Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Austin Area Residents

Top Rated Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Austin Residents
It is no secret that addiction affects thousands of Americans each day. Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 9 of those Americans are also suffering from a co-occurring disorder commonly known as a dual diagnosis disorder. Residents of Austin are no stranger to the devastating effects of living with an untreated dual diagnosis. Resurgence Behavioral Health provides our patients with top level of care when it comes to healing from their addiction and learning methods to cope with their co-occurring disorder rather than turning to substances to self-medicate.
In our Veterans Drug Rehab Program in California, our counselors utilize holistic approaches to treatment. They’ll assist you in identifying the root causes of your addiction and offer personalized one-on-one support to address past traumas. This enables you to embark on a journey towards a future of sobriety and happiness, reclaiming control over your life. Austin residents turn to Resurgence for the exceptional evidence-based treatment methods used to treat their addiction and co-occurring disorders.
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?
Dual diagnosis treatment is designed to support patients who are experiencing substance use disorders, whether it be alcohol or drugs, along with a mood or mental health disorder. Common mental health disorders treated under a dual diagnosis treatment plan are anxiety, depression or depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. For some patients, a dual diagnosis can work to treat your substance use disorder along with an eating disorder.
Often when patients are experiencing symptoms from their mental health disorders, they can be unpleasant or difficult to manage. Patients then turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to self-medicate and reduce the severity of the symptoms that they are feeling. However, what patients often don’t realize or expect, is that the use of substances can exacerbate the severity of their symptoms over a longer period.
When treating a patient with a dual diagnosis, it is important to look at the substance use and mental health concerns individually first. By eliminating the influence of substances, our medical team will be able to gauge a baseline for your mental health concerns and create a treatment plan to give you stability within your mental health disorder and its symptoms. After looking at each co-occurring disorder individually, your treatment will shift to focus on how each has impacted the other.
Signs Someone May Have a Dual Diagnosis
In order to be diagnosed with a dual diagnosis disorder, you will need to consult with a psychiatrist and physician first hand. Often the dual diagnosis can go untreated for quite some time as individuals are unsure if the symptoms they are experiencing are due to their substance use or just normal baseline behavior for them. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms you should follow up with your physician to discuss if you have a dual diagnosis.
- Lack of care towards personal hygiene and appearances
- Difficulty performing and maintaining daily tasks and expectations
- Stating or recognizing regrets about habits
- Attempting to quit using substances but having difficulty to maintain sobriety and often relapsing
- Sudden changes in behavior
- Needing a larger dose to get the desired effect from alcohol or drugs
- Lack of interest in long term relationships that used to have meaning to you. Changing your social circle to one that uses drugs or alcohol
- Using a substance to “feel normal”
- DIfficulty communicating normally
- Increase in illegal activity or risk taking behavior
- Difficulty managing emotions/ emotional regulation
- Inability to maintain employment, continue with education or uphold family responsibilities
- Experiencing hallucinations or delusions that can be uncomfortable or unpleasant. Often leading the patient to turn to substances for relief.
- Financial instability
- Building a tolerance to your substance of choice
- Using drugs or alcohol to self medicate and control the symptoms you are feeling from your mental health concern
Why Dual Diagnosis Treatment Matters
It is no secret that living with a substance use disorder creates challenges each day for the patient. It creates discord within your relationships and impacts your ability to manage daily living. When you couple that with a mental health disorder, it is difficult to find stability in your mood and ability to manage each day. The use of substances will often increase the severity of symptoms that you feel and lead patients to increase their substance use as a way to cope.
Dual diagnosis treatment will provide you with the knowledge you need to manage your symptoms effectively without the use of substances. Under the medical supervision of doctors and psychiatrists, you will be offered appropriate medication interventions that will treat the symptoms you are experiencing and provide you with the mental clarity and stability you have been searching for.
