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The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Vicodin

The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Vicodin Resurgence Behavioral Health

Alcohol and Vicodin Can Be a Deadly Combination

There are many people who come to the end of a long day and opt to have a drink as a way to relax. However, if you’re combating an alcohol addiction as well as chronic pain and take Vicodin, you may mistakenly believe that no harm will come from mixing alcohol and Vicodin. The reality is that there are several reasons why you should never combine alcohol and Vicodin. There are many severe health risks that you may experience over and above the issues that you could face from an addiction to alcohol. The effects of combining these two substances are something that could be deadly which is why it’s something that you want to avoid at all costs. 

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What is Vicodin?

A person may be prescribed and take Vicodin as a way to be able to manage the pain that they are feeling. Vicodin is a substance that is typically used by a person that is experiencing moderate to severe pain. This is an example of prescription medications that can help your body to feel more at ease and relaxed as it heals. However, it’s also a highly addictive substance which is why it’s not meant to be taken for a long period of time and it’s definitely not a substance that you should be mixing alcohol with. The effects of combining Vicodin and alcohol is something that could be catastrophic to your health which is why it’s important that you disclose any issues with substance abuse to your doctor before he or she prescribes you this type of medication.  

Why Combining Vicodin with Alcohol is Dangerous

It’s important to remember that combining any type of drugs and alcohol is something that could negatively impact your health. Combining alcohol and Vicodin can cause severe consequences for any person. For instance, you could experience trouble breathing, liver damage, struggle with motor control, and could potentially die from this type of interaction. It’s also important to remember that you may be addicted to alcohol but not necessarily Vicodin or you could experience an opioid addiction but not an alcohol addiction. An accidental combination of these two dangerous substances is always possible, however, it could lead to serious consequences. 

How Long After Alcohol Can You Take Vicodin? 

There are several factors that play into determining when you can next consume Vicodin after drinking. Some of these factors include the amount of alcohol you consumed and the time when you drank it. If you have drunk a substantial amount of alcohol, it is generally advisable to wait several hours before taking Vicodin, at least six in most cases. This is, however, only a rough estimate, and the actual waiting time greatly depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. If you have consumed alcohol and you are concerned about your next Vicodin dose, a prudent approach would be to consult your doctor for more specific guidance. However, if you are taking Vicodin without a doctor’s prescription, the best course of action would be to reach out to an addiction treatment facility for guidance, especially if you are also dealing with issues like weaning off Zoloft. This will help ensure that you have proper safeguards in place and can receive help for any substance abuse issues you may be experiencing. For more information, visit alcohol detox near Palo Alto.

Alcohol and Prescription Drug Rehab at Resurgence

If you’re suffering from alcohol addiction or prescription drug abuse, help is possible. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we offer a myriad of addiction treatment programs that will help you to overcome both your addiction to alcohol as well as prescription medications. Before you can commit to a drug or alcohol rehab program, however, it’s possible that you may need to work through a comprehensive detox. The reason for this is that if you have been addicted to alcohol or prescription medications for any period of time, you may experience alcohol or drug withdrawal symptoms within just a few hours from the last time that you took your substance of choice which can cause severe ramifications on your overall physical and psychological well-being. On average alcohol and drug detox will last approximately seven days with the worst of your withdrawal symptoms developing within the first 72 hours. After that week in alcohol and drug detox, you will be able to better focus on the steps that you need to take to overcome your substance abuse issue once and for all. 

After your time in detox, it’s essential that you commit to inpatient rehab or an outpatient treatment program. There are many people who complete their detox program and opt to commit to an inpatient rehab due to the fact that they will be able to enjoy the around-the-clock care that this form of addiction treatment offers. You will have unlimited access to your treatment team, and enjoy the amenities of the treatment facility and the other people at that facility that are working through their own substance use disorders. 

There are some people who are unable to commit to inpatient rehab for one reason or another. For example, you may recognize that you need drug or alcohol treatment, however, you have full-time or part-time work or school responsibilities which prevents you from being able to work through this type of addiction treatment program. During an outpatient treatment program such as an intensive outpatient or a general outpatient treatment plan, you will have the flexibility that you need to see to these other responsibilities in your life and still receive the addiction treatment help that you need. You will have an individualized addiction treatment program that can be adjusted as needed to ensure that you can make the most out of your time in treatment. Your treatment team will continue to check in with you on a regular basis to see if any adjustments need to be made to your treatment program. 

Regardless of whether you opt to commit to an inpatient or an outpatient addiction treatment program, you will need to participate in different forms of addiction therapy so that you can uncover the root cause of your addiction. There are many people who don’t feel comfortable talking about themselves or their issues in addiction therapy. However, through openly and honestly participating in this type of treatment, you will come to find that you are not alone in what you’re thinking and feeling. Some of the examples of addiction therapy that you will experience include: Alcohol Detox Near Los Angeles.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Family therapy 

Unfortunately, addiction is something that is commonly referred to as a family disease due to the fact that family members are often impacted by the negative behavior of the family member that is struggling with addiction. If you come to find that your relationship with your family members is non-existent due to your substance abuse, participating in family therapy can help to bring you and your loved ones back together. This is a form of therapy that will not be attempted until you come to a place in your recovery where it’s decided that you can manage this type of interaction in a healthy way. However, if you can repair these relationships, you may come to find that the new support from your family members is something that is invaluable. 

Group therapy 

Many people who struggle with addiction mistakenly believe that they are the only person in the world that thinks or feels a certain way. This is simply a way of this disease making you feel more alone and driving you further into the disease. However, when you experience group therapy, you will come to find that there are many other people who may have similar experiences or think the same way that you do. During group therapy, you will have the opportunity to talk and interact more with other people that are working their way through their own addiction treatment programs. You may also come to find that you develop relationships with these people who can turn into an excellent support system for you. 

There are other types of therapies that you will also experience during your time in treatment such as individual therapy and behavioral therapy. Your treatment team will provide you with the answers to any other questions that you may have regarding the different forms of therapy that you will experience during treatment. 

When you’re ready to tackle an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the team at Resurgence Behavioral Health is here to provide you with the tools and support that you need. Whether you have been struggling with substance abuse for years or this is something that is more recent in your life, you can rest assured that our team will do everything that we can to ensure that you have what you need to work through every aspect of your addiction. Our intake team is available around the clock and we’re looking forward to hearing from you so that you can begin your recovery journey with us. For more information on combating an addiction to prescription medication or to alcohol, we encourage you to get in touch with us at (855) 458-0050. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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