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8 Types of Addiction

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There are eight types of addiction that are sorted into two different categories; substance addiction and behavioral addiction. This doesn’t mean that you can only have one or the other when it comes to addiction; in fact, many who start with one kind of addiction typically pick up another kind of addiction along the way. It’s also very common for those who suffer from addiction to also have a mental health disorder, a condition known as a co-occurring disorder. Luckily, there are professionals who can help, including the expert team at Resurgence Behavioral Health.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

What is Addiction?

Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something. It is often referred to as SUD, or substance use disorder, classifying it as a disease that affects your brain and your behavior. While there are different kinds of addiction, there are some clear signs that someone has a problem:

  • Neglecting responsibilities.
  • Increase in anxiety and depression.
  • Relationship problems.
  • Financial issues.
  • Mood swings.

Substance Addictions

Substance addiction, or substance use disorder, is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medicine. There are four categories under substance addiction: alcohol addiction, drug addiction, prescription medication addiction, and nicotine addiction. Among the various types of addiction, substance addictions are usually what come to mind first.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is the repetitive use of alcohol as a medicinal treatment for underlying causes like depression and stress. It affects the brain’s ability to think clearly, coordinate, and balance, making you prone to falls. Over long-term usage, alcohol damages not only the brain but the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. There are a few different treatment options for those who wish to get help, including onsite recovery facilities where you can focus on getting the help you need and the right tools to continue to live a successful sober life. Other options also include seeking professional help such as therapy and going to support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction or drug dependency is when an individual’s day-to-day life is only functional with the help of drugs. While someone might have started with one drug like an opioid such as Oxycodone, over time, they might build up an intolerance and move on to something harder, trying to reach the same kind of high they first experienced. There are opioids, like oxycodone, heroin, and fentanyl, as well as cocaine and methamphetamine.

Prescription Medication Addiction

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to start a drug addiction is through your doctor. Those who have been in serious accidents are often given a heavy painkiller like oxycodone to help with the pain. While it might help with the pain, it is also one of the easiest paths towards a prescription medication addiction. Most states regulate prescription medication so that a patient doesn’t accidentally become addicted.

Nicotine Addiction

While we might not think of smoking when considering the types of addiction, it can actually lead to a nicotine addiction. Nicotine addiction is just like any other drug addiction — there are health impacts like cravings, irritability, attention issues, and sleep issues, as well as other major health issues like heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and cancers. Many choose to go cold turkey when trying to quit nicotine, while others choose to go the reduction way. There are benefits to both, but talking to a healthcare provider is another option, as there might be medication to help you quit.

Behavioral Addictions

Among the various types of addiction, behavioral addiction is a non-substance-related disorder that involves the compulsion to engage in a rewarding behavior despite any negative consequences to the person’s mental, social, physical, or financial well-being. They are gambling addiction, internet and gaming addiction, food addiction, and sex and pornography addiction. While each is different, they still include the common compulsion to do something and receive the reward.                                                                     

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is when someone cannot control the urge to gamble without any concern about the consequences. Gambling may look like playing slot machines, betting on horse races, or even online poker games, but it’s all about taking a risk with the potential outcome of making more than you put in. The difference between someone gambling for fun and someone with a gambling addiction is that someone who is doing it for fun can stop and walk away, while someone with an addiction simply can’t. The potential consequences for someone with a gambling addiction are financial ruin, bankruptcy, and job loss, all of which could lead to homelessness and more mental health problems. 

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Internet and Gaming Addiction

Like the other types of addiction, internet and gaming addiction have the same bases, where you have impaired control over gaming and prioritize gaming and the internet over everything else. A side effect of gaming addiction is gaming anxiety, where you compulsively think about the game you just played, obsess about playing it again, and then find yourself restless and irritable when you do play it. 

Food Addiction

Food addiction works in a similar way to a drug addiction; the person eats certain food to obtain a feeling, like happy or content, even though they are not hungry. While that sounds like something we might all do once in a while, the addiction part is not being able to stop consuming that food or consuming other types to get the same “high.” The difference between a food addiction and an eating disorder is simply the eating pattern and seeking the reward while eating disorders are more of a psychological disorder. 

Sex and Pornography Addiction

Having a sex and pornography addiction can be very harmful both mentally and physically to a relationship. While the sex addict might not think about the consequences of their actions in the moment, there are no doubt going to be consequences. The biggest effect of having a sex addiction while in a relationship is trust; more than likely, they have cheated on their partner to get their “fix,” and the foundation of any relationship could be permanently damaged. Another effect of sex addiction could be the spreading of STDs from having unprotected sex. While the media often makes light of sex and pornography addiction, it should be taken just as seriously as any other addiction.

Co-Occurring Disorders

There are more than 24 million people in the United States who suffer from one or more forms of addiction, and between 9.4 and 14 million of those people also struggle with some sort of other mental health disorder. While some people who do struggle with addiction are aware of their other mental health problems, and that is their main reason for the addiction (like alcohol and narcotics), most are unaware. This is called a co-occurring disorder when someone is diagnosed with an addiction and a mental health disorder. Thankfully, there is dual diagnosis treatment, which will help someone struggling with addiction and lead them to the road of recovery, but also help treat their other mental health disorders. This is greatly important to treat both, as the other mental health struggles could be the underlying cause of the addiction.

Addiction Treatment that
Just Works

Individualized treatment programs delivered in a comfortable, relaxed setting promote healing in your recovery journey.

Treatment Options for Different Types of Addiction

There are different treatment options to help with the many different types of addiction:

  • Medical detox would be for those who are experiencing or may experience withdrawal symptoms from substance addictions like alcohol or drugs.
  • Inpatient rehab programs are for those who are starting out in their recovery process. While under the inpatient program, you will have 24-hour access to medical professionals, addiction experts, and psychologists, as well as group and one-on-one therapy sessions.
  • Outpatient treatment programs are more flexible and can offer the same kind of therapy as inpatient programs. They are ideal for those who are on their recovery journey and need extra professional support.

While being seen by a professional to start your addiction recovery, your therapist will curate a specialized plan just for you and choose the most effective behavioral therapy for you:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help identify harmful behavioral patterns and replace them with healthy alternatives in both thinking and behaving. Practicing is one of the biggest components of CBT; you practice the new, healthier patterns and replace the addiction pattern of thinking and acting.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy is talk therapy that’s based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) but specially adapted for those who experience intense emotions. DBT focuses on helping those accept the reality of their lives and behaviors, not just for addiction but for other mental health conditions.
  • Rational emotive behavioral therapy is a type of cognitive therapy that helps you learn more positive, productive ways to react to certain stresses, traumatic experiences, or events in your life. REBT is a life philosophy based on the idea that when you become distressed during certain events, it’s not the event that is upsetting but your ingrained beliefs that cause your reaction to certain emotions.

How Resurgence Behavioral Health Can Help You Overcome Addiction

At Resurgence Behavioral Health, our highly trained medical staff take a more holistic approach to addiction treatment, not only treating the addiction but taking into account your physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual needs. Our team is made up of medical professionals, certified addiction specialists, and licensed therapists, many of who have struggled with addiction themselves and now flourish in a sober life. At Resurgence Behavioral Health, all treatment programs, including inpatient addiction treatment, are customized and geared toward your sustained addiction recovery. Our facility feels more like a home away from home, aiming for a harmonious environment. While at Resurgence Behavioral Health, you can focus on yourself and sobriety. Contact us online or call us at 855-458-0050 today to get started.

David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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