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The Hardest Drugs To Quit

Drug Detox , Drug Rehab David Rofofsky | April 29, 2022

The Hardest Drugs to Quit Resurgence Behavioral Health

Why Quitting Drugs is Hard

Many people who have never struggled with substance abuse simply don’t understand the reason why drugs are hard to quit and need addiction treatment and drug rehab. The reality is that drug addiction is not a choice but it’s a disease that impacts seemingly every aspect of their life including their central nervous system. Once a drug addiction or an alcohol addiction sets in and as a result of the impact on a person’s central nervous system, that person will begin to have a compulsion to use that substance again. As a result, they find themselves in a continuous cycle of addiction that they can’t get out of unless they commit to an alcohol or drug rehab program

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Another reason why a person may struggle with drug or alcohol addiction for an extended period of time is that they are worried about the withdrawal symptoms that come along with the detox and withdrawal process. Before you can meaningfully commit to an addiction recovery program, you may need to go through a detox program first. Any of the top-rated drug rehab facilities not only in Orange County but throughout the country will offer their clients the opportunity to take part in a detox program before their abuse and addiction treatment. On average, a drug detox program will last seven days. However, those seven days may be the most difficult hours of your life. During the first few hours of your time in drug detox, you will experience the worst of your withdrawal symptoms. However, these withdrawal symptoms are something that will only last for approximately 72 hours. After that point, you will begin to feel better and you will be able to better focus on the steps that you need to take to overcome your abuse and addiction once and for all. 

The 6 Hardest Drugs To Quit

Realistically, there isn’t an “easy” drug that you can quit. The definition of the “hardest drugs to quit” fall into multiple categories and depends on many factors. However, here are some examples of the hardest drugs to quit: 


Meth is a distinct type of drug in the sense that it’s something that is man-made. However, like other types of drugs, crystal meth is something that can be smoked, injected, or snorted as a way to achieve the high that that person may be looking to achieve. After ingesting crystal meth, a person may not only experience a high but also other symptoms such as paranoia, mental health issues, and extreme cravings. The long-term impact of crystal meth addiction could result in serious brain damage. 


There are many people who put alcohol addiction into a category outside of drugs. However, the reality is that alcohol is a drug. The cunning part about alcohol addiction is the fact that alcohol is a substance that is perfectly legal which is part of what makes alcohol addiction rampant. Alcohol is a life-altering substance that, similar to other types of drugs, has an impact on your central nervous system which alters your ability to care for yourself. 


Heroin is an example of an illegal and fast-acting opioid. In many ways, heroin has the same impact as prescription opioids, however, it can also have potentially deadly consequences due to the fact that this substance isn’t regulated and it’s often mixed with other illegal substances to enhance the high. Therefore, heroin can be a particularly challenging drug addiction to work through. 


Benzos are something that is commonly prescribed to a person that may be struggling with mental illness, much like when individuals are weaning off Zoloft. They can help a person who struggles with panic attacks or depression that could benefit from benzos. However, when consumed for too long or in too great an amount, panic attacks will be the least of your worries. Benzos are highly addictive substances and they are not meant to be used for a long period of time. If your benzo use goes unchecked, it’s highly probable that you could develop an addiction.


Cocaine is an example of a drug that brings with it an extreme feeling of euphoria. However, when that euphoria wears off, it leaves a person craving more almost instantly. Cocaine addiction is something that can present a serious problem when it comes to substance abuse but when it’s combined with other types of addiction, it can cause severe health concerns. For instance, it’s not out of the ordinary for a person that is struggling with alcohol addiction to develop a cocaine addiction due to the fact that cocaine can numb the influence of alcohol and cause a person to drink more. 

Prescription Opioids

Prescription painkillers are an example of a type of addiction that countless people struggle with as a result of being prescribed opioids during a time when they were in pain for one reason or another. For example, it’s not uncommon for a person who has chronic pain or was recently injured to receive prescription painkillers from their doctor. However, the issue is that unless their intake is closely monitored by their doctor, there is a strong possibility that they could fall prey to drug addiction. Once this type of addiction sets in, it’s extremely difficult to overcome that addiction on your own which is why you should reach out to a treatment center that specializes in this type of addiction which will help you to work through the different aspects of the issue. 

Quitting Drugs is Hard, But Worth It!

Regardless of whether you’re suffering from alcohol use disorders or general drug addiction, it goes without saying that quitting drugs is hard. However, although it may be difficult to quit drugs, the rewards associated with it will be worth it in the end. Once you complete your drug detox program, you will be in a better place to take advantage of an addiction treatment program that can be personalized to suit your needs. There are many people who complete a drug detox program and make the decision to commit to an inpatient addiction drug treatment program. During inpatient addiction drug rehab, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of the treatment facility that you choose which can provide you with the type of environment that you need to exclusively focus on yourself and your drug or alcohol addiction. 

There are many people who struggle with addiction, however, who are unable to commit to an inpatient addiction drug treatment program for one reason or another. If you fall into this category, you may find that an outpatient treatment program may be better for you. An outpatient treatment program is much more flexible in comparison to an inpatient treatment program. During an outpatient treatment program, you will still be able to go to work or school while completing your addiction treatment. 

Keep in mind that your recovery is something that will last you for the rest of your life. Any of the top-rated drug rehabs will give you the opportunity to participate in aftercare or a sober living program. The leading benefit of making the decision to work through this type of program is that it will help you to adjust to a life of sobriety. Something else that is strongly recommended when it comes to your aftercare treatment is that you make the commitment to attending Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. You will come to find that these meetings are similar to group therapy sessions that you experienced during the time that you were in treatment. 

Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings take place throughout the day nearly at any time during the day almost anywhere. During these meetings, you will have the opportunity to make connections with other people that are trying to navigate their own recovery. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences in addiction and in recovery and you will also have the chance to listen to the experiences of others. These meetings usually last for an hour but they can prove to be the best opportunity for you to maintain your sobriety and meet people that you can include in your overall system of support. Your system of support is something that will become invaluable to you as you continue in your recovery journey. 

Drug Addiction Treatment at Resurgence Behavioral Health

If you’re made multiple attempts to quit drugs or alcohol and you’re ready to commit to an addiction treatment program, you can take comfort in the fact that the team at Resurgence will help you to navigate through your substance abuse issues. Whether you’re struggling with cocaine addiction or another type of drug abuse, our treatment team has had experience in helping clients from all walks of life overcome their physical dependence on addictive substances. To learn more about drug addiction or the substance abuse treatment programs that we offer at Resurgence, we encourage you to get in touch with us today at (855) 458-0050.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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