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Is Forced Rehab Effective for Addiction Recovery?

Is Forced Rehab Effective for Addiction Recovery

Is Forced rehab Legal?

Family and friends of people struggling with drug abuse or drug addiction often wonder about taking steps to get them into a drug rehab program. Treatment programs work best when the person being treated is committed to their addiction recovery. However, forced drug treatment can be successful, too. Many people avoid drug treatment programs because they believe they can stop using by doing their own work without help to quit and stay in recovery. Usually, they start experiencing withdrawal symptoms, relapsing, and starting all over again with their habits of drug abuse. If you’re looking for drug detox treatment Los Angeles, our center provides comprehensive detox programs to help people be able to quit and stay in recovery successfully. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Forced or mandatory rehab may not be the most comfortable experience for substance misusers, but if the alternative is an overdose that is potentially deadly is the other option, loved ones, as well as courts and other government officials, often see that as no choice at all.  If you have someone in your life who is struggling with drugs and alcohol and will not seek treatment on their own, give us a call. There are options and we are here to help.

Court-ordered or forced drug treatment is a legal avenue for family members and medical professionals in 37 states and Washington, D.C., according to the National Alliance of Model State Drug Laws.  Substance misusers can be forced into treatment in these states if they pose a threat to themselves or others. As you can imagine, these situations are often not ideal from anyone’s perspective. Drug or alcohol addictions can lead to people putting themselves into life-threatening situations, and not just regarding overdoses, and force or coerced treatment on the part of doctors, law enforcement, or loved ones can be an act of mercy. 

If you’d like information on what courses of action you can legally take regarding someone’s struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, give us a call today. 

How Effective Is Forcing Someone Into Addiction Treatment

If someone isn’t forced into treatment, they might never address their issues with substance use disorders. When someone goes through the cycle of using drugs and having an addiction, with failed attempts to quit using on their own, many problems can occur. Health issues related to drug use, loss of employment or expulsion from school, and other negative effects. Forced drug rehab can be the catalyst for someone to see how badly drugs and alcohol are affecting their life. It can also help with relapse prevention when someone is pushed into going through treatment at a point when they have tried stopping on their own, too. So forced addiction treatment may not be the best way for someone to get help with drugs or alcohol but it is an effective way to get someone focused on their health and away from substance abuse. For those in the Palo Alto area considering their options, the drug detox treatment Palo Alto provides support for people at various stages of recovery, including those who may benefit from forced treatment.

It can be more effective to force someone into addiction treatment than them seek it themselves. Even if they are indignant about being enrolled in addiction treatment and don’t want to put forth the effort, they will be in a controlled environment that you ensured them to be enrolled in. If they try doing it themself, not having the motivation to get better but doing it with no intention of doing the work, it will be less effective for them and take longer for them to be in a successful recovery. 

How To Help Someone Get Treatment for Addiction

The first thing to do is to educate yourself about the different drug and alcohol treatment programs. This way when you speak to a person struggling with addiction, you are understanding of what they’re going through and can provide helpful insight. Some techniques to talk to a loved one about their drug abuse are: 

  • Don’t delay the talk: This can make it even worse for the person going through addiction and it’s not a good idea to wait for them to hit rock bottom. 
  • Express honestly what your concerns are: Emphasize your worries for the person’s well-being and offer examples of their behavior that’s related to drug abuse that worries you. 
  • Listen: Even if you don’t agree with the person who is suffering from addiction it’s important to listen to what they have to say and not argue with them. Remember to be supportive and understanding. Accusing someone of their unhealthy behavior regarding substance abuse is only going to push them away. 
  • Always be prepared for your loved one to be in denial: They might be defensive or refuse to discuss this drug use issue they have. 
  • Do not try to lecture, threaten, bribe, or punish your loved one: If you make emotional appeals or get angry, it will make the person feel guilty and make them more likely to use drugs because they are emotional. 
  • Don’t expect one conversation to fix the problem: This won’t be the last conversation you have with your loved one about their substance abuse. Unfortunately, there’s no quick fix for overcoming addiction. It might take more conversations for them to realize their substance abuse and want to get addiction treatment. 
  • Call a professional for substance and alcoholism treatment: Then you can enroll in an organization like Resurgence Behavioral Health to get information about interventions, family therapy, and all of the types of treatment they offer, in addition to any education you may need on substance abuse in general. 

Drug and Alcohol Rehab at Resurgence Behavioral Health

When people addicted to drugs do not seek treatment, their family and friends will have to impose on them to go to rehab with the help of medical professionals to admit someone with a substance use disorder involuntarily. At Resurgence Behavioral Health we have treatment programs to help those in need and educational services for their friends and family members who are trying to help. Call us today at 855-458-0050 for more information about all that we offer. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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