Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA (PHP)
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Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA for Your Addiction
Have you made the courageous decision to seek assistance in a partial hospitalization program in Costa Mesa, CA for your addiction to drugs or alcohol?
If so, then you might find that Resurgence California’s partial hospitalization program in Costa Mesa, CA could be the best option for your recovery.
Not everyone who struggles with addiction is an appropriate candidate for PHP treatment in our Costa Mesa, CA rehab center.
This option provides those who are an appropriate candidate with a balance between everyday life and overcoming their addiction.
We’ve assembled some rehab FAQs. These can help you decide if you need the guidance of a partial hospitalization program or would better benefit in residential rehab.
Who attends a Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA
PHP, or a partial hospitalization program, is ideally suited for people who have completed residential rehab.
To get the most out of PHP, an individual will have completed both detox and a residential rehab program with us or another center.
To be clear, the individual already completed residential rehab.
However, their specific requirements warrant PHP for support or step-down care. Participation in this program helps this person avoid relapse.
Before you can make the decision to step down to PHP from residential rehab, you must discuss your situation with our staff.
The doctor will also weigh in on whether PHP is appropriate and help you make the right call—you’re not going through this alone when you put yourself under the care of Resurgence California.
Is a Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA Right for me
When you are getting sober, your sole focus should be on your wellness. Therefore, we encourage you to rely on us to help you make the best decision.
Before you enter our program, you will complete a comprehensive questionnaire regarding your drug and/or alcohol use, your past medical history, any current physical conditions, and your mental health.
While this sounds daunting, it’s not scary once you get down to it. Embrace the process, as this procedure will help the doctors find the cause of your addiction.
Some reasons people begin to drink or use drugs, to start with is, to cope with mental illnesses such as:
- Anxiety disorder
- Depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Traumatic events
- Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD
From there, you will meet with a doctor for a comprehensive physical exam and bloodwork. The physician will then recommend whether or not they believe that residential rehab followed by PHP will work for your treatment plan.
What is Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA
Our partial hospitalization program in Costa Mesa, CA, offers you support as you work towards rebuilding your new life—one of peace and sobriety. Here’s what to expect at a PHP rehab:
Group Therapy
You’ll attend several counselor-guided group therapy sessions each week. Group therapy is a crucial step in recovery, as you will meet others who struggle with addiction, learn coping skills, and build a support network in a controlled setting.
Family Therapy
Addiction does not harm only to the individual. Indeed, it wreaks havoc on their family and loved ones, as well. Family therapy is necessary to provide closure to the wounds created by the cycle of addiction.
Your family will learn to trust you and forgive. And, you will have the chance to make amends. Opening lines of communication is imperative, as they serve as a valuable resource when you need support.
Individual Therapy During a Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA
In addition to group and family therapy, you will attend personalized sessions with a counselor. They will help you develop insight into not only your addiction but also the underlying causes of your addiction.
If you had a trauma that triggered the habit, you would work through it in these personal sessions. Or, if you have a co-occurring disorder diagnosis, the therapist will help you manage that illness to that you do not relapse.
Prescription Medication Management
If your care team finds a mental illness at the root of your addiction, the doctors might prescribe medication to help treat that disease so you can recover from both. The team will teach you how to use prescription medicines in a way to enhance your wellness.
What are the Main Benefits of Partial Hospitalization Programs in Costa Mesa, CA
1. A more flexible schedule PHP can be the ideal option for a person who struggles with addiction and wants treatment but must also reenter the workforce (they need the health care coverage to pay for the treatment) or return home to their families.
Because this option does not require around-the-clock care like residential rehab, many people can make it work to suit their needs.
2. A partial hospitalization program strikes the middle note between outpatient care and residential rehab. Outpatient care may allow too much freedom for someone who still faces cravings or other struggles.
On the other side of the spectrum, residential rehab might be too intense for someone who is coping with addiction but does not have severe co-occurring disorders. PHP lands comfortably in the middle of those two options.
You will attend multiple weekly partial hospitalization programs in Costa Mesa, CA, for support. But, you can still leave our campus at the end of your sessions.
3. PHP might stretch your budget further Your insurance company covers addiction treatment, but you might have limited funds. Attending PHP treatment might allow that funding to go further before you reach a cap.
That factor could mean that you receive several months of PHP support instead of a few weeks of in-patient care before you max out. (Don’t let that confuse you—we are here to help you unravel your insurance coverage.)
Call Today to Find Out the Benefits of PHP in Costa Mesa, CA
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
How Long does Partial Hospitalization Program Last in Costa Mesa, CA
Just as no two individuals are precisely the same, no two addictions are precisely alike. When we evaluate you when you arrive, we will design a recovery program to meet your needs.
This customization allows us to help you attend the counseling sessions that will best address your addiction and help you regain control of your life. For some people, recovery might take a month. But for others, this process might take as long as six months.
You will have a better idea of an answer to this question once we’ve met our staff in person. The amount of time you might spend in PHP will vary in a similar fashion.
If you have concerns about this, please feel free to call us at 855-458-0050 to discuss your concerns.
What’s the Cost of a Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA
The cost of a partial hospitalization program covers a wide range. It’s mainly based on the custom-tailored plan required to treat the individual’s addiction.
Partial Hospitalization vs Intensive Outpatient in Costa Mesa, CA
While the concepts sound similar, there is a significant difference between attending partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient therapies.
Both address mental disorders, including bipolar depression, generalized anxiety disorders, and eating disorders.
But the chief difference is that individuals receiving intensive outpatient programming do not need support for detox or drug and alcohol cravings.
Does Insurance Cover PHP Rehab in Costa Mesa, CA
Most insurance carriers do cover partial hospitalization rehab. Indeed, they prefer this therapeutic option over residential or in-patient rehab, thanks to the lower cost.
Don’t let worries over insurance hold you back from sobriety. We have experts who can help you navigate the insurance paperwork.
Give us a call.
How to Start a Partial Hospitalization Program in Costa Mesa, CA
You’ve shown great courage by deciding to beat your addiction.
And you’ve done your internet research to learn about all the treatment options available to you.
So now, there’s only one last thing left to do.
Please pick up the phone, let’s work together to help you start recovering from your addiction.
Give us a call to start your new life today.
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.