Oxycodone Addiction Treatment
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Why Would Someone Need Oxycodone Addiction Treatment?
Oxycodone is highly addictive as a prescription opioid. Opioid use disorder is one of the most pervasive public health issues in the United States. While addiction is scary and overwhelming, oxycodone addiction treatment is available. Additionally, oxycodone addiction treatment can happen on an inpatient or outpatient basis.
How Does Oxycodone Addiction Occur?
When someone is seeking oxycodone addiction treatment, their use of the drug is no longer in their control. Someone with addiction is suffering from a chronic disease characterized by compulsive use of a substance. In fact, an estimated one million americans are addicted to oxycodone.
Understanding Oxycodone Addiction
Oxycodone is the generic name for prescription opioid pain medication. This pain reliever is used to treat pain that is moderate to severe in intensity. For example, oxycodone may be prescribed after surgery or to help people with cancer. Oxycodone is present in brand-name drugs like Percocet and OxyContin. Oxycodone can come in pill and liquid forms. It is often combined with over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen as well.
OxyContin is one of the most frequently abused prescription drugs. It is a controlled-release drug, so it can provide pain relief for up to 12 hours. It has a high abuse potential, particularly when someone bypasses the time-release element by snorting OxyContin or dissolving the tablets in water to inject it. When someone takes oxycodone, it affects opioid receptors. Opioid receptors are found throughout the body, including the central nervous system and the brain. When oxycodone reaches these receptor sites, it begins to take effect.
It relieves pain by altering how pain signals are sent and change how someone is sensing pain. It also slows down the central nervous system because it is a depressant. Since oxycodone is a depressant, when someone uses it they may feel drowsy, lightheaded or their breathing and heart rate may slow. Other short-term effects of using oxycodone can include nausea, constipation, small pupils, and nodding off.
Why is Oxycodone Addictive?
When someone takes an opioid, like oxycodone, it affects their brain’s reward centers. It activates these centers by creating a euphoric high or pleasant feelings of relaxation and well-being. Your brain is designed to want to continue seeking out pleasant stimuli.
In this instance, your brain then wants to keep seeking out the oxycodone. Eventually, your brain compels you to keep using oxycodone, even if you do not want to or try to quit. That’s how addiction develops. You can become addicted to oxycodone even when you take it as prescribed. However, you are more likely to develop an addiction if you abuse it.
Oxycodone abuse includes:
- Taking more than prescribed, such as larger doses or taking it more often.
- Using oxycodone without a prescription.
- Taking it other than how it should be used, such as crushing and snorting it.
- Using it only for certain effects, like getting high.
Symptoms of oxycodone addiction can include:
- Being unable to stop using it, even if you want to try to quit.
- Being preoccupied with oxycodone use and obtaining more, to the point that other aspects of your life are no longer a priority.
- Continuing to use oxycodone despite harmful or negative outcomes.
- Withdrawing from family and loved ones.
Addiction to any substances, including oxycodone, is a diagnosable medication condition. There is a set of criteria used to diagnose addiction. Addiction can also be diagnosed as mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how many symptoms someone has. There is another concept to be aware of as well, which is dependence.
When you use a substance like oxycodone repeatedly, your brain and body become used to it. Then, they adjust to its presence and become dependent on the substance to function “normally.” If you are dependent on oxycodone and you stop using it suddenly, you may go through withdrawal. Oxycodone withdrawal symptoms can be serious.
Early oxycodone withdrawal symptoms may include:
- Agitation
- Muscle aches
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Yawning
- Sweating
- Runny nose
Later symptoms of oxycodone withdrawal can include:
- Cramps
- Diarrhea
- Goosebumps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dilated pupils
Symptoms of opioid withdrawal usually start within 12 hours of the last dose. They can continue for several days or weeks, depending on individual factors like your overall health and the severity of your addiction.
Getting Oxycodone Addiction Treatment
If you think that you or a loved one is addicted to oxycodone, you may need oxycodone treatment. There are several different types of oxycodone rehab centers and treatment options available.
Detox is when you receive care while you are going through withdrawal. Detox isn’t in and of itself a treatment for oxycodone addiction, but it’s an important first step. During detox, your withdrawal symptoms are managed. You are medically monitored, and you can be given medicine if needed to help your symptoms.
Once you go through detox, then you might begin the next phase of your oxycodone rehab treatment. Oxycodone rehab centers will often offer inpatient and outpatient options.
Inpatient Oxycodone Addiction Treatment
Inpatient oxycodone treatment is also called residential rehab. During residential rehab, you live onsite. Therefore, you are removed from your environment of possible drug use, stress, and triggers during this time. Instead, you are in a supportive, safe, and structured environment.
The benefit of inpatient treatment is the fact that you can focus solely on recovery. You are also away from people, places, and things that might remind you of your addiction.
At a residential treatment center, you have the support of the staff, and you participate in different types of therapy, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Dialectical Behavior Therapy. You will also receive holistic treatment. Addiction doesn’t exist in a vacuum. That’s why addiction treatment should focus on your body, mind, spirit, and emotions.
Outpatient Treatment
Another form of oxycodone treatment is outpatient oxycodone rehab. Outpatient treatment can also be very intensive, but the difference is that you don’t stay at a facility overnight. You return home when the treatment day ends.
There are some types of outpatient oxycodone rehab that require very little time each week. You might just occasionally check in with a therapist or counselor. There are also much more comprehensive programs, like Intensive Outpatient Programs.
Outpatient rehab does give you more flexibility, and it can work well for some situations. Outpatient oxycodone addiction treatment could be a good option if you don’t have a severe addiction. For example, maybe you have only been using opioids for a short time, or you may not be a heavy user.
Outpatient oxycodone rehab may be a good option if you have already completed a higher level of care, such as inpatient treatment. You might also opt for outpatient treatment if you have a supportive and drug-free home environment.
Connect with Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Today
Resurgence Behavioral Health is one of the best oxycodone rehab centers in the country. We encourage you to connect with us and learn more about our personalized oxycodone treatment programs. We approach treatment holistically and offer access to 12-step programs, relapse prevention, life skills training, and family therapy.
We also have specialized programs, such as gender-sensitive therapy and LGBTQ-friendly programs. Don’t wait. Addiction is a progressive, chronic, and destructive disease. The longer it goes untreated, the worse the situation can become. Resurgence is here to help you make a change now.
We can work with you on flexible payment plans, and we accept many major types of insurance. Reach out today to start working towards recovery.