How to Help a Friend or Family Member With Addiction
A family member or a friend struggling with addiction needs your support, but getting help for someone is often a difficult undertaking. Often the stigma of being labeled as an addict is what is preventing some people from getting treatment. Each person and case is unique, but there are general guidelines that you can adhere to in offering help to someone with addiction.
Learn About Addiction
Addiction is a complex topic and not everyone is aware of the signs that one is well on his or her way toward addiction. If you know nothing about illicit drugs or signs of alcoholism, you might overlook indicators of a serious addiction, and by the time you notice them, it’s already too late.
The first step to helping a loved one with addiction is to being aware of the many aspects of addiction like triggers, health factors, causes, and the options he or she can take in terms of recovery. Knowing what addiction really is and what it entails will help you easily relate to a recovering addict, and you will be further equipped to help him or her deal with it.
Establish trust
It would be impossible for an addict to listen to you if you don’t have his or her trust. Trust is an important component when attempting to reach out to someone regarding addiction. It can, however, be easily undermined with the wrong approach. Nagging, lecturing, and criticizing, among other similar actions, will easily destroy any chances of gaining the trust of an addicted friend or family member.
The key to gaining trust is doing the opposite of what’s written above. You must learn to communicate with genuine concern and compassion and once he or she opens up, you must be ready to listen. This is not going to be easy as an addict may feel that they are being manipulated into seeking help. You should also keep in mind that trust goes both ways, which means that you are in no way tolerating bad behavior. When your attempts at communicating falls through, it is time to seek professional help.
What to do During Treatment
Once you convince them to seek help, keep in mind that treatment will vary according to the type of addiction. If you are actively involved in the treatment, you should remember to maintain the trust you built with your loved one. It is also important to refrain from blaming or criticizing him or her for their condition. Learn to listen with an open mind.
If your loved one decided to undergo treatment in his or her lonesome, you can help by respecting their privacy by not telling those who do not need to know about his treatment. Also keep in mind that change does not happen overnight, so be patient while your loved one completes his or her treatment.
Lastly, seek help for yourself. Supporting an addict can be emotionally draining and lonely, so it is critical to have your own support system. You can find strength and support and therapy, counseling, and dedicated support groups like Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, and SMART Recovery.
Orange County Addiction Rehab
Our treatment programs in Orange County offer a complete treatment program that integrates mental health, substance abuse, and primary care services. We offer detox, both 12-step and SMART recovery groups, and a comprehensive drug treatment program. We are not a one size fits all treatment facility, and this sets us apart from other treatment centers. Our treatment plans in Orange County are customized to each patient’s needs and preferences and are administered by our staff of highly motivated and expert professionals.
We Can Help
We believe and have proven many times that addictions can be effectively and safely treated. Our Orange County Xanax rehab facility offers inpatient and outpatient care for addiction and our aftercare programs ensure that you have the tools you need to maintain sobriety when the formal treatment is through. We can help you find the recovery you’ve been looking for, and all you need to begin is call. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you take back your life from addiction.