activities that you may not have considered before. Hiking is an example of a fantastic sober activity that you should try.
Benefits of Hiking for Addiction Treatment
Did you know that there are several benefits associated with going on a hike during the time that you’re in addiction treatment and after the time that you’re done with your initial treatment program? Some of the examples of the benefits of going on a hike can include:
New experiences
Regardless of whether you have hiked a certain trail before or this is your first time going on this type of adventure, you will likely notice something new or different during every hike. This can keep you inspired to continue hiking and also continue on in your recovery journey since there will be things that you learn and experience during the course of your overall recovery journey.
A group activity or a solo excursion
If you’re looking for ways to reconnect with your family, a hike may be the perfect way to do it. You can coordinate with your loved ones and plan a fun outdoor excursion where you can have plenty of time to talk. You don’t necessarily have to talk about any issues or problems that you may have. Instead, you can start to reconnect over the beautiful environment or the challenging trail. If you need some time on your own, a hike may be the perfect option for you. You can carve out a few hours during your week to enjoy this activity and recenter yourself to face any upcoming challenges.
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
Why Being in Nature is Great for Sobriety
Being in nature may not have been something that you were interested in during the time that you were in active addiction. However, there are numerous advantages in taking the time to spend even just a few minutes outside such as:
A breath of fresh air
There is something that is incredibly relaxing when you take in a breath of fresh air. If you’re having a difficult day at work or even in your personal life, taking the time to take a pause and go outside and take a deep breath can help to put everything back into perspective. When you go for a hike, you can take advantage of breathing in that fresh air which can help to calm everything that is going on in your life down to a certain degree and refocus on steps that you may need to take.
A boost of Vitamin D
Did you know that your Vitamin D count is something that may be negatively impacted when you’re in active addiction? However, being outside even just for a few minutes while you’re in recovery each day could help to boost your Vitamin D count. Remember, you should always plan to bring sunscreen with you to ensure that you’re not exposed to the sun to the point where you may be burned. Another good rule of thumb is to ensure that you have water and snacks with you so that you can take a break along the way.
Hiking Builds Healthy New Habits
One of the leading advantages of going on a hike or being in nature is the fact that it gives you the opportunity to build healthy new habits in your life. This is something that you will initially learn more about during your time in treatment. These are habits that will hopefully remain with you for the rest of your life. For example, if you plan to go hiking a certain time each week, building this type of schedule and committing to it is something that will likely carry over into other aspects of your life. You may find that you’re more eager to participate in different recovery programs throughout the week such as Narcotics Anonymous meetings or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. You may want to try participating in other forms of exercise which can enhance your overall physical fitness.
Hikes Near Irvine
If you’re ready to start planning your hikes near Irvine, here are some of the places that you may want to consider.
Quail Hill Trailhead is a great hiking option if you’re looking for an easy hike or if you plan on bringing little ones on the hike with you. The loop of the trail is on the shorter side which means that you can do the loop multiple times if you’re looking to extend your hiking experience. This hiking trail is available to the public seven days a week but only during certain times of the day. The majority of the week, Quail Hill Trailhead is open between 7 AM and 9 PM. There are bathrooms that are available for use along the span of the trail.
Quail Hill Trailhead is located at 34 Shady Canyon Drive, Irvine, CA 92603.
rue to its name, the Top of the World hiking trail will make you feel as though you’re on top of the world. One of the best things about this hiking trail is the hours that it’s accessible to the public. You can opt to go for a hike as early as 5 AM. These trails also don’t close until 1 AM which makes it easy for a person that may work or go to school to take a hike at the end of a long and chaotic day. This trail is pet-friendly so feel free to bring your furry friend with you on your adventure. Keep in mind that your dog will need to remain on a leash throughout the course of the trial.
The Top of the World hiking trail is located at 3300 Alta Laguna Blvd., Laguna Beach, CA 92651.
If you decide to go for a hike along Red Rock Canyon, be sure to bring your camera with you as you will want to capture certain scenery along the way. There are different rest stops along with different points of the canyon so that you can take a break and refresh yourself with water or a quick snack. When you go to Red Rock Canyon, it’s recommended that you pay close attention to where you park as there is a designated place for hikers which is closely monitored by officials in the area.
Red Rock Canyon is located at 37749 Abbott Drive, Cantil, CA 93519.
At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we commit ourselves to provide you with nothing short of the personalized care that you need and deserve once you’re ready to overcome your addiction. We take the time to get to know you as a person, not simply someone that is plagued with addiction. Regardless of whether you’ve been struggling with addiction for years or this is a more recent development in your life, you can take comfort in the fact that your recovery team will be there for you and with you throughout the course of your recovery. For more information about why Resurgence is the best option for you, please get in touch with us today at (888) 458-0050.
Find the best hiking trails in Irvine #hikingtrails #hiking
— Resurgence Behavioral Health (@RBHRecovery) January 7, 2022
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.