What Steps Should You Take If You Struggle with Addiction?

Getting Addiction Treatment
Are you ready to overcome your addiction challenges?
This is a step-by-step guide that can help you manage cravings, deal with relapse, and overcome your addiction disorder.
Immediate Placement in Rehab for Addiction Treatment
The First Steps towards Addiction Treatment: Embracing Change
Developing an addiction, whether drugs or drinking, is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw, and it will take more than just willpower to successfully overcome the issue. Abusing alcohol and certain prescription or illegal drugs can lead to changes in the brain and the central nervous system (CNS). This causes powerful cravings and a compulsion to keep using the substances, making sobriety seem like an impossible mission.
However, recovering is never impossible, regardless of how hopeless your situation appears or how many times you have tried to quit and failed before. With the appropriate addiction treatment and support, change is always a possibility.
For several individuals struggling with addiction, the hardest step towards recovery is often the first step – recognizing and identifying that there is a problem and deciding to work towards recovery changes. Feelings of uncertainty about whether you are prepared to begin your recovery journey or if you have what it takes to quit are normal.
Furthermore, people battling with addiction to a prescription drug might be concerned about how they are going to find an alternative treatment to a medical condition. In any case, it is okay to feel torn. A commitment to sobriety involves several lifestyle changes, including:
- Who you allow into your life
- The way you manage stress
- What you do with your free time
- How you think about yourself
- The over-the-counter and prescription medications you take
Conflicted feelings may arise about giving up your addiction even though you are aware that it is causing problems in your life. The path to recovery requires time, support, and motivation, but committing to change can help you overcome addiction and regain control of your life.
Learn More About Addiction Treatment Steps
Preparing For Change: Keys to Addiction Recovery
- Constantly remind yourself of the reasons why you want to change
- Deliberate on your previous attempts at recovery, if any. Identify what worked and what did not
- Specific, measurable goals are crucial – set them. Goals may include start dates, substance use limits, etc.
- Get rid of your addiction reminders from your home, workplace, and every other place you go to frequently
- Tell family and friends about your commitment to recovery, and solicit for their support
Explore and Study Your Addiction Treatment Options
After committing to recovery, the next step is exploring your treatment options. While addiction treatments can differ according to the specific substance – alcohol and certain prescription or illegal drugs, successful addiction treatment programs often have different elements, including:
Detoxification – Generally, the first step is to get rid of alcohol, benzodiazepines, and other addictive drugs from your system and manage withdrawal symptoms. It is highly recommended that drug and alcohol detox is done under medical supervision at addiction treatment centers.
At Resurgence, we believe long-term recovery is never a final destination but an ongoing process of bracing up and coping with life without relapsing into addictive behaviors. It requires a commitment that can waver at times. Our addiction treatment professionals understand that you will always require support. We wish you well as you undertake this vital step towards recovery.
Medication may be prescribed to manage any withdrawal symptoms, avert relapse, or treat co-occurring emotional and mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.
Behavioral counseling – Individual, family, and/or group therapy can help users identify the root causes of their abuse, repair relationships, and learn better coping skills.
Long-term follow-up – This is also useful as it helps to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety. Online meetings or regular in-person support groups are just a few ways to help maintain your recovery journey.
Types of Addiction Treatment Programs
Residential treatment – This involves living at an addiction treatment center or facility and getting away from school, work, friends, family, and any addiction triggers while undergoing intensive addiction treatment. Residential treatment may last between a few days and several months.
Partial hospitalization/ Day treatment – Partial hospitalization programs are for individuals who need ongoing medical monitoring prefer to still live at home and keep experiencing a stable living environment. Day treatment programs typically meet at addiction treatment centers for between seven and eight hours during the day, then you might go home at night.
Outpatient treatment – This is not a live-in treatment program. Outpatient treatment programs can be scheduled around school or work. You are treated in the day or evening but do not stay overnight. The main aim is to avoid relapse.
Sober living communities – Living in sober houses usually follows an intensive addiction treatment program like residential treatment. You co-reside with other recovering addicts within a drug and alcohol-free, safe, and supportive environment. Addiction treatment centers with sober living facilities are helpful if patients have nowhere to go or they are worried that a quick return to their homes will lead to relapse.
