Halcion Symptoms and Signs

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Halcion, also known as Triazolam, is a potent benzodiazepine often prescribed to treat mood disorders, such as insomnia, anxiety, aggression, suicidal behavior, schizophrenia, psychosis, or Tourette’s Syndrome.

Halcion is often abused. It causes euphoria, similar to the feeling of alcohol intoxication.

Physical addiction or dependency can quickly develop in as little as two weeks.

Even if you have a prescription from your doctor, you still have the chance to become dependent on Halcion, as well as suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms are a significant indicator of addiction.

Signs of Halcion Abuse

You may not realize that you can become addicted to Halcion because you may only take it to fall asleep, but you will eventually need it to function altogether.

Signs of Halcion abuse might include:

  • drowsiness
  • dilated pupils
  • slow breathing
  • slurred speech
  • going to different doctors to obtain multiple prescriptions
  • lack of coordination
  • vomiting
  • isolation
  • legal issues
  • not participating in activities you once loved

Is Halcion Dangerous?

Many users find themselves experience bizarre side effects while taking Halcion, such as driving a car, preparing food, and having sexual intercourse.
For example, there have been individuals who take the drug at night, and then it continues to the next day. They do not remember any of the behaviors that occur while on the drug, which is confusing and dangerous.
These behaviors can even cause emotional trauma. Other symptoms of Halcion abuse include:

  • sweating
  • anxiety
  • nausea/vomiting
  • dizziness
  • memory problems
  • stomach cramps
  • insomnia
  • hallucinations
  • seizures
  • suicidal thoughts
  • taking more Halcion than prescribed
  • obtaining Halcion illegally
  • combining Halcion with other substances

How Does Halcion Work?

Halcion slows down the central nervous system, which causes the brain to slow down and even respiratory depression. If you abuse Halcion in large doses, you are at risk of overdose, leading to coma or even death.
Because it is so dangerous, Halcion is off the market in the United Kingdom. The British Ministry of Health said that “Triazolam is associated with a much higher frequency of psychiatric side effects, particularly loss of memory and depression.” The FDA even considered taking Halcion off the market in 1991 but instead reduced the dosages to protect consumers.

Addiction vs. Dependence

When Halcion is used in ways other than how it is prescribed, it is considered abuse of the substance. Halcion dependence is a physical state caused by long-term use, resulting in withdrawal symptoms when deciding to stop taking Halcion. The addiction to Halcion is a primary, chronic, and neurobiological disease. It is genetic, psychosocial, and environmental.
The following behaviors characterize Halcion addiction:

  • inability to control the use
  • compulsive use
  • continuing to use Halcion despite negative consequences
  • craving Halcion

Do I Have a Halcion Addiction?

It can be difficult to know if you have an addiction to Halcion. Typically, it is not prescribed for more than ten days. If you take it for longer, then it is probably the sign of an addiction.
The issue with this drug is that eventually, you will need to depend on it to avoid withdrawal symptoms and to feel normal. Tolerance to Halcion use can also build rapidly with continued abuse.
If you are addicted to Halcion, you may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • prioritizing using Halcion over work, school, or family responsibilities
  • frequently seeming confused
  • being detached from reality
  • refusing to go anywhere without Halcion
  • going to great lengths to obtain Halcion

Halcion Withdrawal

Breaking an addiction to Halcion is difficult because Halcion withdrawal is extremely intense and can even be deadly. It is important that users not quit cold turkey but instead enter a medical detox.
If you stop taking Halcion cold turkey, you might experience panic attacks, headaches, nausea, and seizures, making it easy to relapse. You may experience rebound insomnia after stopping this drug, especially if you used it to help you sleep. Your insomnia can come back in full force. Rebound insomnia should not last longer than a few days.
Treating a Halcion addiction requires a tapering down approach. You may be given a less potent benzodiazepine to avoid withdrawal. Your dose will then be slowly reduced over either weeks or months, depending on how severe your addiction is.

Mental Illness and Addiction

If you struggle with mental illness simultaneously as addiction, you have a dual diagnosis. Some drugs create problems to trigger mental health symptoms, or mental health problems can push you to use to self-medicate.
Examples of the result of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders include:

  • Chronic drug and alcohol abuse leading to the possibility of assault, PTSD, depression, and more.
  • Poor decision-making under the influence means that you may break laws or get arrested. You may even make other bad decisions that result in anxiety as well as drug addiction.
  • Unprotected sex or sharing needles leads to HIV and hepatitis C making it very easy for depression and grief to occur.
  • Depression is a common side effect of most drugs when they begin to wear off.

Mental Illness and Addiction

There is a connection between mental illness and the use of addictive substances. Overall mental health patients are responsible for consuming around 40% of alcohol and drugs. Half of all people with a mental health condition will also struggle with an alcohol use disorder at some point in their lives.
Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol are often used to self-medicate, but they do little to address the underlying mental health condition. Even if you do obtain treatment for your addiction, if you do not treat your mental health disorder symptoms, you will never be able to achieve proper recovery.


Similar to other benzodiazepines, the chemical changes in Halcion can trigger life-threatening complications when attempting sobriety. One-third of people who take benzos for longer than six months will experience withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, muscle spasms, tension, and hypersensitivity. Without treatment, these symptoms can turn into full-body seizures.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient programs provide 24-hour care for those struggling with addiction, which is essential in the beginning. This form of treatment allows you to address all aspects of your addiction before getting even worse. This intense form of care is difficult for families to provide, which is why it makes it easier to go to a treatment center.
There is fully trained and qualified staff to run sessions during inpatient rehab to help you understand your Halcion use and your triggers. The hope is that after treatment, you will be able to return to your life with the skills you need to remain sober.

Payment Information

Do you want treatment but are worried about how you can pay for it? We have a team of financial professionals who provide free insurance verification. We will work with you to determine how to move forward with the treatment in a way that works for you and your financial situation.

How to Get Help

Are you or a loved one suffering from addiction?

At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we understand how difficult it can be to give up an addiction.

Our dedicated team will help you customize a treatment plan to help you heal from your addiction.

Our goal is for you to leave Resurgence Behavioral Health with mental fortitude and coping skills to maintain lifelong sobriety.

Call Resurgence Behavioral Health at (855) 458-0050 to schedule an appointment.

We challenge you to make a fresh start with us today.