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6 Things You’ll Learn in Inpatient Alcohol Rehab in Seattle

6 Things You'll Learn in Inpatient Alcohol Rehab in Seattle

Why Choosing An Inpatient Alcohol Rehab 

Inpatient treatment options at rehab centers provide around-the-clock support from medical professionals, therapists, and caretakers who all share the common goal of helping you overcome addiction and begin long-term recovery. While attending inpatient treatment, contact with the outside world is limited, giving participants the opportunity to focus entirely on their recovery and immerse themselves in their treatments so they can make the most of their time at the residential facility. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

In regards to Inpatient Alcohol Rehab, there are quite a few benefits in attending this form of treatment versus outpatient options. When seeking treatment, many inpatient facilities also offer detox programs, which can be incredibly helpful at the start of treatment because most individuals continue drinking once they start to experience uncomfortable alcohol withdrawal symptoms. During detox, you will be medically monitored to ensure your safety and you can also be administered FDA-approved medications to help alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Detox is offered even if you decide to attend an outpatient program upon completion, but going from detox to full participation in inpatient treatment has shown high success rates in abstaining from alcohol and living a healthy and sober lifestyle. 

Even though alcohol is an addictive substance and responsible for thousands of casualties every year due to drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, cancer, liver disease, and violence, it is still legal to purchase and consume in all 50 states by anyone over the age of 21. This creates an added difficulty for those who are trying to recover from alcoholism. They might even live with people who are also struggling with alcoholism or addiction to other substances, creating an unstable and unsafe environment that fuels their dependency. By participating in an inpatient alcohol treatment program, you are obligated to remain in a location full-time that does not allow you to access alcohol, even if you do feel tempted. 

In an inpatient program, these instances of temptation can also be immediately met and addressed in ways that may be harder to access if you are recovering at home part-time. Dependence on alcohol often develops because drinking gets used as a coping mechanism when faced with stressful situations. Those who suffer from alcoholism have reported that they often start drinking late at night when they are alone. Some drink in an attempt to fall asleep, relying on alcohol’s sedative effects, while others drink to forget the negative thoughts that plague them in the absence of the distractions they get during the day. During inpatient treatment, you can get medically assisted treatment and develop habits that break the cycle of using alcohol to cope. 

Another huge benefit of inpatient treatment is how much help, support, tools, and skills you can learn and access during your full-time stay. You are in treatment 24/7, and aside from sleep, meals, and brief periods of downtime, all of your time will be focused on learning about yourself and your addiction in order to further your journey towards recovery. 

What You’ll Learn During Inpatient Alcohol Rehab 

The purpose of inpatient alcohol rehab is not just to make you go a set amount of time without taking a drink. Abstinence from alcohol does not take away the desire to drink or use alcohol as a coping skill. Once you return to everyday life where alcohol is readily available and stressors are front and center, you will likely fall back into drinking unless you learn other ways to cope with stress and identify why you drink in the first place. 

Admittance into almost any inpatient program begins with a medical and psychological assessment. Ever since mental health professionals and doctors realized the connection between mental illness and substance use disorders, they developed and introduced dual diagnosis therapy. With this approach, treatment centers have seen a significant increase in the success rates of their patients. 

During inpatient rehab, you’ll learn about: 

  • Yourself and the why behind your alcoholism
  • What triggers you to drink
  • Healthy ways to manage those triggers without using alcohol
  • How to ask for help
  • How to build a support system once you complete treatment
  • Where you can go for additional support or accountability 

This is done through individual and group therapy, and many treatment centers also offer alternative forms of treatment to give everyone the chance to find what works best for them. If needed, it may also be recommended that you utilize medically assisted treatment (MAT) for underlying disorders like anxiety and depression. There are both short-term and long-term avenues with MAT, and it will always be used in conjunction with behavioral or other therapies, not as a standalone solution. 

Along with your mental and physical healing, inpatient rehab covers social healing and this extends to lifestyle and life skills that you will need to be successful once you return to your life. The best way that those in recovery have found to maintain their sobriety is by developing routines and structure that does not allow them to relapse. In treatment, you can attend workshops that teach you how to manage your money, get a job and move up in the workforce, show you what resources are available if you want to continue your education, and also provide you with options on places you can live that fully facilitate sobriety and continued focus on recoveries like sober living homes and support groups.  

As you near the end of your treatment, your team will work with you to help you transition out of rehab and implement the skills you have learned in your everyday life. There are a number of resources you should leave rehab with, one of them being a plan of steps you can take if you feel like you might relapse or have relapsed. Who to call, what support group you can attend, and possibly what rehab to contact to seek treatment. 

How Long Will Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Take?

Length of stay at a residential rehab center varies from person to person based on a number of factors: how long they have been suffering from addiction, how severe underlying disorders might be, and time available to attend treatment to name a few. Typically, inpatient rehab programs last a set amount of time like 30, 60, and 90 days. Due to the difficulty that individuals suffering from alcoholism face, it’s not uncommon to attend residential inpatient alcohol rehab for 90 days to detox from alcohol, treat mental illness, learn coping skills, and practice applying these skills under controlled conditions. 

Don’t let this scare you, you have full power to work with your treatment team to find the best plan for you and your life. If attending 90-day treatment does not improve your life because of missing out on school or family responsibilities, it will not be recommended as the best option to get you to full recovery from alcohol dependency. 

Resurgence Inpatient Alcohol Rehab in Seattle

If you are looking for a full continuum of care addiction treatment center in the Seattle area, Resurgence Behavioral Health offers the most up-to-date evidence-based addiction treatment programs that are customized to each individual client, no matter where they are in their journey to recovery. Their multiple treatment programs can meet different levels of need, preference, budget, and availability. The one thing that stays the same across the board is the continuous support you’ll receive the moment you call on them for help. 

The thing that sets Resurgence apart from other treatment centers lies in its approach to treating addiction. They utilize dual diagnosis treatment with the addition of trauma-informed care that prioritizes adapting therapy methods to the individual, not forcing clients to accept traditional therapy approaches that they don’t naturally accept or feel are helpful. 

Resurgence is also proud to employ a compassionate, accepting, and unconditionally loving staff, the majority of which are in recovery and have stood where you stand at once. The ability to relate to your community of support on this level provides an elevated level of security and confidence that recovery is possible for you too, the proof is right in front of you. And this support does not end when you leave treatment. You will have continued contact and access to the individuals you connect with during recovery and become a valuable member of this community for the rest of your life. 

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, Resurgence Behavioral Health can help. We have programs from the start of treatment to beyond: 

  • Medically assisted detox programs
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Outpatient care
  • Sober living
  • Aftercare resources

Our programs are affordable and we accept most insurances. We pride ourselves on being up-to-date- and qualified to offer: 

  • Medically assisted treatment
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Rational emotive behavioral therapy
  • 12 step
  • SMART recovery

And our facilities are designed to create an environment of safety and healing, with therapy treatments worked into both structured and recreational activities, so even your leisure time is focused on your recovery. 

Our experts are available 24/7 to speak with you and help you take the next step of your journey. Seeking help is the hardest part, and we’re here with open arms for the rest of the way. Call (855) 458-0050 today. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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