Helpful Tips for Finding a Reputable Addiction Treatment Program for You
- Always keep in mind that everyone will not respond to the same treatment.
- Addiction treatments should address more than just your alcohol and/or drug abuse.
- Commitment and follow-through are key.
- Seek treatment for any co-occurring emotional or mental health problems simultaneously.
Find Out More on Addiction Treatment Steps After Rehab
Find Support for Your Addiction Recovery
Never attempt to do it alone – reach out and seek support. Regardless of the treatment approach, having a solid support system and positive influences are essential. The more people who offer you encouragement, guidance, and a listening ear, the higher your chances of recovery.
- Lean on family and close friends
- Build a sober social network
- Consider moving into sober living communities
- Make meetings a priority
Learn Healthy Strategies to Cope With Stress
Now that you have addressed your immediate addiction problems and commenced addiction treatment, you now have to tackle the issues that led to your abuse in the first place. What were your reasons to start using – to numb painful emotions, forget about your problems, unwind after an awful day, or calm yourself after a heated argument?
Once you are sober, the negative feelings that were dampened by your alcohol and drug abuse will resurface. For addiction treatment to be successful, you will first need to resolve those underlying issues.
Once these issues have been resolved, you will sometimes continue to experience stress, frustration, loneliness, anger, anxiety, shame, and hopelessness. These emotions all make up part of normal life. Identifying ways to address these emotions as they arise is a crucial component of your treatment and recovery.
Furthermore, there are healthier ways to balance your stress level. It is possible to manage your problems without relapsing into your addiction. When you become confident in your ability to de-stress, facing strong emotions and feelings becomes less overwhelming and intimidating.
Keep Abuse Triggers and Cravings in Check
Getting sober does not mean your recovery journey has ended. Your brain still requires time to recover and reestablish connections that changed during your addiction. During this phase, drug cravings can intensify. You can support your recovery process by abstaining from situations that might trigger your urge to use. Some steps include:
- Stepping away from friends who use
- Avoiding bars and clubs
- Being upfront about your addiction history when seeking medical treatment
- Applying caution with prescription drugs
Coping With Addiction Cravings
Sometimes, cravings are unavoidable, and it is crucial to identify ways to cope:
- Immerse yourself in distracting activities – reading, exercising, hiking, etc.
- Talk it through
- Challenge and change your thoughts
- Urge surf
Build a Meaningful Addiction-Free Life
You can support your addiction treatment and keep yourself from relapse by having interests and activities that feel your life with meaning. It is important to get involved with things that bring you joy, make you feel needed, and essentially, provide your life with meaning. Once your life is filled and surrounded with rewarding activities, and you have a sense of purpose, your addiction will gradually diminish in appeal.
You can:
- Try a new hobby or pick up an old one
- Adopt a pet. They offer a sense of responsibility. Caring for animals also makes you feel loved and needed
- Spend time in nature – fishing, scenic hike, camping, regular walks, etc.
- Enjoy arts – attend plays or concerts, visit a museum, write a memoir, etc.
- Get involved in your community. Volunteer, become an active member of your faith community or church. Join a neighborhood group or local club
- Set meaningful goals
- Look after your health. Keep your stress levels down and energy levels up by exercising regularly, having adequate sleep, and cultivating healthy eating habits
Do Not Let Relapse Pull You Down
Relapse is a common component of the recovery process from any addiction. While it can be discouraging and frustrating, it also offers you an opportunity to address your mistakes, identify additional triggers, and adopt a more appropriate addiction treatment course.
Remember that relapse does not mean addiction treatment failure. Never give up. Talk to your therapist, contact your sponsor, attend meetings, or schedule a medical appointment with your doctor.
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Addiction Treatment Center at Resurgence
If you are struggling with addiction, Resurgence can help.
Reach out to us today to learn more about our addiction treatment programs.
We aim to improve the quality of life of individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
We do not offer a guarantee, but you are sure to get the treatment and support that your addiction requires.