What is the Cost of Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
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Addiction Treatment that
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Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
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The Cost of Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Do you ask yourself how much does rehab cost? You may be apprehensive about moving forward with getting help when worrying about responsibilities associated with rehab costs.
We don’t blame you as insurance premiums went up 5% since 2018. But what are the costs of not seeking treatment if you are suffering from a debilitating addiction or mental illness? At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we offer nationally accredited care and will find the leading treatment option affordable for you!
What Plan Is Right For Me?
Resurgence Behavioral Health does not believe in a one size fits all approach to providing treatment for your addiction. We have a dedicated staff who is committed to delivering multiple long-term recovery options customized just for you. Let our comprehensive and compassionate treatment programs build a better foundation and future for you or your loved one!
Understanding the Cost of Drug and Alcohol Treatment
If you need rehab but decide against it for fear of rehab cost, we can promise you the addiction is more expensive. You will be able to discuss your concerns about the rehab process and associated costs with our team of professionals.
Deciding between an inpatient or outpatient treatment plan will provide a more accurate explanation for your financial obligations. How much does rehab cost? The average price of rehab costs depends on your policy and any additional amenities you are seeking. Our admission coordinators will take into account your expectations when planning personal expenses.
Our treatment experts will ask you pre-intake questions to determine the types of treatments and conveniences that will be most suitable for you!
Worried about the Cost of Drug and Alcohol Treatment? We Have you Covered
In many cases, people who come to us are not in what would be considered ideal circumstances. You may have lost your job or don’t have the resources due to dependency issues. For individuals without an insurance plan or other resources, we will recommend different options.
One alternative that might be beneficial in such a situation is to find a non-profit treatment facility if you are worried about rehab cost. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, you will be referred to a state office, responsible for finding state-funded programs. Unfortunately, with many government-run programs, they can be overwhelmed and take months even years to find proper treatment.
If you don’t have insurance or therapy isn’t covered, Resurgence may be able to treat you based on a sliding scale of income based on income.
Rehab Cost Versus the Cost of Addiction
According to samhsa.gov, drug addiction is associated with negative work habits such as missing work or suffering unemployment. Around one in six people are unemployed due to a crippling addiction. If you feel it is never the right time to address your addiction, you could become a part of these statistics!
No matter your insurance plan, we will have a plan that fits your budget. All our programs come with nationally recognized treatment methods and compassionate staff. Resurgence Behavioral Health will encourage the resolution and motivation to experience a fulfilling life free from addiction!
Addressing Mental Illness
At Resurgence Behavioral Health, we realize that not all addictions are a physical dependence. Neurological disorders will affect one in four people, but nearly 2/3 of people will never seek help.
We know that addressing a mental health issue can be sensitive, but our professionals will be there to ease your concerns and answer your questions. Our range of treatments includes a plan for psychological disorders and compulsions such as gambling, sex addiction, and disordered eating. Resurgence California offers therapy for trauma-related care and dual diagnosis treatment for those that suffer from an addiction and undiagnosed mental disorders.
Your rehab cost may include a combination of therapies, including inpatient or outpatient care, cognitive care, and medications. No matter your plan, you will be working with our staff of passionate therapists and doctors who want to help.
Rehab Cost and Treatment
If you are suffering from a physical dependence that could cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, our professionals will recommend medical detoxification. We offer this first stage of addiction treatment in both our inpatient and outpatient recovery plans.
The rehab cost of medical detoxification usually runs anywhere from $500 to $1,000 a day. Resurgence Behavioral Health’s Inpatient Programs are ideal for our clients who would benefit from 24-hour counseling and medical support. Rehab cost for an inpatient stay is estimated at $20,000 per month.
Outpatient Rehabilitation is ideal for patients who cannot take an extended downtime from career, family, or other responsibilities. The average rehab cost is generally less expensive, costing an average of $5,000 a month for outpatient care.
Alternative Treatment Options
Resurgence Behavioral Health offers alternative treatment methods that are combined in both our inpatient and outpatient treatment plans. These rehab cost options will depend on your insurance plan as some of these treatments may be considered optional.
CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and EDMR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) are methods we have used for a myriad of problems. Both approaches address the root causes of compulsions and addictive behavior. We also advise DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy ) for clients that suffer from a dual diagnosis of addiction and undiagnosed disorders.
We offer one of the top-rated dual diagnosis centers in the country, and treatment is usually covered under insurance. To address mental health, we provide group therapy, art therapy, individual counseling, family counseling, and continual outpatient therapy.
Facilities and Rehab Cost
Rehab cost will be affected depending on the location you prefer and the conveniences that you choose to experience during your stay with Resurgence Behavioral Health. We provide beautiful accommodations for our clients with amenities such as luxurious furnishings, open floor plans, and inviting skylights.
Comforts such as massage parlors, swimming pools, basketball courts, private kitchens, and golf will affect your treatment plan’s expense. We want you to have the best experience possible while transitioning to a life of sobriety and health. We consider finding the best treatment available that will work for your financial arrangement, our utmost responsibility.
Our specialist will negotiate the most beneficial treatment plan without sacrificing the quality of your stay with us!
Will My Insurance Cover Rehab Cost?
While most of our clients pay rehab costs through their insurance benefits, we will also accept cash payment arrangements. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), mental health and addiction assistance are considered necessary and essential. At Resurgence California, we offer the convenience of free insurance verification to establish your benefits right away!
Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, state-financed health insurance, and military insurance are providers that cover rehab costs. At Resurgence California, we understand that insurance companies are a pain to bargain with, so we will handle the negotiation process. Our team will verify the extent of coverage benefits and provide an optimal plan you are satisfied with.
We want you to focus on your upcoming journey to recovery without the hassles of dealing with insurance claims!
Find the Help You Need Today!
No matter what obstacles you are coming to Resurgence Behavioral Health with, there is a program designed just for you! Most insurance plans should include the cost of detox, family counseling, clinic visit, home health visits, and inpatient treatment.
We offer many optimal choices that will help you regain life skills and provide a path to recovery! No matter your financial capability, there is a treatment plan at Resurgence Behavioral Health that will exceed your expectations!
We offer lifelong support to all of our clients and provide a path to recovery that works for you or your loved one. Please call today to speak with one of our treatment specialists and get you back on the road to recovery!
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.