Substance Abuse Treatment Centers
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Addiction Treatment that
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Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.
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If you have found yourself addicted to drugs, then you may be looking into getting help through substance abuse treatment.
There are many different substance abuse programs available.
These include options such as inpatient and outpatient rehab, as well as ongoing support groups and other kinds of behavioral therapies.
Can Addiction Be Treated?
Although addiction is a chronic condition characterized by intense drug cravings, it can be treated.
Your compulsive substance use can be stopped with proper substance abuse treatment.
Long-term substance abuse may result in major changes in the brain. This can affect addicts in areas involving
- Behavioral-control
- Memory and learning
- Motivation and reward
Chronic drug use typically leads to physiological dependence on the substance which leads to addiction.
If you have experienced any form of withdrawal symptoms when you attempt to quit, then these withdrawal symptoms can contribute to continued substance abuse.
Because you may not want to experience these effects, you might continue to use the drug in order to alleviate these unwanted symptoms.
Because of all changes in the brain that occur during addiction, relapse is common.
Although this means that some people may go back and forth being sober and relapsing, there is hope to get out of this vicious cycle.
Relapsing is considered normal but is definitely a setback in the recovery process.
Substance Abuse Treatment Options
The first step in recovery is to come to terms with the fact that you have an addiction.
After acknowledging this, the next step is finding a substance abuse treatment program that works for you.
There are many different treatment programs to choose from. Whether that is a detox program to rid your body of the drugs before further treatment or an outpatient program.
Let’s dive into the different options to figure out which substance abuse treatment program works best for you.
Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehabs offer the most intense form of substance abuse treatment.
These programs are designed to address all aspects of addiction.
You will be required to live in the substance abuse treatment facility during inpatient rehab.
This will provide you with 24/7 medical care and therapeutic support.
This form of rehab is best for those who suffer from a serious addiction, or co-occurring mental disorders.
Outpatient Rehab
Outpatient substance abuse treatment programs are another form of addiction care.
These programs provide effective treatment that is needed to get healthy.
The main difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab is that outpatient rehabs allow patients to live at home.
This will allow you to continue working and caring for your family while attending substance abuse treatment sessions.
Detoxification is an important part of substance abuse treatment.
It allows you to withdraw from drugs or alcohol until they are no longer within your system.
Sometimes this will be the first step in the substance abuse treatment process.
Some detox regimes require medication-assisted therapy to help ease the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
Sober Living
Sober living is a form of aftercare that helps to bridge between inpatient treatment centers and normal life.
These are a great option for people who are in recovery that need more time to reinforce what was learned in rehab.
Sober living can help you learn how to strengthen healthy habits, while learning new ones, in the comfort of a structured environment.
Substance Abuse Treatment Therapy
Therapy is a huge aspect of substance abuse treatment.
There are a number of options for substance abuse treatment therapy.
Whether these are individual or group therapy sessions, they are always organized by addiction counselors.
Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback is a form of drug-free therapy used in substance abuse treatment. It will help you learn your body’s processes.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, known as CBT, is used to help you avoid and uncover problematic thoughts.
This will teach you to avoid triggers or anything else that may contribute to a relapse. This form of therapy is also useful in treating co-occurring mental conditions, such as bipolar disorder.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
During dialectical behavioral therapy, known as DBT, your severe mental illnesses will be treated as well as your substance use disorder.
This therapy works to improve self-esteem, as well as provide stress-management skills to encourage you and remove triggers from your life.
Substance Abuse Treatment Support Groups
After finishing an addiction treatment program, it is very much recommended that you join a support group.
This is because support groups will help you continue to stay on the right path and allow for continued care after rehab.
This also gives you the opportunity to meet sober friends and a sober support system.
12-Step Programs
12-step programs are one of the most common forms of addiction therapy.
These programs always follow the 12-step model of recovery, along with the 12 traditions.
These were created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, known as AA and NA.
Because the program has been proven to help people to adapt the steps to their own needs, many have found the 12 steps incredibly helpful during recovery.
- Alcoholics Anonymous
Referred to as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are a safe place where you can interact with your peers and relate regarding your addiction to alcohol. You can also see how it has impacted the lives of so many. Most AA meetings take place daily or weekly. You may find them in a church or community building, but open meetings encourage family members or loved ones to attend. There is also the option for closed meetings which are only for those in recovery. - Narcotics Anonymous
Commonly known as NA, Narcotics Anonymous is a support group modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous. This group provides a community of support for anyone struggling with substance abuse disorders. Members of NA work together to stay committed to sobriety.
Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Treatment
When you go into substance abuse treatment you will receive many different forms of therapies and interventions.
This might include individual therapy, group counseling, family therapy, and medication-assisted therapy.
The point of all of these activities is to avoid drug-using and maladaptive behaviors.
If someone is being treated for a substance use disorder then they may also be evaluated for any possible co-occurring mental health disorders at the facility.
If you do suffer from a co-occurring mental disorder, this is known as a dual diagnosis.
This can include mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, personality disorders, or schizophrenia.
If you are diagnosed with one of these conditions, then you will need to have a plan that reflects the care you need.
Get Help Today
Addiction is treatable, but abstaining for only a few days is not enough to make changes for the rest of your life.
Recovery is an ongoing process that requires long-term support and relapse prevention.
This is why you should go to a rehab program that provides all services from the first day you step into detox, through to aftercare.
If you are ready to get help through substance abuse therapy, contact Resurgence Behavioral Health.
We offer a variety of different programs.
From outpatient to inpatient rehab, and aftercare we offer free insurance verification for treatment for any program that works for you.
Contact us today to get healthy and start on your road to recovery.
Addiction Treatment that
Just Works
Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.