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Norman OK Alcohol Detox

Alcohol Detox , Alcohol Rehab Josh Chandler | September 23, 2021

Norman OK Alcohol Detox

Alcohol Detox Center Norman, OK 

Struggling with an addiction to alcohol isn’t something that you have to suffer with alone. When you work with a team of experienced addiction experts at our alcohol detox center, you will receive the personalized treatment that you need as you begin to take steps toward living a healthier and more fulfilling way of life. 

By choosing Resurgence Behavioral Health, you’re taking a significant step towards a brighter, healthier future. Addiction can halt the progress of your life, taking away your autonomy and making daily existence chaotic and unmanageable. Starting your recovery journey in our inpatient drug rehab means you’re taking that vital first stride towards regaining control. No longer will you be at the mercy of addiction’s unpredictable whims; instead, you will be in charge, steering your life in the direction you desire without the looming threats of danger or adverse health consequences.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

What is Alcohol Detox? 

Alcohol detox is the process of removing the influence of alcohol from your mind and your body. When your body has become so accustomed to consuming a certain amount of alcohol, it will begin to crave it once again within just a few hours of your last drink. Once your body realizes that it is not going to get it, it can go into somewhat of a tailspin. This is called withdrawal. Coming to our alcohol detox center gives you the chance to go through the detox process knowing that you have dedicated addiction experts available to guide you through withdrawal.  

Why Do You Need Medical Detox for Alcohol Dependency? 

Deciding to come to our alcohol detox for Norman, OK residents are the healthiest and safest way for you to go through withdrawal since withdrawal symptoms can be incredibly dangerous. There are certain cases where a client may experience a set of mild symptoms such as feeling generally sick and unwell. However, depending on the extent of your addiction, there is also a chance that you may experience a more severe set of symptoms such as nausea, dehydration, shakiness or even a seizure. Any one of these symptoms could ultimately result in your death if they become bad enough which is why we never recommend that you attempt to go through the detox process unless you’re under the care of medical professionals. Even a close friend or family member will not be able to adequately care for you at this stage of your recovery. 

What to Expect at Medical Alcohol Detox 

There are some clients that describe their time in our alcohol detox as the hardest time in their addiction. Since it’s impossible to predict the exact type of withdrawal symptoms that you may feel throughout the detox process, there is always the chance that you will have moments where you feel okay physically and psychologically followed by other moments where you feel terrible. 

What we can promise you, however, is that we will always do everything that we can to see to any of your needs during the time that you are in detox. Whether that means seeing to your physical needs as you experience withdrawal symptoms or simply talking as your mind begins to settle into your new sober lifestyle, our team will be there for you around the clock. 

On average, most of our clients will need to spend approximately seven days in detox. Once you make the choice to become sober, we strongly recommend that you reach out to us as soon as possible so that we can move quickly to get you into the safe environment that detox provides. From there, we will be able to assess you and provide you with a better understanding of what you can expect during your time in treatment. 

What Happens After Alcohol Detox 

One of the reasons why Resurgence Behavioral Health is such a trusted name in the industry is due to the fact that not only do we offer Norman, OK residents an alcohol detox program but we also provide the opportunity to transition into a long-term recovery program immediately after. We believe that this continuity of care is key in your overall recovery because it will give you the best opportunity to capitalize on the renewed sense of health that you feel and allow you to learn more about what you have to do to maintain your sobriety. 

Our team understands that addiction comes in many different shapes and forms which means that you can never take a one size fits all approach to recovery. This is the main reason why we work individually with each one of our clients to put together a treatment program that will help them to meet their goals. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Norman, OK 

Many people that reach out to Resurgence mistakenly believe that it’s impossible to go through a treatment program while you are working. As addiction experts, we understand that many of our clients must continue to work just to survive financially. We created our outpatient program as a way to allow clients that must work or go to school full time to still receive the overall help that they need to address their addiction. 

Similar to our other treatment programs, you will participate in certain forms of therapy that will help you to develop an understanding of the root cause of your addiction. One of the main ways that you will do that when you are working through a general outpatient program will be through group therapy. Group therapy provides you with the opportunity to connect with other people that are working through their own recovery. By sharing your thoughts and experiences based on the subject at hand, you give yourself a better opportunity to grow and develop your system of support which is something that is key in your long-term recovery. We always encourage you to make and develop these connections as they will become invaluable tools and assets during your recovery. 

Residential Alcohol Rehab, OK 

A residential alcohol and drug rehab program is the most structured type of recovery program that we offer at Resurgence. Clients that opt to work through our residential program will live on campus with us throughout the course of their recovery. Many clients decide to work through a residential program, also referred to as an inpatient program, due in large part to the fact that they simply don’t live in the type of environment that can help to facilitate sobriety. For instance, if you live with a friend or a family member that doesn’t understand that addiction is a disease, there is a possibility that you may be tempted into giving in to a craving for alcohol at any given time. 

Something that we recognize is that the reason why some clients make the decision to come to our residential program is that they want to redevelop the relationships that they once had with their close friends and family members. Unfortunately, an addiction of any kind tends to have a negative impact on 

MAT Rehab Norman, OK 

There is a common misconception among many people that reach out to our alcohol detox center that the physical aspects of detox and recovery are something that a person simply has to suffer with. The reality is that when you come to our alcohol detox center, our team will do everything that they can to make you feel comfortable and at ease. One of the ways that we do that is by helping you to put together a plan for a medically assisted treatment program. 

A medically assisted treatment program, also known as MAT, utilizes certain types of medications that can help you to better manage the physical and psychological fallout that a person tends to experience in the first few hours, days, and weeks of your recovery. There are some people that get in touch with our alcohol detox in Norman who believe that participating in a MAT program is similar to substituting one addiction to alcohol for an addiction to drugs. However, when you have the choice to collaborate with our treatment team, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your medication will be closely monitored so that you never run into the possibility of dealing with another type of addiction. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Alcohol Addiction Recovery at Resurgence 

Making the decision to come to our alcohol detox and treatment center is one that will unquestionably change the course of your life for the better. From the time that you reach out to our intake team, we will take the time to learn more about you and your history, not just as a person that has an addiction but as an individual that is truly ready to work through the different factors that are often associated with addiction and trauma. If you would like more information about our alcohol detox in Norman or you are ready to find out more about our treatment programs, we encourage you to get in touch with our team today and give us a call at (855) 458-0050. 

Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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