Drug Rehab – Chattanooga

When is it Time for Drug Rehab?
Determining when the right time to commit to a drug rehab program will be different for every person. It’s possible that a person may come to the realization that they need to commit to drug rehab near Chattanooga sooner rather than later. However, there is always the possibility that a person may live years feeling as though they are spiraling in their addiction which can lead to other serious consequences. There are several tell-tale signs that could signal that you need to commit to a drug rehab program, however. Here are some examples:
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
You’ve lost your job
For many people, their job is the only way that they can keep their head above water financially. However, when you’re grappling with an addiction to drugs, it’s likely that you will not be able to maintain your work responsibilities which could lead to your termination. If your drug use has impacted your work performance in any way, then it’s time for you to reach out for help. Keep in mind that a top-notch treatment center will be able to help you develop a recovery program that works around your current work schedule so you don’t feel like you need to jeopardize one for the other.
Your health is suffering
Health issues are a clear sign that you need to stop your continuous drug use. Drugs can have a deadly impact on every aspect of your body. From triggering breathing issues to problems with your internal organs, you can truly suffer physically as a result of your addiction. If you notice a negative shift in your health, you shouldn’t delay in reaching out for help.
The relationship you have with friends and family is suffering
Was there a time when you were once close with friends and family members? Has your addiction taken over the connection that you once had with them? If the answer is yes, then that is a signal that your addiction is taking over all of the important aspects of your life. When you take a stand and get the help that you need, however, you may find that your friends and family members may come back into your life once they see that you’re making these positive changes.
What is Drug Rehab Like?
One of the common questions that any person has revolves around what they will experience during their time in drug addiction treatment. The answer to this question is that your experience will depend on the treatment program that you commit to. However, one constant through any treatment plan is that you will participate in different forms of therapy throughout the course of your recovery journey. Some examples of the different types of therapy that you will experience includes:
Group therapy
Group therapy is one of the cornerstone therapies in your addiction treatment program because it provides you with a unique opportunity to connect with other people that are working through their own recovery plans. You may come to see that there are events that other people have experienced that are similar to yours. As a result, you may be able to make a bond with those other people and include them in your system of support and visa versa.
Individual therapy
Individual therapy, also referred to as one on one therapy, is another important aspect of your recovery journey which allows you to connect with your treatment team on a personal basis. For instance, if there is a specific trauma that happened in your life that you don’t feel comfortable discussing in a group-type setting, individual therapy gives you the setting that you need to truly overcome it on your own terms. Also, individual therapy is a wonderful opportunity to review your treatment program to make sure that you’re still on track with your recovery goals.
There are several other forms of therapy that you may experience during your time in rehab as well including family therapy, behavioral therapy, and trauma-based therapy. Your intake team will be able to provide you with more information about these other forms of counseling as you begin your treatment.
Types of Drug Rehab Programs Available to Chattanooga Residents
It would be impossible to take a one size fits all approach to drug addiction recovery. There are many stages that you will need to go through along the course of your recovery including:
- Detox
- Inpatient or residential care
- Intensive outpatient program
- General outpatient program
When you reach out to your treatment facility of choice, you will be able to speak with your intake team in greater detail regarding the different specifications of each program. It’s possible that along the course of your recovery you may transition from one level of care to another or the days that you’re in treatment may change.
Drug Detox
Drug detox provides you with the safe and stable environment that you need to go through your withdrawal symptoms. Depending on your drug of choice as well as the severity of your addiction, it’s possible that you may feel a myriad of withdrawal symptoms, some of which could be potentially deadly. Drug detox usually lasts approximately seven days with the worst of your symptoms manifesting within the first 72 hours of your time there. Drug detox is the safest and the healthiest way for you to remove the impact of your drug of choice from your system so that you can go on to truly focus on the steps that you need to take to overcome your addiction in rehab.
Inpatient Drug Rehab
An inpatient treatment program gives you the opportunity to live on the campus of your treatment facility of choice. This will give you around-the-clock access to your treatment team in a safe and sober environment where you can truly focus on the healing steps that you need to take. You will also be surrounded by other individuals working through their own treatment program who can provide you with a unique level of understanding and support.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
An outpatient treatment program is a perfect solution if you’re working, going to school, or simply have other responsibilities that you need to see to during the course of your day but you still recognize that you need assistance in overcoming your addiction. Similar to an inpatient treatment program, an outpatient program can last anywhere between 30 and 90 days. There are some people that opt to begin an outpatient program straight away simply because they cannot commit to an inpatient one. Typically, you can opt to commit to an intensive outpatient program or a general outpatient program with the main distinction between these two options being the hourly commitment per week.
Medication-Assisted Drug Rehab (MAT)
There are many situations where certain medication may actually help you to feel better as you work through your recovery journey. For example, there are several medications that can help to ease the impact of cravings which can often trigger a person back into addiction. The type of medication that would benefit you is difficult to determine until your treatment team gets to know you better, however, you can take comfort in the fact that your experienced treatment team will introduce this medication in such a way that you don’t need to worry about falling prey to a new addiction.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Addiction and Mental Health
Did you know that it’s not uncommon for a person with a mental health issue to also struggle with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If you are suffering from both, then you would undoubtedly benefit from dual diagnosis treatment. Dual diagnosis treatment gives you the opportunity to address both your mental illness as well as your addiction at the same time. This is something that is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, when you tackle both your mental health as well as your addiction at the same time, there is less of a chance of relapse in the future. Dual diagnosis treatment also gives you a great opportunity to address any medication needs that you may have
Why Choose Resurgence for Drug Rehab
The Resurgence Behavioral Health intake team is available right now to help you begin your addiction recovery journey. You can count on us to consistently go above and beyond to help you through the process of addiction treatment and recovery. Whether you need to begin your recovery journey in detox or you’re in a position where you can jump right into an inpatient or an outpatient program, you can take comfort in the fact that our caring and experienced team will continuously be at your disposal to help you through this transitional time in your life. If you would like more information about our drug rehab for Chattanooga residents or you’re ready to commit to a treatment program, get in touch with us today at (855) 458-0050. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you through this new stage of your life.
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
Find top-rated drug rehab for residents of Chattanooga at Resurgence! #drugrehab #resurgencehttps://t.co/UJQvF0AfhK
— Resurgence Behavioral Health (@RBHRecovery) January 20, 2022