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How Long Does It Take To Get Sober In Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles?

How Long Does it Take to Get Sober in Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles

Do I Need Alcohol Rehab?

When you are in the midst of substance abuse, it can be hard to be objective with yourself to identify if you are in need of an alcohol rehab program. You may have thought about your alcohol use and wondered if it has progressed into an alcohol use disorder that requires the support of alcohol addiction treatment methods. Chances are if you have had to take the time to think about your alcohol abuse and if it has become problematic in your life you have begun to experience negative side effects due to your alcohol abuse. There is a common misconception that in order to attend an alcohol or drug rehab program you must reach a rock bottom where you have experienced significant impacts or consequences from your substance abuse. While this may be the experience for some, it is not always everyone’s story. Alcohol addiction appears in someone’s life in different ways and, for some, you may be able to engage in alcohol abuse without having significant or evident implications within your daily life from your drinking patterns. However, long-term alcohol consumption poses several risks to your physical, emotional, and mental health if it is not addressed and treated through an appropriate addiction therapy format. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Alcohol use disorders are diagnosed on a spectrum of mild, moderate, or severe alcoholism. There are signs and symptoms of an alcohol use disorder that can help you to identify if your alcohol consumption has progressed to a point where you will need the support of an alcohol rehab program: 

  • Expressing a desire to quit drinking but unable to do so or experience failed attempts at remaining abstinent from alcohol 
  • Experiencing strong urges or cravings for alcohol or drugs 
  • Inability to follow through on work or school responsibilities 
  • Developing a tolerance to alcohol or drugs 
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies that you once enjoyed 
  • Lack of control over your behavior and alcohol consumption or drug abuse 
  • Having difficulties within your personal relationships or distance from loved ones due to your substance abuse 
  • Engaging in high-risk behavior or putting yourself in dangerous situations while under the influence of alcohol or drugs 
  • Spending the majority of your time thinking about, planning for, and engaging in alcohol and drug abuse 
  • Continuing to use drugs or alcohol even after experiencing negative consequences from your substance abuse 
  • Having an onset of withdrawal symptoms when you quit your use of alcohol and drugs 
  • Isolating from loved ones and those around you to continue to engage in substance abuse 
  • Experiencing financial difficulties due to your substance abuse 

If you are demonstrating any of the listed signs and indicators, it is recommended that you seek addiction treatment support within an alcohol or drug rehab program. 

What is Alcohol Rehab Like?

Before beginning your alcohol rehab program, patients will first meet with an admission staff that will complete initial paperwork and assessments to assist in gathering information about their unique history and circumstances with alcohol addiction. It is important during this time for our team to gain an understanding of how long you have been engaging in alcohol abuse, the amount in which you consume, and how often you engage in alcohol abuse. In order to provide an appropriate treatment plan that is individualized to your specific needs, it is important to factor in any preexisting medical concerns and any co-occurring mental health disorders. The information collected will ensure that you are provided with appropriate alcohol detox support and specific addiction therapy methods including various behavioral therapy, dual diagnosis treatment, and medication-assisted treatment if necessary to aid in safe, smooth alcohol detox. 

After completing the admission process, it will be determined if you need the support of an alcohol detox prior to beginning alcohol rehab. It is important to first address the physical dependency on alcohol to ensure that you clear your body of the toxins of alcohol while alleviating any alcohol withdrawal symptoms within a safely monitored setting with licensed RNs and doctors present that will evaluate your progress through alcohol detox to provide you with you appropriate medical interventions to maintain your safety and comfortability. 

Once your body is rid of the harmful side effects of alcohol, you will be in a clear state to address your alcohol addiction within an inpatient alcohol rehab program. Inpatient rehab provides Los Angeles residents with an opportunity to remove themselves from their home environment that has potential triggers or distractions and allow them to safely focus on their healing journey of addiction treatment. 

Inpatient alcohol rehab is structured each day with various opportunities for addiction therapy methods. Patients will engage in individual therapy sessions and group therapy processes that will assist patients in gaining perspective on what has been the driving force and underlying reasons for their addiction. Addiction often forms over a period of time, often due to a history of trauma, emotional distress, or co-occurring mental health disorders. Alcohol rehab provides patients with a whole-person integrated approach to addiction treatment that utilizes the following addiction therapy methods:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Health 
  • Dialectical Behavioral Health 
  • Dual diagnosis treatment 
  • Rational Emotive Behavioral Health 
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment 
  • Addiction support groups such as 12 step meetings and smart recovery 
  • Holistic treatment 
  • Nature immersion therapy methods allow you to go off-site to engage in various activities that connect your emotions while immersed in nature 

How Long is Alcohol Rehab?

