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Dual Diagnosis Treatment California

Uncategorized David Rofofsky | June 1, 2022

Outpatient Drug Rehab Henderson

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Did you know that it’s not uncommon for a person that is struggling with substance abuse to also struggle with some form of mental illness? Unfortunately, there are many people who struggle with an undiagnosed mental illness and use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope with what they are experiencing. Therefore, a condition such as depression anxiety, or posttraumatic stress disorder goes completely unchecked until that person commits to addiction and mental health treatment. This type of addiction and mental health treatment comes in the form of something that is commonly referred to as a dual diagnosis treatment plan. Although the framework of this type of treatment plan may look different for alcohol abusers and drug abusers, the basis is to provide you with the tools and support that you need to overcome not only your addiction but also any mental health issues that you may be experiencing. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

The focus of your time in our dual diagnosis center will be to determine the root cause of your addiction. This is something that is different and can be challenging for every person. This is part of the reason why addiction therapy is a critical part of your overall recovery journey. There are many different forms of addiction therapy you may experience during the time that you’re in treatment such as: 

Individual therapy 

Individual therapy can help you to communicate with your recovery team in a unique way. There are some people who do not feel comfortable talking about certain events in a group setting, especially when they are new to the concept of addiction recovery. Individual therapy can give you a certain sense of privacy when it comes to talking about these challenging topics. Also, individual therapy provides you with a wonderful opportunity to connect with your recovery team and review your treatment program. From there, any adjustments can be made to ensure that you continue to receive the support that you need going forward. 

Group therapy 

If you have ever been to a Narcotics Anonymous or an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you will notice that the premise of group therapy is very similar. During group therapy, you will have the chance to interact with other people who are working through their own recovery programs. This type of therapy can help to show you that you are not alone in what you’re thinking or feeling as you begin to go through the stages of working through your addiction. In fact, you may be able to connect with others that will help to build your system of support which is imperative in your overall recovery. 

Behavioral therapy 

During the time that you’re in active addiction, you will typically fall into adverse habits that can hurt you during the time that you’re in active recovery. This is the leading reason why it’s important that you actively and honestly participate in behavioral therapy. During behavioral therapy, you will learn healthy responses to certain situations so that you don’t fall back into an addiction to cope with what you’re experiencing. 

Family therapy 

Unfortunately, the relationships that you have with your family and loved ones is something that tends to suffer during the time that you’re actively struggling with addiction. However, once you get further into your recovery program, your family members may be more open to exploring a relationship with you which can help to further your own recovery. Family therapy is something that will happen only once you have come to a place in your treatment journey where you and your treatment team feel as though you’re ready to manage it. These forms of therapy take place in a neutral environment to ensure that you and your family members feel comfortable and relaxed. 

Symptoms of A Dual Diagnosis

Do you have a concern that you or a loved one needs more than a traditional addiction treatment program at a local treatment center? There are several symptoms of dual diagnosis. Here are some of the common ones: 

  • Sudden changes in behavior 
  • Withdrawing from friends and family 
  • Engaging in risky behavior 
  • Using drugs or alcohol in precarious situations 
  • Developing a high tolerance to your substance of choice 
  • Feeling as though you need your substance of choice just to get through your day 

It’s possible that you may not always recognize these symptoms of dual diagnosis. In some cases, it’s likely that your friends or family members may see these symptoms in you before you do. Therefore, it’s critical that you listen to those around you. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Options

Similar to a traditional rehab program, you will have the opportunity to decide whether you want to work through an inpatient treatment program or an outpatient treatment program. Before you can consider one of these two options though, it’s likely that you will need to commit to one of the detox programs that is offered through your rehab center of choice. On average, detox programs will last approximately seven days during which time you will experience different withdrawal symptoms which will make it all but impossible for you to not only care for yourself but also meaningfully commit to drugs and alcohol abuse treatment. You will experience the worst of your withdrawal symptoms within the first 72 hours of the time that you begin to detox. During this stretch of time, you should not be alone which is why you should never try to go through the detox process at home. When you commit to a drug rehab Los Angeles or alcohol rehab that also offers a detox program, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be in a safe and protected environment throughout the time that you’re at that facility. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Once you complete detox, you will be able to address your addiction and mental illness through inpatient treatment or an outpatient treatment program. An inpatient treatment program or a residential treatment gives you the opportunity to live on the campus of your treatment facility of choice. One of the keys to treating addiction is to ensure that you have the care and support that you need when you’re ready to leave these addictive substances in your past. A residential treatment plan gives you the opportunity to give the immediate care that you need during this stage of your recovery. Further, residential treatment can contribute to relapse prevention in the sense that you will be able to enjoy the support of other people who are also at that facility treating addiction through their own recovery program. 

There are many people who don’t feel comfortable with the premise of an inpatient addiction treatment program for one reason or another. There are also many people who have work or school responsibilities and simply cannot commit to inpatient care. This does not mean, however, that you would not be able to receive the addiction treatment program. Instead, you can opt to work through an outpatient program. 

Outpatient programs are more flexible in comparison to their inpatient counterparts. During an intensive outpatient or a general outpatient program, you will be able to live at home and see to the work or school responsibilities that you may have. You will work closely with your recovery team to work out a treatment schedule that works best for you based on your responsibilities or personal feelings but still allows you to receive the addiction care that you need. 

How Effective Is Dual Diagnosis treatment?

If you’re struggling with mood disorders, a panic disorder, or disorder PTSD, you will find that this type of recovery plan can be incredibly helpful. Not only will you be able to take back control over your life when it comes to your drug addiction or alcohol addiction, but you will also be able to develop a better understanding of mental illness which is something that can help you to maintain your sobriety for the rest of your life. 

It’s important to remember that your initial dual diagnosis treatment is just that. It’s an initial step. Therefore, you will always be encouraged to participate in continued treatment through sober living or aftercare which will help you to remain focused on the steps that you need to continue to remain sober going forward. Information about these programs is something that your recovery team can provide to you once you get toward the end of your initial recovery plan. 

Resurgence Behavioral Health Dual Diagnosis Treatment in California

At Resurgence Behavioral Health, our focus is on providing our clients with the tools and resources that they need to overcome not only their drug or alcohol addiction but also their struggles with mental health. We take a personalized approach to treatment to ensure that you have the support and comfort that you need to leave your addiction in the past. For more information about our drug addiction and mental health treatments available at Resurgence Behavioral Health, we encourage you to get in touch with us at (855) 458-0050. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you to develop a better and healthier way of living. 

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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