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Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Treatment

Drug and Alcohol Addiction - Resurgence – A man struggling with drug and alcohol addiction is passed out at a table, considering attending a drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is a very commonly used word. It is used concerning several different substances. Despite a general claim to understand what the word means, very few people can admit that they are dealing with addiction. An official definition of the word addiction has been provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

NIDA defines addiction as “a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences.” Most medical professionals refer to addiction as a disease. Addiction affects the communication pathways of the brain, resulting in changing moods, thought processes, and behavior.

The damage from these changes may be short- or long-term, like any illness. Fortunately, in more recent times, addiction has been recognized as more of an illness that requires medical attention. Unfortunately, for many reasons, most people dealing with a drug and alcohol addiction, rarely get the treatment they need.

Immediate Placement in Rehab for Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Understanding Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction is one of the most crippling forms of addiction. This particular form of addiction is unique because it involves significant amounts of two substances bring ingested. Both of these substances have separate effects on the bodies of the users.

When combined, a drug and alcohol addiction can be extremely destructive and, in some cases, fatal. In both instances, issues of addiction usually stem from recreational use. Most people who deal with drug and alcohol addiction began using those substances for recreational purposes.

It is not uncommon to have a drink with friends or at a party. Similarly, party drugs have become all the rage now, and a fun night out is hardly complete without some drug being used. Unfortunately, most people rarely leave their encounters with these substances at that.

With all these substances being so common and easily accessible, there is an increased demand and use. Drug and alcohol addiction should not be mistaken for tolerance, dependence, or abuse. While all of the aforementioned are phenomena of addiction, they are not addictions per se.

Addiction is a disorder of the brain’s reward system, responsible for the compulsive behaviors of an individual. What this means is that although drug and alcohol abuse and physically apparent in addiction, they are not the main issue. What needs first to be fixed is the brain’s reward system and then subsequently, the physical phenomena.

Drug and alcohol addiction is relatively common. Unfortunately, because of the effects of the abuse of these substances, the people who deal with these issues are usually in denial.

Learn More About Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Treatment

Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Addiction

In some cases, alcohol and drug addiction may occur alongside other mental health disorders. In some other cases, mental health issues can be traced back to the abuse of these substances. In cases of alcohol addiction, mental health issues may be exacerbated by alcoholism. For instance, people dealing with depression may experience more intense depressive episodes after coming down from an alcohol high.

Substance abuse and drug addiction can have a tremendous effect on the mental health of a user. In some cases, people who abuse substances do so to escape their reality. This means that drug addiction is a consequence of mental health issues in some cases.

However, in several cases, drug and alcohol addiction can be a cause of mental health issues. The effect that the combination of these substances has on the brain cannot be overemphasized and is often apparent. When these disorders appear alongside a drug and alcohol addiction, they are referred to as a dual diagnosis.

Effect of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

The effects of drug and alcohol addiction mostly overlap. In most cases, both substances tend to have several adverse effects on users’ bodies and brains. Some of the effects of addiction are social, while others are physical and mental. One of the first and major effects of addiction on users is that it alienates them from their families.

Substance abuse and dependency are usually associated with a financial crisis. It is not uncommon for people dealing with addiction to steal or borrow money from family members. This type of behavior usually creates distrust, which eventually leads to alienation. Another significant effect of a drug and alcohol addiction is the effect that abuse has on health.

Several organs are affected as a result of addiction. In some cases, the brain, heart, liver, and pancreas usually suffer quick deterioration due to addiction.  The constant abuse of both substances eventually results in a weakened immune system. Alcohol addiction, which spans a considerable length of time, can, in some cases, contribute to the development of cancer.

Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are other physical effects that drug and alcohol addiction may have on users. Sometimes these symptoms may span over an extended period, in other cases, they may not. These symptoms make it difficult for users to enjoy a decent quality of life. Also, several mental health issues usually stem from drug and alcohol addiction.

Feelings of anxiety, depression, and paranoia are some of the effects of drug abuse. These short-term side effects, if left untreated, may develop into larger and bigger problems. In some instances, psychosis may be a side effect of the abuse of these substances. Many of the mental health issues arising from the abuse of drugs and alcohol require professional help.

Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

There is no fixed mode of treatment for addiction. Treatments are administered based on the specific needs of a patient. Some of the factors considered include frequency of abuse, the extent of addiction, substance abuse, and any potential physical, mental, or social considerations.

There are, however, generalized modes of treatment that have been proven to work. This form of treatment is administered in addition to any specific treatment which needs to happen. The three major forms of drug and alcohol addiction treatment are inpatient drug and alcohol rehab, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Inpatient therapy is the most favored form of treatment, and in most cases, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is administered alongside inpatient and outpatient therapy. The most important consideration for anyone to make when seeking treatment is who to be treated by. Proper recovery is only possible when the treatment administered is the best.

Our team of specialists at Resurgence medical is available to offer you the best care possible. With years of experience, relevant licensing, and an in-depth understanding of addiction, our team offers clients the best possible care.

Inpatient Therapy for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

At Resurgence, our inpatient therapy involves clients being housed in standard facilities while receiving treatment. We believe that this particular form of treatment is especially useful. Removing clients from familiar environments where they may have access to the substances they have abused is essential for recovery. At our inpatient treatment center, clients will be closely monitored to keep the discomfort of withdrawal at a minimum.

Medication will be administered in specific cases where our professionals deem it necessary. Inpatient treatment usually spans a period of about 30 – 90 days. The period spent is usually determined by the extent of treatment that is required by the client. Our facilities are secure and stable.

There is a guarantee that there will be no substance on the premises. Also, the presence of other people going through the same treatment encourages the client and reassures them. At Resurgence, we offer the best quality of inpatient treatment.

Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Our outpatient services are more supervisory than the present. We offer our clients full access to our team of professionals. At Resurgence, we understand it is essential for some of our patients to be in familiar environments to heal. Our professionals are available to prescribe the best treatment methods for recovering.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

This form of treatment is usually administered alongside inpatient and outpatient therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) addresses the underlying issues which may be responsible for drug and alcohol abuse. By trying to understand these reasons, a therapist can slowly but surely correct the brain’s reward system. CBT is a long-term treatment for addiction, and its effects may be slow in coming but are evident after some time.

Free Insurance Verification for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Insurance Verification

Whatever treatment that you decide on, our professionals will ensure that results are apparent.

To ensure that our clients have no issues with payment, we offer free insurance verification.

We will contact your insurance provider to ensure that you get the best and most effective treatment.

You can contact us now for any further inquiries you may have.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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