Each patient will have their own unique set of needs and expectations for an alcohol rehab program that will meet your overarching goals of sobriety. Just as your addiction did not form overnight, your time in treatment will require varying lengths of time that you dedicate to your healing process of alcohol rehab. Los Angeles residents will have the option to choose from a short-term rehab stay of 30 days and are able to increase their length of stay by 30-day increments to have a 60 or 90-day rehab stay. 

30 Day Alcohol Rehab

A 30-day alcohol rehab program is typically the required minimum amount of time that patients are asked to participate. This will provide you with enough time to get your bearings in your new environment, build trust and rapport with your addiction counselor, and fully engage in the addiction therapy process. Deciding to enter into treatment is a big choice to make and many have reservations about leaving their work or family commitments to enter into rehab or may be unsure how long they will need addiction treatment. 30-day rehab programs provide patients with a short-term option that provides you with the time you need to participate in various therapy methods while also creating an effective aftercare program including an extension of your time in alcohol rehab to a longer rehab stay. 

60 Day Alcohol Rehab

A 60-day alcohol rehab program has added benefits for patients by providing additional time to move through your addiction therapy sessions while beginning to develop a new foundation of skills for relapse prevention. After 60 days, your body and mind will be clear of any detox symptoms and you will be able to ensure that you have developed new coping strategies to overcome potential triggers and remain true to your goals of life in sober living. 

90 Day Alcohol Rehab

Whenever possible, it is strongly recommended that patients stay for a long-term rehab program of 90 days. This allows patients the ability to take the time they need to focus on their addiction recovery by thoroughly examining and addressing the underlying emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that have influenced their addictive behaviors. A long-term rehab program supports patients in addressing their co-occurring disorders through specialized treatment methods of dual diagnosis treatment and medication-assisted treatment. Patients will leave a 90-day alcohol rehab program feeling as though they have solidified a new strong foundation for living in addiction recovery. 

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Programs

For Los Angeles residents that are unable to push the pause button on their life but still want to start the healing process of alcohol rehab, there is the option to choose from various levels of outpatient alcohol rehab. Resurgence Behavioral Health offers Los Angeles residents varying levels of care for outpatient rehab:

Day programs- Known as a partial hospitalization program, patients will be able to attend the addiction treatment center during the day to engage in the same therapeutic processes including individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, and dual diagnosis treatment while being able to return home each night. Patients will be asked to complete a minimum of 5 hours a day of treatment for 5-7 days a week. 

Intensive Outpatient Program- Provides patients with a flexible option to treatment that invites patients to come to the treatment center for therapy sessions on a schedule that is chosen by you while providing flexibility in the schedule so that patients can attend to their prior commitments of work, school, and family life. 

Support After Alcohol Rehab

Living in addiction recovery requires a long-term commitment to maintaining an aftercare treatment plan that will keep you aligned with your goals of living in sobriety. Patients are encouraged to develop a plan for when they complete alcohol rehab and will be transitioning back into your day to day life. An effective aftercare plan will encourage patients to continue with addiction therapy, attend support groups such as alcoholics anonymous, and maintain healthy emotional regulation tools to aid in relapse prevention. Patients that have a solid aftercare plan have an increased chance of remaining sober and healthy in a long-term capacity. 

Los Angeles Alcohol Rehab at Resurgence Behavioral Health

Resurgence Behavioral Health is the top choice for Los Angeles residents who are looking to overcome their alcohol addiction for the whole-person integrated approach to addiction treatment that is provided to all of our patients. We recognize the unique needs of our patients and that no two patients will have the same story or needs with addiction recovery. That is why your alcohol rehab program will be tailored to meet your specific needs and wants to ensure that you are able to heal from your addiction within your mind, body, and spirit. Through various evidence-based therapy methods, patients are able to develop a healthy way of life in sober living that will ensure that they have long-term success in their addiction recovery.

We are waiting by the phone to take your call to answer any questions you have about alcohol treatment and develop a tailored addiction treatment program centered around your goals and visions for life in sobriety. 

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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