How Does Naloxone Work?

What Is Naloxone?
Opioids can be incredibly beneficial in many ways. For instance, if a person recently suffered from an injury or went through surgery, prescription opioids can help to bring the pain relief that you need while you’re healing. However, the issue is that prescription opioids can lead to opioid addiction. When you’re under the influence of opioids, there is always the possibility that you could experience an opioid overdose which is a leading reason why you need to be familiar with naloxone Narcan.
In many cases, if a person has been prescribed opioids, they will also be given a naloxone prescription as well. This powerful substance has been shown to have incredible success in reversing an opioid overdose.
Addiction Treatment that
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Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
How Naloxone Works
In most cases, emergency medical personnel will deploy Narcan in order to reverse the effects of drug overdoses. Regardless of whether you’re suffering from possible heroin and prescription overdose, Narcan is something that can help to reverse the effects of the overdose and potentially pull you back from the possibility of death. Narcan helps to block the influence of heroin and prescription, and it’s key to helping save lives. In some cases, there is always the possibility that emergency medical personnel can reverse an overdose with naloxone by injecting it directly into the muscle or the vein of an individual.
Naloxone Side Effects
Although naloxone can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to overdose prevention, there are some side effects that a person may experience as a result of consuming it. In blocking pain medications, the effects of Naloxone can also cause nausea, stomach cramps, an increase in blood pressure, and weakness. This is the leading reason why, if possible, a dose of naloxone is something that local health departments should administer. Of course, the leading way of preventing opioid overdose and consuming Naloxone is to avoid using pain medications unless you are under the care of a doctor.
Medication Assisted Treatment at Resurgence
Medication-assisted treatment is something that can help you as you’re working your way through your recovery process. There are many people who mistakenly think that they need to suffer through the withdrawal symptoms or cravings that they may experience as they begin to work through their addiction. The medication-assisted treatment introduces certain medications into your recovery plan which can help to offset the impact of these cravings or symptoms.
It’s important that you follow the direction of your care team closely when it comes to medication-assisted treatment due to the fact that some medications that are used have their own addictive qualities. However, when you partner with our treatment center, you can take comfort in the fact that they will closely monitor your medication to avoid any possibility of substituting one addiction for another. MAT is something that will be done in conjunction with your traditional addiction recovery program which will include therapy and a relaxing and sober environment.
At Resurgence Behavioral Health, our focus is on finding ways to save lives and educating people on overdose prevention. If you’re suffering from opioid addiction or you suspect that a loved one may be experiencing an overdose, education on naloxone Narcan is something that can be incredibly beneficial to you. Our addiction treatment specialist has an understanding of what a person has gone through when they have experienced an overdose. We work closely with each client in preventing opioid overdose and educating our clients on the effects of Naloxone. If you would like more information about Naloxone drug facts or opioid use disorder, please get in touch with us at (855) 458-0050.
How does Naloxone work? Find out in the blog linked below! #naloxone #narcan #overdoseprevention
— Resurgence Behavioral Health (@RBHRecovery) July 25, 2022
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.