By intervening with a dual diagnosis treatment method, you will have the ability to gain control over your substance use and heal from the emotional pains and traumas in your past that have negatively impacted your ability to remain sober. Often, these painful memories impact not only your substance use but can factor in your ability to regulate your mental health concerns. For example, if you have anxiety and have a history of emotional abuse or bullying in your past, these incidents can impact your ability to socialize with others and increase your feelings of loneliness. By participating in our trauma therapy, you will be able to heal from these painful memories and reframe your ability to approach social situations without feeling the overwhelming feelings of social anxiety.
How to Receive a Dual Diagnosis
While you may be wondering if you are experiencing a co-occurring disorder but haven’t received an official dual diagnosis. In order to do so, you will need to see your physician and psychiatrist, if you have one, to discuss the signs and symptoms you are experiencing. Your physician will get an understanding of your symptoms and refer to the diagnostic manual to properly diagnose your mental health concerns. Mental health concerns can be challenging to diagnose because you aren’t exhibiting physical and obvious symptoms like you would other disorders or diseases. Mental health disorders affect each person individually which is why your physician will gain insight into your daily living and what you are experiencing each day. By referencing the diagnostic manual, your doctor will be able to properly diagnose you and choose an effective form of treatment for your mental health concerns.
Treatment Options for People With a Dual Diagnosis
For anyone experiencing a dual diagnosis, you know that it is unique to you and your circumstances. No one person has the same experiences living with a dual diagnosis which is why your treatment needs to be individualized around your specific needs and circumstances. At Resurgence, our knowledgeable team of medical professionals and counselors will get to know your history with drugs and alcohol along with your mental health history. From there, we will create a customized dual diagnosis treatment plan that will heal your mind, body, and soul.
For anyone entering into drug or alcohol rehab, we strongly advise that you detox within our facility. Our medical team will supervise you throughout your detox and ensure that you are tapering off drugs and alcohol safely. Depending on your drug of choice, your withdrawal symptoms will vary with some having the potential of being life-threatening. Our nurses and doctors will monitor you each step of the way and provide you with medications and holistic measures of treatment to keep you comfortable and safe.
If it is possible for you and your schedule, we strongly recommend entering into inpatient alcohol or drug rehab program. Here you will gain insight into what has been driving your addiction through trauma-informed therapy methods. Through one on one and group therapy sessions, you will heal from the emotional turmoil of your past and create new, healthy coping strategies for the future. You will learn new skills for relapse prevention and learn tools for self-regulation and emotional intelligence that will have you equipped to handle any triggers or challenges that life throws your way. While in inpatient alcohol or drug rehab, you will also learn new methods of healthy coping with your mental health concerns through holistic measures such as proper diet, sleep, and exercise within your daily routine.
A great stepping stone from an inpatient treatment is entering into outpatient treatment. During inpatient treatment, you are provided with 24/7 support from our caring staff. Once you enter back into your home environment it is important to have therapeutic support from our counselors as you navigate your newfound way of life in sobriety. Outpatient will provide you with support from your counselor with individual and group therapy sessions to help guide you as you incorporate the healthy practices you learned into your day-to-day life.
Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Resurgence
Resurgence Behavioral Health provides residents of Austin with top-tier treatment methods that are above par for an industry standard for dual diagnosis treatment. Our counselors and physicians work hard collaboratively each day to provide you with the tools you need to remove the barriers that your substance use disorder and co-occurring disorder create for you. By teaching you healthy coping strategies so that you can face each day with confidence in your ability to sustain from turning to alcohol or drugs to cope. If you are ready to remove substance use from your life and gain control of your pairing mental health concern contact our knowledgeable and friendly staff at Resurgence Behavioral Health today.
Austin area residents, are you looking for Dual Diagnosis Treatment? Reach out to the experts at Resurgence today! #austin #dualdiagnosishttps://t.co/n4astifSRj
— Resurgence Behavioral Health (@RBHRecovery) November 4, 2021
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.