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What is Drug Detox Like?

drug detox withdrawal symptoms

What Does It Feel Like to Go Through Drug Withdrawal?

One of the questions that a substance abuser typically has revolves around what they can expect to experience during the time that they are going through a detox program for drugs and alcohol. Since addiction is something that impacts every person differently, it’s nearly impossible to tell exactly what a person will experience as they go through drug or alcohol detox. However, there are certain symptoms that are commonly associated with drug withdrawal which include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Cravings 
  • Shakiness 
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety 
  • Stomach issues 
  • Problems breathing 

There is also a possibility that a person could suffer from a seizure as a result of their withdrawal symptoms. In more extreme cases, there is also the possibility that a person can pass away if they don’t get the help and the care that they need during this potentially dangerous period of time. 

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Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

What Causes Drug Withdrawal Symptoms?

When a person has become physically dependent on a substance, their body and mind becomes used to the impact that that substance has on them. Addiction is something that can take over the life of a person in various stages. However, once that addiction has formed, your mind and body will undoubtedly go through some type of withdrawal stage. The withdrawal stage is triggered once you no longer consume your substance of choice when your body or mind has become used to it. In a sense, your body will go into somewhat of a tailspin during which time you will likely be unable to properly care for yourself. 

When Does Drug Detox Start?

You may be surprised by the fact that drug withdrawal symptoms are something that can set in fairly quickly from the last time that you took your substance of choice. It’s not uncommon for withdrawal symptoms to set in within just a few hours from the last time that you took a specific substance. This is just one of the reasons why it’s so important that you reach out for help as soon as you’ve made the decision to commit to recovery. If you decide to work with Resurgence, for example, you can take comfort in the fact that our recovery team will work quickly to set you up with a plan for drug detox near Los Angeles so that you aren’t put in a position where you need to deal with severe withdrawal symptoms on your own.

Drug Detox Medications

There are many medications that can be utilized during drug detox. Here are just a few examples of the medications that may be included into your treatment plan: 

  • Acamprosate 
    Acamprosate, also known as Campral, is a medication that is commonly used when a person is struggling with alcohol. It’s one of only three medications that are approved to treat alcoholism by helping to reduce the brain’s dependence on the substance. 
  • Anti-nausea medication 
    Anti-nausea medication such as Zofran, metoclopramide or promethazine are commonly used in a detox due to the fact that nausea is one of the main withdrawal symptoms that a person may suffer from. This is a medication that will only be used on a short-term basis as after a couple of days, the nausea will start to pass. 
  • Buprenorphine 
    Buprenorphine is a medication that is commonly used during opioid or opiate detox. This medication is designed to diminish the harsh impact of physical withdrawal symptoms and can help to offset cravings. This medication can also be used during medication assisted treatment
  • Naltrexone comes in both pill form as well as an injectable and is used for people who suffer from an opioid addiction as well as an alcohol addiction. This medication blocks the euphoric or pain-killing effects of substances including alcohol, fentanyl, codeine, or heroin. By blocking these effects, this medication can also help to naturally reduce cravings. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, seeking help at a drug detox center near Riverside may be the first step towards recovery.

How Long Does it Take To Detox from Drugs?

On average, a person will need to spend approximately seven days in a drug detox program. Again, this is also dependent on your substance of choice as well as the extent of your addiction. The worst of your withdrawal symptoms will develop during the first 72 hours of your time in withdrawal. This stretch of time is the most dangerous and it’s a period of time that you should be under the watchful eye of your addiction treatment team. Toward the end of your week in detox, you will begin to feel much better both physically and psychologically so that you can actively and meaningfully commit to your recovery program. For those in need of such a critical care phase, the drug detox near Palo Alto provides comprehensive detox services to ensure a safe and effective start to the recovery journey.

Drugs That Require Drug Detox

Realistically, any type of substance that you’re addicted to can require some period of time in drug detox depending on your level of addiction. From alcohol to opioids, from heroin to cocaine, any type of addictive substance could result in you needing to spend some amount of time in a detox program. The best thing that you can do is to be completely open and honest with your intake team regarding the drug (or drugs) that you’re addicted to and the extent of that addiction so that they can help you to develop a treatment plan, including detox, which will work for you. 

Treatment After Drug Detox

Once you complete your detox from drugs in California, you should always plan to transition into one of the addiction treatments that are available through the treatment facility that you partner with. There are several different types of treatment programs that you can select from when you’re ready to further address your drug addictions or focus on your mental health treatment. Many people who went to one of the treatment centers in the area for a detox program often opt to work through an inpatient rehab or a residential program to address their prescription drug addiction. Residential or inpatient rehab centers Los Angeles for drug and alcohol abuse gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you’re in a safe and sober environment throughout the course of your recovery. You will be surrounded by a team of alcohol and drug experts who can provide you with the personalized levels of care that you need throughout the time that you’re in treatment. Over and above unlimited access to your treatment team, you will also enjoy the support of other people that are working through their own alcohol or drug treatment program. This additional support is something that can help you to build your own unique system of support to overcome your alcohol and drug addiction which is something that is monumental during your time in recovery and long after. 

There are many people who are unable to commit to an inpatient treatment program for a number of reasons. For example, if you have full time work or school responsibilities, it may be all but impossible for you to commit to an inpatient program. There are also many who don’t feel comfortable with the premise of inpatient treatment. They may feel as though it’s entirely too restrictive which can deter them from treatment. However, there is another alternative to addiction treatment which comes in the form of an outpatient treatment program. 

An intensive outpatient program, a partial hospitalization program or even a general outpatient program are all alternatives to a residential treatment program. These outpatient programs give you more options to take advantage of an addiction recovery program while still seeing to other responsibilities in their life. Regardless of whether you have these full time or part time responsibilities, an outpatient program will give you the peace of mind of knowing that you can still maintain these responsibilities while working to overcome your addiction issues. 

A focal point of your time in treatment will be to determine the root cause of your addiction. The root cause of addiction is different for every person and, in many cases, it revolves around experiencing some form of trauma. These traumas are something that a person will be able to address by participating in different forms of addiction therapy. Although therapy is something that can feel uncomfortable at times, participating in these various types of counseling can help you to identify these events and come to peace with them so that you will be able to move past them. Group therapy, family therapy, behavioral therapy and individual therapy are all examples of therapy that you can expect to experience during the time that you’re in addiction recovery. 

Resurgence Behavioral Health Best Drug Detox Program

The alcohol and drug addiction experts at Resurgence Behavioral Health understand the tremendous toll that addiction and alcohol or drug detox can take on a person’s physical and mental health. Our intake team is available around the clock to provide you with the care that you need to manage your drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms in a healthy way. If you are addicted to alcohol or drugs and you have made the decision to overcome your substance abuse issue one and for all, we encourage you to take the first step and get in touch with us at (855) 458-0050 and learn more about the recovery programs that we offer.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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