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Gen Z – The Loneliest Generation

Gen Z The Loneliest Generation Resurgence – Some wonder if Gen Z loneliness is to blame for addiction issues among the new generation. It’s one cause, but a treatment center can help.

Gen Z Loneliness and Addiction

Generation Z or Gen Z is the generation succeeding the millennial generation. People born after 1996 are in Generation Z. They should rapidly become the majority of Americans in their generation. The effects of their presence and actions are evidenced in social norms, the workplace, and especially politics.

Gen Z is the future of our nation. But are they the generation that will deplete all resources and lead to widespread disaster in world relations? Perhaps not, but analyzing Gen Z from various angles will predict the outcome of their impact on the world. And what about Gen Z loneliness?

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Who is Generation Z?

People who are born after 1996 are in the Gen Z populous. Currently, they are in their early 20s. Several demographics differentiate this generation from others. Research from various government-funded agencies has found Gen Z to be the most diverse population in racial and ethnic backgrounds.

They also found that Gen Z will likely become the first generation to be the most educated in U.S. history. Most Gen Z people live in cities as opposed to rural areas. However, the correlation between residence and education is not empirically correlated as valid causation of the educated and the uneducated. Many researchers posit that the rapid advancement of technology has allowed Gen Z to evolve quicker than previous generations.

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Generation Z and Loneliness

Medical professionals are seeing an increase in depression and loneliness in Gen Z individuals. Loneliness and depression can be due to many reasons because every individual is different, especially between generations. Gen Z individuals tend to be aimless and have a disdain and despair for life. Gen Z loneliness can be a major problem for many.

They tend to adopt constructs from nihilism, first posited by Fredrich Nietzsche. They perceive the world in a catastrophic manner that is facilitated by humanity’s greed. This self-realization may bring about feelings of angst, apathy, depression, and isolation. These feelings are from the damaging repercussions left by previous generations.

They isolate themselves from society and refuse to engage in societal norms because they do not see a reason for their angst. When Gen Z individuals participate in dating, they struggle to maintain a healthy relationship and have difficulty moving past a romance. Their thoughts and loneliness will sometimes lead to depression that co-occurs with excessive drinking and drug use.

However, Gen Z has the lowest reports of drug abuse among previous cohorts. They will begin to feel alienated from their friends and family. Instead, they choose to engage in a culture that is still developing and evolving—technology.

Generation Z Addicted to Social Media and Technology

It is no secret that social media and technology have evolved so much during the past couple of decades. No other generation has been affected more by this technological growth in our society than Gen Z. Some suggest that exposing the technology to children is a positive thing because it prepares them to adapt to life outside of school.

Others may argue that introducing technology at an early age has led Gen Z to a pandemic of depression, loneliness, and isolation. Studies have shown the latter to be true. Social media is a source of entertainment, news, and social interaction. However, many Gen Z individuals use social media as a means to escape from real-world situations.

They find comfort and humor in memes as a way to cope with the horrors the generations before left behind. Gen Z is addicted to social media, and it has negative effects on emotional, psychological, and even physical health. They do not interact with people often, and if they do, their interactions are brief and superficial. They lack the connection to other people, which can further isolate them from society and even themselves.

Studies show that those who do not often frequent social media and technology tend to be healthier regarding all health facets.

Gen Z and Nihilism

Health care professionals are prescribing more antidepressants than ever before. This increase may have to do with the new generation and their macabre and bleak outlook on life and its various components. Many Gen Z individuals feel a lack of achievement and purpose in life.  They feel as though many facets of nihilism are applicable in the world in which they were raised.

It is this belief in the nothingness that leads them to other feelings of sadness and loneliness.  And therefore, they withdraw from the norms of society. They promote a life of self-isolation primarily because of the prominence of social media and technology in modern life.

If Gen Z individuals seek belonging or want to make a positive impact globally, it begins at a molecular level. One determined individual can spark a wave of positive influence. History has proven this time and time again.

Gen Z and Mental Health

Many people suffer from the unpleasant effects of mental health disorders. People have described depression as a subtle internalized voice that spews sadistic and undermining comments. It is never positive but only exists to negatively critique and bully the person. That voice can contribute to isolation and loneliness because people feel that is what they deserve.  

They feel more comfortable being alone with no one to judge them, essentially crushing their motivation to interact with people. While simultaneously lowering their self-esteem even lower than they thought possible. Gen Z individuals are the ones who are experiencing these emotions and thoughts the most out of any previous generation. Seeking psychotherapy or counseling is one of the best coping strategies for this generation undergoing unprecedented changes in society.

Gen Z and Human Interaction

Gen Z individuals must act and find others experiencing the same isolation and disparaging thoughts they hone. That shared interest may spark a movement toward the future mental health of Gen Z. The pseudo-communication that takes place on social media is not a viable or healthy substitute for human interaction. Receiving more “likes” or “retweets” may be gratifying in a minuscule sense of self-worth.

That is only because the individual is conditioned to interpreting these signals as a form of positive reinforcement. When in actuality, those reinforcements’ long-term effects are self-damaging to the psyche and self-esteem. The lack of skills will place Gen Z individuals at a disadvantage in many areas, including healthy life habits. Gen Z individuals tend to have irregular sleep patterns, either sleeping too much or too little or at odd hours.

These patterns have negative mental and physical health effects. These effects can further drive Gen Z individuals to suppress their emotions or find unhealthy coping habits to alleviate the angst. It is up to Generation Z people to find a healthy path to a better future.

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If you are a Generation Z individual struggling with mental health or substance use disorders, please seek treatment at Resurgence Behavioral Health. You deserve to benefit from the effective and professional treatment from our center’s experienced and caring staff.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring you receive the utmost care in our hands. Contact Resurgence Behavioral Health today and begin living your life again.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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